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      "Cool I'm Daniel by the way." He says.

     "Nice meet you Daniel." I said.

     He was about to answer me before the teacher cut him off.
     "Alright class my name is Mr. Blossomburger." He stated. "And don't you dare call me by my first name or it will be detention for you!"

     'Oh great he's one of those teachers.' I thought to myself.

     "And now we'll be going over the list of rules for my classroom. If you dare disobey my rules then detention for you!" He went on. I waited desperately to get out of his class as time didn't even seem to pass. (How poetic of me)

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     "Alright class, you're dismissed. Now get out." Mr. Blossomburger said.

     Daniel walked out of class with me and we talked as I headed towards my locker.

     "You should sit with us at lunch." Daniel said to me as I opened my locker.

     "Us?" I asked. I cringed at the thought of people.

     "Yeah you'll be able to meet my other friends." Daniel replied

     "I don't really like people." I said.

     "Well you like me don't you?" He asked.

     "I don't know you're kinda annoying." I said in a joking manner.

     "Ouch. That hurts. Long journal entry about that tonight."(#venom) Daniel said holding his chest pretending to be hurt.

     I laughed. "Alright, alright, I'll sit with you just go to class and get out of my face."

     "Um sorry to break it to you, but you're stuck with this handsome face all day. We have all the same classes together remember?" Daniel stated cockily.

     "No I think I zoned out because you're boring." I laughed as we headed to class.

     When we got to class Daniel and I found seats in the middle row. On my left sat a boy with dirty blonde hair and on my right sat Daniel.

     "Hey." I heard a voice say to me.

     I looked to my right expecting to see Daniel trying to talk to me again, because he never shuts up, but to my surprise he was talking to the person on his right, not even acknowledging me.

     "Over here." The voice repeated.

     I looked over to my left to see the boy with dirty blonde hair trying to get my attention.

     "Oh hey." I nervously waved at him.

     "I'm Andy." He introduced himself.

     I nodded at him and was about to look back at my desk until he spoke up again.

     "And you are?" He asked.

     "Oh right. Sorry." I said. "I'm y/n."

     "Nice name." He said. "How's your first day going so far?"

     "Meh. As boring as it gets so far. What about you?" I asked.

     "Same story here." He said nervously laughing.
     I nervously laughed back and faced my head back at my desk. I thought we were done talking and I could move on with my life but to no avail he started talking again. Don't get me wrong it's not like I didn't want to talk to him, I just really don't like awkward conversations. They make me sick.

     "So what's your next class?" He asked. Man he was persistent.

     "Oh I have Algebra 1 next." I replied, still nervous I might add.

     "Oh cool so do I." He said. "Wanna sit next to me?"

     "Sure I guess." I reply.

     "Cool. Can I see your schedule, maybe we have more classes together?" He asked again.

     "Uh yeah. Here you go." I say pulling out my schedule and handing it to him.

     "Hmmm." He hummed thinking. "It looks like we have Algebra 1, Earth Science, and literature together. And well, lunch of course." He lightly laughed.

     I laughed a little back. "Cool beans." I told him.

     "Cool beans?" He asked questioning my nature. How dare he.

     "How dare you question my ways of life?" I asked him holding my hand to my chest and pretending to be hurt.

     "Wow sorry didn't know your ways of life were a touchy subject for you." He joked.

     "They are indeed a touchy subject for me and I would so greatly appreciate it if you didn't bring them up." I acted as if someone just questioned my religion or something.

     "Yes ma'am." He said saluting me and laughing.

     After that we both laughed for minute and the teacher started class.

     "Alright class my name is Mrs. Newberry and I'm sure you've all been doing this all day so far but we're gonna have to do it again." She said.

     I already knew what she was gonna say next. We were gonna play one of those annoying games where we get to know each other and literally everyone who's ever existed hates.

     "Today we're gonna be playing 2 truths and a lie!" She said enthusiastically. Called it.

     Everyone in the class groaned. Some kid even asked Mrs. Newberry if we could just skip doing it but she had her mind set on playing the game anyway.

     "Aw come on guys at least pretend like you care!" Mrs. Newberry tried to reason with us.

     "I totally care about this Mrs. Newberry!" Andy joked around. "It's the best thing I've done all day!" He told her.

     "And the only thing." I whispered to him rolling my eyes and laughing.

     "Well that's good to know..." Mrs. Newberry started. "Um what's your name again?" She asked Andy.

     "It's Andy." He told her.

     "Oh. Well Andy, that's good to know. Now let's get started!" She said again and we all began playing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

     After an exhausting game of 2 truths and a lie we headed to our next classes. I sat next to Andy in all of the classes we had together, Daniel got on my nerves a lot, I sat with Andy and Daniel at lunch and met a few of his friends, I went to my last period, and now it was FINALLY time to go home. I was sitting out front of the school waiting for my mom to pull up when I heard a familiar voice next to me.

     "Hey mi Amiga." Andy said behind me. I turned to face him with an angry look on my face.

     "Did you just question my gender?" I asked him in a mocking tone.

     "I mean, you look like a girl." He said to me rubbing the back of his neck. I could tell he was getting nervous.

     "Dude I'm just joking." I said laughing.

     "Oh good." He said. "It's so hard to tell when you're joking or not."

     "Wow I didn't think it was that hard." I said.

     Andy was about to say something else but my mom pulled up right as he was.

     "Oh well that's my mom." I told Andy waving him goodbye.

     "Oh ok. Bye y/n!" He said waving at me.

     "Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" I dragged out at him.

     When I got into the car and buckled my seatbelt (so we can be safe) the first thing my mom asked me was-

     "So? Who was that guy?"


Wowie!!! Another chapter out. Sorry I didn't update for so long I was lazy and had school. Also about the 'questioning the gender' part sorry if that offended you at all it wasn't meant to be taken that way. Also I promise you that you will meet Stephen soon I'm just building up the story line right now. You'll probably meet him in chapter 4 if everything goes according to plan. Ok that's all for now byeeee.

1245 words

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