Chapter 25

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Jason's POV

Taking the gun out of Justin's hands, thinking about our plan, we headed into our secret room in the house. Brooke had asked me about it once before but I always told her it was nothing when it was really something that could hold her life in its hands. "I've always wanted to hurt Mitchell. Him having excruciating pain the whole time I tortured his soul" Justin mumbled. "Likewise" I say. Walking to the corner of the room to the black, stainless steel safe, unlocking it and pulling out a stack of papers. Beyond that stack of papers was a list full of addresses of places in which Mitchell likes hiding out in. When Justin and I were about fifteen, we decided to snoop around the local area. There were woods behind an abandoned gas station that we had never explored. So that's exactly what we did.


"I'm bored out of my innocent little mind" Justin chuckled with full blown sarcasm as he lay on his bed. "Innocent my ass" I mumble and continued reading my book for English class. Mrs. Benson was one of the most annoying teachers in the school. I was interrupted as something soft smacks me in my face, causing me to push back a little. He just threw a pillow at me. "Do not st-" I was about to say when he then again interrupted me. "I'm bored! Let's do something!" I looked over at him and sighed. "Wanna explore those woods behind that one abandoned place?" He smirked, nodding his head. I have to admit, I was bored too...

-Time Skip--Abandoned Gas Station-

Crunching on a bunch of leaves and twigs with our feet, we managed to get into the woods without anybody from the neighboring houses calling the police. Well at least we know as of right now. Not like we're idiots who don't know how to be stealthy. We were still walking for what had seemed like years, it's starting to get dark. "Jason there's nothing he-" Justin said but stopped once he saw something. I followed his gaze to what looked like an abandoned cement plant. Being the curious kid I am I pulled out my phone and searched up my area, finding this spot, and looking through the history. This is what the document said:

(Before you read this. Yes I know it's in Detroit, Michigan but I'm using it in Canada for the story)

"In 1956, the Peerless Cement Corporation built a new plant along Brennan Avenue. The plant closed sometime before 2000, and has been vacant since.

Sometime between 2011 and 2012, the coal bunker, rotary kiln, and several feeding tanks were demolished."

That's all it said. Not much history then. "Doesn't say anything about being haunted, so let's go" I whispered. He nodded and started walking at a fast pace through the old parking lot. I followed him to what seemed like the entrance. He was about to reach for the door handle when I heard laughter coming from the second floor through a damaged window. We both glared at the window waiting for some kid to troll us by popping out at us. Nothing happened though. Justin kept complaining about getting chills down his spine so we decided to go back home. Running through the lot, back into the woods we both heard another voice say "Did you see something outside Mitchell? I swear if someone finds out we've been hiding in here, we're screwed!" That being a little weird, we started sprinting than just running. We both bursts through the front door after running a few blocks. "Jesus guys" my mom says as she puts the milk bag into the fridge (A/N:Yes I know milk comes in bags in Canada) "Sorry ma" Justin said as we both ran up the stairs, into our room. "That was Mitchell Anderson. He's a fucking douche. I literally wanna ruin his life" he says. I nod in agreement. "How bout we scout out other places to see if we can rat him out whenever he get's in trouble" I say. He catches my eye, looking at me with a huge grin painted on his face. "That sounds amazing" he slightly hollers.

*End of flashback*

And that ladies and gentlemen is why Mitchell Anderson hates my guts. He was accused of selling drugs when he enrolled into college. He was two years older than Justin and I. We both agreed to rat him out since we saw him selling to other people such as other kids from class and grown men. He was then sent to court with proof and was proven guilty, being rejected for his enrollment. Once we did what we did we've never felt better...until now. Opening my laptop and turning it on, I looked over at Ariana. "Hey, what are you good with" I asked her. "I may seem nice and innocent but I can hack into things such as trails to phone numbers, grade books, security cameras..." she kept going on. "Tell me where this phone number leads once you find out" I said handing her a piece of paper and letting her sit in front of the laptop. She nodded as if she knew exactly what we're doing. Sitting on another chair, propping myself against the desk, I scanned through the list of addresses, scratching out ones that were torn down or rebuilt into different buildings. I hope to the grace of God that she's still okay. If he or anybody hurts her I swear I won't be able to forgive myself. After about half an hour of scratching and typing, Ariana tapped my shoulder, signaling she found something. I turn around and see the screen with the address all over it. Not at all surprising to either of us...

I left you with a cliffhanger XD. Sorry not sorry. I guess this is like a fill up chapter since I haven't updated in like 12987900 years ya go. Check out my cover shop please! Vote and comment, I love ya'll XOXO- Lilly

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