chapter 5 Going Quickly

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Ok,maybe I made camp sound really fun. It is. Until your cabin has to clean the camp because someone threw a party. Which makes me wonder,how did Glatys find out.
"Stupid Hazel" said Zuri."She told Glatys about the party!"
"How do we know Hazel did it?" I asked.
" We just do."Jorge said.
Camp is gonna be over soon. I really need to make the most of my time here. There was a new camper yesterday. His name is Brian. He is super cute. I think he likes me ,because yesterday,when we were at the archery range, he kept on staring at me. Almost 100,000,000 girls were flirting with him, but he rejected all of them.

Guess what! Today, Brian asked me to go on a picnic at the spot with him. I said "totally". Zuri was on a date with a kid named Austin. So, we decided to go on a double date. Brian and I pulled Emma's trick an said we were chatting, but here's what really happened. We sat down and talked about r favorite shows and books. And get this,he asked "have u ever been kissed before?"
"Only once. His name was---" before I could finish,something happened. He kissed me!!!!! I started to kiss back. It lasted like 1 minute!! After, he said "make that twice" then we kissed again.

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