Chapter 5: Suicide

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"I'll be forgotten in time, no matter how hard I try," Lyric from Goodbye
The girl finally snapped as she ran as fast as she could. Tears fell as she stopped caring.

She ran home, and was about to knock until she heard her parents laughing. She peeked, and saw that her parents were laughing with Paul.

None of them seemed to notice that she wasn't there.  She snuck through the back, and wrote a note before leaving.

I'm sorry. I tried to--
You were right. I am a wasted life.
Come on, that's not true.
Oh, now you have a chance of heart? Now, you're too late!

She stopped thinking as she continued running. She stopped when she saw a bridge. She peeked, and saw that it didn't stop. She took off her schoolbag before sitting down near the edge.

"I'll be a wasted life, so this is my goodbye," she said, but...

~Rewind~ ⏪⏪
The girl's teacher and Sabrina searched through every house before knocking on the farthest one.

The parents stopped laughing, as Paul opened the door. "Are you the parents of Ms--" the teacher started before getting cut off.

"Where is she?" the mother asked as their eyes widened.

"I thought she was staying after school,"
"I thought Paul was picking her up,"

Both parents stared at Paul as he placed his arms defensively. "In my defense, I wasn't informed," Paul admitted sheepishly as Sabrina facepalmed.

"Look, it doesn't matter. The point is, your daughter is going to make a grave mistake. We need to find her before--" she was cut off by the girl's father.

"Just show us the way," he said bitterly, but there was concern underneath that bitter tone.

The two nodded as they started walking. The father instantly followed, the mother hesitated before following, and Paul went along.

The five went as they quickly searched for the girl before finding her sitting on the bridge.

She looked unsure, whether she wanted to continue with her plan or not.
"Stop!" all five yelled as cars passed through, for the bridge was across from the highway.

When it was safe, the five quickly ran and caught up with the girl. The girl looked rather surprised.

Her mother looked like she was on the verge of crying, her father, Paul looked stunned along with her teacher and Sabrina.

"Please don't do this," her mother and father pleaded as the girl looked down. "Why?" she asked.

"We realized how terrible we acted as parents. We should've saw the signs sooner," they both said as the girl scoff.

"Now, I'm on the verge of dying, and you choose now to care?" she asked bitterly before adding. "I was bullied in elementary! Neither of you cared. I'm an outcast in the family. I never get shown the same amount of love as Paul, but now," she paused as she gripped the edge harder.

"Now, I'm about to kill myself, and you care," she said as her voice cracked.

Sabrina was silently crying, as she was the only eighth grader--, No, she was the only student to know about this.

The girl's teacher, Mr. Armstrong simply stared at her parents with disgrace.

Her parents kept quiet, as they felt ashamed. Paul, however felt nothing from this.

"Just come with us, and we can sort things out," Sabrina said softly as she moved forward. The girl nodded, and held out her hand... Before letting go of the edge.

Sabrina watched mortified. "No!" she yelled as she leaned before helding out her hand. The girl made a small smile, but never grabbed it.

Everyone watched as she fell. The girl had tears flowing as flashbacks ran through her mind.

"I love you," she said, but by now, her voice was merely a distance. Sbe continued falling, until she was no longer seen.

Her mother shed tears as her father broke down. Paul's heart shattered. Sabrina hugged Mr. Armstrong as she cried on his shoulder.

The only brave one was Mr. Armstrong. The five soon became three as the three returned home.

Once they arrived, Paul closed the door, before heading to his younger sister's room. He usually never shed tears, unless it affected him.

"Mom, Dad, there's a note," Paul said casually. The two parents immediately ran to her room as their cheeks were wet, inciding that they were crying.

Her mother was the first to open it, as she read it. She read halfway though the letter before she ran out of her room, crying.

She gave the letter to the father as he read it. He, like his wife was halfway through, when he choked. He gave the letter to Paul before following his wife, crying.

What's so important about a note? He was about to find out.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry for being imperfect. I'm sorry that I was born different. I never meant to cause trouble to you.

