Prologue: The city of scum

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3rd person pov

Within the darkness of a abandoned building a gunshot echoes. With a body falling to the ground a small boy stares in shock. This moment  would be the beginning of a legend. Within the pool of blood this boy would become a demon. This boy's name was Y/n L/n or as the legendary Trigger demon. Born into the life of scumbags he did many thing to survive in this cruel world. He became a mercenary and a dog of war; living to fight for another's cause. Becoming a legend in both the criminal and mercenary world; this is his story.

Y/n pov

I sat on a boat laying back in a chair. While I stared at the night sky I saw the city of Roanapur in the distance.

Y/n: (mind) So that's what the hell of the Earth looks like huh? Place looks like a paradise; hard to imagine this is where the scum of the planet gather.

I chuckled with a smirk as I grabbed my drink. I remembered why I was even going to Roanapur to begin with. It started  a day ago when I got a call. Someone had a job for  me and so I accepted. So I backed up my things and made my way off to this city. I heard someone opening the door to the captain in the doorway.

Captain: We have arrive at your destination. I hope it was worth it sir.

Y/n: A job is a job captain. I'm sure you should you know that.

After leaving the ship with my things I got a look around. Roanapur earned reputation as the city of scum. Everywhere I walked prostitution and drug dealings seemed to be common place. Almost every crime seemed to happen here. This Island city was one that seemed to bite down; and never let you go. The police were practically useless as they held no real power. The ones who did were three gangs known as the Triads. One such group owned the very building I was about to enter.  Without a second thought I entered the nightclub and sat down towards the back.

Y/n: (Mind) Whoever arranged this job is smart.  With the amount of drunks and girl dancing shooting is out the option. They would have all the power here if I was an ordinary Merc. 

I rubbed the back of my head and smirked as I noticed someone sitting behind me.

Y/n: I gotta give you props for going through all the trouble. Paying for my trip and even choosing to come personally. The guards around us are a bit much though if you ask me.

???: That's quite impressive I suppose your title is well earned.

Y/n: I can say the same for you however, your alot prettier than your rumored.  For an ex KGB like you I was kinda expecting more scars


Balalaika: Charming and you've done your homework too Mr L/n? 

Y/n: Well any Merc or Soldier worth a damn knows all about you. You were a fierce soldier and probably one of Russia's greatest. While fighting in Afghanistan you were scared but you still fought. When the war was over and you won you earned the respect of every soldier there. They respected you so much that when you came here they followed suite. They went from dogs of war to the feared Hotel Moscow. If i'm being honest it's a pleasure to meet someone so fiercely dangerous yet beautiful as you. 

Balalaika lite a cigar then turned to me with a smirk.

Balalaika: Well the pleasure is all mine Mr. Trigger Demon. Now let's get down to business shall we? 

Y/n: Heh That's why I'm here isn't it? So how much is on the table here?

Balalaika:  30,000 now and a extra 30,000 when it's complete.

Balalaika let out a puff of smoke as  I grinned.

Y/n: That's pretty generous for what i'm going to assume is just one guy.

Balalaika: Well you will have competition on the matter. Naturally I felt the need to up the payment for the trouble.

Y/n: I see then..interesting. So then who's the Deadman?

I reached down for my stuff as Balalaika told me everything. After she did I said my farewells then made went on my way.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

1 hour later Y/n stood outside where his job was. Taking off the safety from his gun he smirked.

Y/n: Time to get this  party started.

Y/n pulled out the gun before quickly firing a round into a guards head. The other took notice of this then looked ahead in shock. Y/n had ran toward the guard before firing at his throat. Y/n  walked towards the door then noticed a camera. Looking into the camera Y/n grinned before doing a finger gun gesture at it. Within the building his target saw this then cursed;watching Y/n kick the door open. 


As more armed men ran towards the entrance  Y/n chuckled. A group of the men went to turn a corner  but were suddenly blasted away by a shotgun. One who survived fell to the ground in fear and stared at Y/n who held the gun.

Y/n: So then where's your boss?

1 minute later another group of men arrived seeing the survivor left pale. They went to go check on him only to be blown up from a trap made by Y/n. Y/n ran through the halls shooting every guard in sight. Seeing his targets room was up ahead stopped by the hallway.  Overhearing some guards exiting the room Y/n reloaded.

Y/n:(mind) These dumb asses are making this too easy.

Y/n pulled out a smoke grenade from his jacket. Activating it Y/n tossed it into the hall  before charging in. Y/n  grabbed a knife from his pocket before  stabbing a guard in the throat. Another guard hear this causing Y/n to shoot him. Grabbing the other dead guards gun Y/n shot the other ones down. Now with only his target remaining Y/n  kicked down the door and aimed the gun at the man.


Y/n: Good grief could you be anymore cowardly? Sorry but you tried to double cross Motel Moscow and this is the price. Nothing personal just doing my job, see ya in hell buddy.

Y/n was about to fire when he felt a gun press against the back of his head.

???: Not so fast jackass, he's mine got it?

To be continued

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