Chapter 37

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Brooke's POV


We all turned our heads to see an officer in the shadows. I could make out male figure, with a tall frame. My uncle is about that tall, and he's a...police officer. "Uncle Derek?" I say with a voice crack. "Brooke? Is that you?" he asked as he came into the light. I nodded my head making sure he saw. "You said you were what now?" I swallowed hard ready to tell him the story.


"All of this just because of something he did in high school?". 

"Yup." we all said in unison. He turned towards four officers and titled his head towards their cars. "Go find this man somewhere near the Ohio River and arrest him." he spoke. They all nodded and obeyed his commands. "I'll only give Justin a ticket for speeding and you're free to go." I jumped up happily as an officer un-cuffed my hands. Running over to my uncle, I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him the biggest hug I could give him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I kept repeating until he told me to calm down. "Your parents have been notified by me, tell them I love them." I mouthed 'ok' and and said my goodbyes. After everyone left I decided to stay out for some fresh air.

  I sat there on the porch inhaling the air created by nature. The view from our house was beautiful. The trees swayed as if they were hairs on someone's head on a windy day. Leaves would fall every few minutes. I'd watch as they'd fall to the ground and and pile up in small patches. The trees can be very beautiful and helpful to life. Thinking about it, they create some of our oxygen. Most of it comes from algae in lakes, oceans, seas, etc. Did any of you know that without algae we wouldn't be able to breath due to the lack of oxygen? 

 I jumped as I heard a creaking sound. I relaxed when I turned around just to see Jason opening the door. He smiles as he took a seat next to me. "I'm so thankful to have such a beautiful view on my porch." he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and spoke. "Your porc-" "You. I have two beautiful views but the one I see the most is you." I blush at his words. This boy really knows how to make a girl's heart melt. He pulled me into his chest and rested his chin on my head. "I'm also very thankful to have you in my life." I looked up into his icy blue eyes and planted a kiss on his chin. He giggled and looked down at me. Man I love that giggle so much. Our faces got closer, so I took the chance and locked lips with his. He kissed me back passionately, holding my back as he did so. 

 I smiled in the kiss as I felt him gulp. He looked extremely nervous, hands shaking. He smiled trying to hide his nervousness. "What is it babe?" I asked. "Brooke, I love you so very much. Your personality is the funniest, the sweetest, and the most bravest. You're my sunrise on the darkest day (see what I did there *wink wink*). You make feel a way that most girls wouldn't. I'm glad to be having a child with you. You, the only women I love. So I have one question to ask you." A joyful tears slips down my cheeks as he motions be stand up. I stand up with him but only for a second as he gets down on one knee and pulls out a velvet box.

"Brooke Danielle Clifford, will you make me the happiest man alive a marry me?"



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