Bullied For Christ

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Blurb[Soon To Be Changed]

"It's quite easy, you know," he said, a mischievous smile forming on his lips.

"What do you mean?" I sniffed up, wiping my tears with my palms.

More silence filled the room as I looked away, unable to hold his stares for too long. Whatever he wanted to say next must be challenging, considering how reserved he acted which was so unlike him. I pray that my choice to do whatever he wants me to so I could escape his torments becomes favourable.

"I would let you be," he started slowly, "...if you prove to be disloyal to God."

"Disloyal to..." I stopped halfway, the realization hitting on me. "Wait...what do you mean?"

"You said you would do anything, right? Then I want you to deny your God and I promise to leave you alone. If you do so, I would stop whatever it was that I started and ensure no one bullies you anymore."


Emma Roberts always had one goal-finish high school and go to college. She determined in herself that no matter how rough the road may be, she would ensure she comes out the best.

As the second ticks, she realizes it becomes hard for her because of her bully, Thomas. He gets on her nerves every time, destroying her self confidence and telling her words of self despair and hurt.

With senior year coming to an end, his desire to make her last days miserable increased as he then gave her a choice to choose from. And he won't back down but would go at any length to ensure the choice he had given her favours him.

Would Emma be able to endure it all? Or would she give up and let Thomas win?

Or would God's plan eventually prevail?

I love all my readers❤

Matthew 10 vs 22- "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."


Disclaimer: This book is a work of fiction. All names, character, locations, business, events and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or actual events is entirely coincidental.



To the Christians who are persecuted relentlessly for the sake of the gospel.


1] Be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster as you read through. No one is perfect as my characters would make lots of mistakes, have ups and down, leave you frustrated, etc. But they are also loveable, btw😊✌

2] There won't be tolerance of rude or impolite messages as it's not nice to me the writer. You are free to give out your opinions, but please; Be polite.

3] To warn you ahead of time, this novel contains swear words or the use of inappropriate languages, so please read with caution and bare with me.

4]Lastly, this novel is for everyone and not just for 'Christians.' There's no discrimination of any sort and as much as I loved writing this story, I hope you enjoy reading it as well.

N.B: This is a first, unedited draft, so errors are inevitable. But since I'm currently working on that, any chapter with this indication ✔ means edited/going through editing.

Also, the first few chapters are not at the best state for now, but I promise you, it gets better as it progresses.

Updating Schedule: Not yet fixed for now, but would be updating twice a week.

So having said all of that...


Much love,


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