the drunk queen

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"the heart of manipulation is to empathize without being touched"

Angelica Raven Porter



•face claim•
Salma Hayek

Closet Lesbian (she'll never come out, so don't expect her to)

August 14

Angelica was always a manipulative bítch. That will never change. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and most of the time it's inappropriate, rude, and just plain mean. She is a drunk, and she has been since her husband began beating her and Juliet. She is loud and demands to be heard most of the time, but she will stand and be silent if her husband wishes. Just as her husband wanted, she is beautiful, and she often uses that to her advantage to get what she wants.

This family is one of strong minds, and while the king and Juliet are smart in a way that they use their heads to get through things, Angelica finds people's weaknesses and uses them. She is manipulative. She is beautiful.

Juliet. Angelica never shows it, but she really does love her daughter. She's just too afraid of her husband to help her. She's also physically very weak, and most people don't like her because she likes to speak her mind.

•thoughts on the selection•
She hopes that her husband will give Juliet a proper chance at love, but she knows that he won't.

Angelica grew up on the island of Calypta in a family of five: her parents, a brother, a sister, and herself. They weren't poor, but they weren't rich. They survived. She was quite the sweetheart, and many guys fell for her. Of course, she wasn't interested. When the Selection came along, she saw her opportunity for a better life in luxury. At 17, she won the selection and became queen. Since then, she has had Juliet and has been the recipient of countless beatings from her husband.

"he doesn't change, yet she still stays"

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