I guess being me wasn't good enough. Well, now you won't have to worry about me. By the time you read this, I would've already be dead.

Don't fret though. You guys are in good hands. Paul, is the most responsible boy out there, and I'm glad that he was my brother.

                   With love, your daughter

Paul was speechless, however he saw another letter, only it was directed towards him.

Dear Paul,
Yes, I made sure to include you as well. Even though, I annoyed you (sometimes on purpose), I love you. I'm sorry if you hate me.

I'm also sorry that I caused you trouble. I tried to be strong, but I lost the battle. Not that it would've mattered to you, though.

Busy with your own life, I guess I was merely an obstacle in your path. Well, now you've one less obstacle.

Make Mom and Dad proud for me, okay? I know that I can rely on you to make this happen. After all, someone has to become famous.

Take care of Mom and Dad, for me. Okay? Oh, and be sure to make their dreams come true. At least one of us, can make it happen.

           With love, your younger sister

Now, this time, Paul was crying. He felt so ashamed of his actions.

I treated her like trash. I always wished that she was gone. Now, my wish is complete, but I never felt so...

"Empty," he finished his thought as he broke down. "I'm so sorry, sis," he admitted as this was the hardest, he ever cried.

No one showed the love the girl needed, and now she's gone. Another soul lost on this Earth. Yet, the family is broken, despite not caring for her.

Why is this? Well, all of them had a tough shell. However, she was the one that kept the family together, so now that she's gone, the family is falling apart.

All of this revolved around one event, that could have been avoided. This was her life, and she chose to end it. May she rest in peace.

The girl
Born on August 21, 2002

Died on August 25, 2013

Author Note,
Hey guys, this is the last chapter in the Bullied book. As you could tell, this wasn't a happy ending. Instead, it was the opposite.

I tried to make it realistic as possible, but feel free to give me pointers. I could always use them.

Now, this last chapter also has a lesson. This lesson is entitled Parents.

Why, Parents? Well, dear reader, Parents can either be loving towards their kids, or lead them into depression.

Now, I'm not saying all Parents are bad. Okay? So, don't get the wrong idea. In fact, I'm hoping that Adults/Parents read this, so they can keep in mind, what kind of person they want to be towards their child/children.

For starters, Parents aren't perfect. They make mistakes all the time. Parents could've been abused, have a foster home, homeless, have a single parents, and so on, from a young age.

However, their child/children wouldn't know unless their Parent told them, and/or they found out on their own. I want you all to cherish your Parents.

They raised you to be the person you're today. However, Parents can lead their kids into depression. How? By not giving them the affection they need.

Parents are often busy, and this is okay. However, when they become too busy, they often neglect their only child. As a result, the child purposely starts acting up, in an attempt to gain attention, and to be noticed by their parent/parents.

That's the only child scenario. If they have more than one child, then this can often lead to sibling rivalry. Sad, but this is the honest truth.

Unless, you know, the child gets along with their siblings, then bless you. I could use pointers, seriously. It would make life easier.

Anyway, sibling rivalry can be a problem. When Parents are dedicated to that one child, the others will use the only child scenario and act up, or down a darker path.

The darker path is depression. This doesn't help if that child is also getting bullied. If not treated on the spot, the child will go deeper and deeper, until they only have one option left...

Suicide. This is where most parents begin to show that they care, and this is the worst moment to show it.

The reason is because, the child had been depressed for so long, that instead of believing it, they see it as a lie. This causes them to go through suicide, and the child is lost.

A note is left, and the Parents and the older/younger siblings regret everything that they did.

Instead, if we interfere faster, we can actually stop it before it begins! Seriously, we can drop the suicide/depression rate by what?

15 percent? I honestly don't know, but we can drop the rate, if we just band together and treat all kids equally.

Respect their decision, even if you don't necessarily agree (unless you know, it's something stupid, then inferfere).

I don't know what else I can say. I tried, I wrote this in an attempt to make a purpose.

Thank you all for being part of this lesson. *smiles* I hope you all have a great day, and I'll see you guys in the End chapter.

Love you guys! 💖

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