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i walked in and saw Dan and Phil! Omg I've been a fan of there's since I was 7! I literally almost fainted.

"Hey you ok?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah I'm just fine. Just see my absolutely favorite youtubers that I've loved since I was seven!" I exclaim. Tyler looks over and sees them and said" oh, Dan and Phil? What are they doing on the opposite end of the world? That really strange maybe we should get out of here"

"Why? They might just be on tour. I heard that there doing something called the amazing tour is not on fire! Pleeeeeees you have to let me stay." I pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Fine but only because your giving me puppy eyes. They got to me" he say sighing. Me, I just squealed I happiness and pulled Tyler over to the bar to order a drink." Can I get a coke with some rum in it please" I say" what do you want Tyler?"

" I'll have the same as her" he says.

"Alright coming right up" the bartender says." Here take this as well" he slides over a piece of paper that happens to have his number on it. Before Tyler could see it I slipped it into my pocket. We sat down on stools and waited for our drinks to come.

"Here are your drinks" says a different bartender who this time happened to be a girl.

" Hey there hot stuff come and dance with me" a girl says and yanks Tyler into the crowd. I had to use the bathroom so I decided to go and find it. I walked over to a corner of the bar when a rag was put over my mouth and I blacked out.

I woke up in a room chained to a chair. I looked down and realized that I was wearing nothing but my bra and panties. A door opened and I saw a head pop in. The person walked into the room and I realized that it was Mitch. He walked over to me and said" Hey there girrrrrly" he said." You know I always thought you were hot but I didn't know how hot." With saying that he traced his finger over my lips and pulled on them.

"Mitch how are y... Oh hi there. You want help with her Benja?" Jerome says as he walks into the room.

"Yes get the boys will ya" he says.

Jerome calls down stairs and up come the rest of team crafted except Adam and Ashley. They seemed to know exactly what to do because they walked over to me and unchained me from the chair. I took that moment to try and run but Jerome and Ty grabbed my arms and dragged me over to an area on the floor. Chains appeared and wrapped around my ankles and wrists and slammed me on the floor on my stomach. I heard someone walk over here and Mitch came into view with a belt in his hand. He brings it up into the air and it cracks down on my back. He does it for ten minutes and then the boys take turns till everyone got a turn. Then they left the room and locked it and the chains were released. I just sat there and cried. For hours.

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