chapter one

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School blues

VENUS AND HER BROTHERS WALKED SIDE by side up to the entrance of Beacon Hills high. They were settling in...okay? Except for the few spats that Venus got into it with a couple of the students who pushed passed her in the hallway or dared to give her an attitude.

They deserved it, of course.

"How about we all try keeping our hands to ourselves today?" Cal spoke up, motioning his head towards his sister who simply rolled her eyes.

"Seeing her beat up that lacrosse player was actually kinda funny." Gil tried to prevent a laugh, but, it escaped his lips and his siblings both sent him a glare, the boy holding his hands in the air. "Okay, okay, my bad. I guess it's too soon."

"He did deserve it though, asshole." Venus mumbled, lightly shaking her head as she gripped onto one of the straps of her bag. "Can I just say that human boys are way less cute, and nice, and polite than I thought they'd be?"

"Did you expect to ride off into the sunset with your prince charming, V?" Calypso opened the door for his siblings, all of them walking inside.

The trio all had classes in different directions, Cal being a senior, V being a junior, and Gil being a sophomore but, they didn't care enough to split up while their conversation was in progress.

"No, I didn't expect to ride off into the sunset but I figured being on the lacrosse team would earn me some respect around here." Venus scoffed as the trio reached her locker, the girl putting her passcode in within seconds.

"I still don't know how you maneuvered that if i'm honest." Gil leaned on one of the neighboring lockers, running a hand through his hair.

"The team sucks, all I had to do is outrun one of the players in gym class and the coach was putty in my hands." The Vatura girl shrugged her shoulders lightly. "It was pretty easy."

Her brothers exchanged awkward glances as the girl pulled a few books from out of her locker.

"Way to sound like a super villain." Gil mumbled, backing away from his siblings. "I gotta get to class, i'll see you guys at home."

"He's right, you're acting out and people are noticing." Cal spoke, his sister rolling her eyes before slamming her locker door shut. "We don't need a bunch of attention on us, we stay here six months, and then go back home, no need to make a splash."

"I'm not going back, we've talked about this." Venus pressed a firm hand on her forehead, trying to rub out the tension as the pair made their way down the hallway.

"Sign ups in the locker room to search for a missing girl, any signatures immediately get an A in my class." Coach Finstock informed the two as he walked passed them in the hallway, giving Cal, who had barely gone to his class an i'm watching you look.

"Guess you've made a splash, brother." The Vatura girl laughed as she punched her older brothers shoulder, walking towards the boys locker room to go sign up.

Automatic A meant she wouldn't have to show up for class anymore.

"Uh, what are you doing—" Calypso was shocked as his sister entered the boys locker room without a care, following her inside.

Boys in the room all cheered as she walked through, not really giving them the slightest of glances. Her target was the sign up sheet, and then after that she'd leave and go to class. Up until she seen her neighbor signing the paper too.

"Glad to see you're alive." She commented, making the startled boy turn around just as he finished jotting down his name. "and jumpy."

"Yeah, well, you snuck up on me." The boy held up the pen in his hand, watching as the Vatura girl snatched it, making her way over to the sign up sheet.

"Issac Lahey, huh? Not really what I expected your name to be." Venus wrote her name in a horrendous way, the girl hardly used to writing things down with a pen.

"I would talk about your name but I can't read that." The neighbor boy scratched the back of his neck, nervously looking around to avoid catching eyes with the girl.

"It's Venus, i'm used to V." The Vatura girl narrowed her eyes, noticing the large bruise that covered the boys face. "Your old man needs to invest in a punching bag, a real one."

"Can you not tell anyone about it, please?" Issac's eyes were practically pleading for the girl not to, she could sense the fear radiating off of him, making her tilt her head to the side.

"Fine, but you need to protect yourself next time." Venus, not knowing her advice would only cause more problems continued. "You need to fight back."

... in hind sight, maybe she should have kept her mouth shut.

  TRAILING THROUGH THE WOODS WITHOUT KNOWING who the hell you were looking for was never a good idea. However, in search of an A, Venus was looking around for Lydia Martin who was supposedly a short, naked, red head. She figured that wouldn't be too hard to miss, she was wrong.

"This is pointless." She mumbled, kicking a pile of leaves to the side as she heard voices from not too far away, looking up to see a man being chased by a group of people.

It didn't look too good.

Venus was never one to save others, so, she stepped back, hiding behind a tree as she watched the man get caught. The girl let out a gulp as they hung him up, stabbing some sort of poison inside of him. Then, she seen his eyes, those eyes that she had been trained to stay away from.

Werewolf eyes.

"Hunters." She mumbled to herself, the girl biting the inside of her cheek as she contemplated what to do.

On one hand, she wasn't particularly in the mood to watch a murder, and on the other? If she walked away now, they'd hear the crackling of her feet stepping on leaves and kill her too.

Maybe she shouldn't have been so lazy, then she wouldn't be in this situation but, the girl always tended to do things she'd regret.

"Please, no!" The older, and scared man yelled at the top of his lungs, his screams silenced as an even older man killed him on sight.

Guns wasn't something she was exactly used to, and the girl realized that she was in for a world of pain if she didn't prepare for them.

... but, as her scales hardened around her arms, she realized it... Venus Vatura was bullet proof.

Again, super short but I just wanted to intro some before Issac turns into a wolf which is literally next chapter lmfao.

Gil or Cal?

Hope you enjoyed!

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