♡Chp 3-Trouble

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Isaiah 43 vs 2- "When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."


I took the early bus to school because I wanted to leave home.

True to my dad's word, he never came to open the door for me and didn't put on the lights again. I was left out in the cold, smuggling very close to the sweater I had worn in order to find warmth. This had caused fervent shivering and coughing from me from last night, and it was becoming unbearable.

There was also no way to contact him because I left my phone in my room and the realization that I did not take my key from the vase stuck on me as this gave me hope. But I was further disappointed when I inserted the key into the lock and it refused to opened. I shook the door violently to see if there was going to be a change, but there was none and it finally occurred to me that my dad had also locked it from inside.

Due to my desperation, I walked around the house, looking for a way to get in but it became impossible. Our windows had burglary and the only one that didn't have was the loft's window and it would take the help of the ladder to get there. So there were no further hope, I was trapped outside and all alone.

When all my plans to get back in became futile, I decided to try my luck at the garage and it was opened, not locked like it used to be. Ever since he sold his pickup truck, it was often time deserted.

Well, the garage didn't help much because the door closed by itself and refused to come up again. The place was also dusty and stuffed up with equipments and tools. Out of the three windows there, it was only one that opened and I didn't know where the switch for the lights were- this made me to be in the dark and made it unbearable for me. I stayed at the corner close to the door having lost hope upon hope and kept on crying till I finally drifted off into sleep.

The moment I felt the door come open, I woke up and looked up to see my dad who demanded what I was doing there, I didn't give him any reply as I ran to my room and locked the door behind me. He probably wouldn't remember this, and even if he does, he won't say. He had never thrown me out before, but he only shouts, scolds and complains on slight things. He didn't even bother to check up on me and when I prepared to leave for school, he wasn't there.

I wore the same sweater from last night on a grey shirt, a high way cream skirt that passed my knee, black gloves and brown leather boots. Having endured so much last night, I needed to feel warm. The skirt was for my mum and it was one that was valuable to me, so I wore it with hope that today would be a day that would make me happy.

I arrived school by 7:30 as I walked towards my classroom, burying every memory of hurt and pain I had faced through the places I passed. It took me a lot of courage to step into my class and to not think of how they've made life hell for me here. Everyone called me weird because I was a christian and I don't understand why I was the only one picked out in my classroom for being a christian. God please make this day better, I prayed silently and stepped in with boldness.

I took my seat, brought out my dad's old recipe book and read through, sneezing and coughing simultaneously. I loved baking and it was something I cherished so much, someday I hope to make a profit out of it. I read the recipes for carrot cake, puddings, cookies, pies, etc and paid the less attention to the few people who were trooping in.

Soon, the class became noisier and fuller. And before I could count the seconds, my book was snatched from my table and this caused me look up as I saw Thomas. He wore a sly grin, the kind that spelt 'trouble' to me. His black hair was styled neatly with his blue eyes that matched his purpose. His presence was overwhelming and powerful and his perfume was so strong that it made me feel like choking. This caused me to look away from his gaze and stared elsewhere. He flipped through the book roughly, the grin never leaving his face.

"Wow, even a fool wants to learn baking. How bad could it be!" He shook his head pitifully, still flipping through the pages before he closed it and finally faced me. This had caused some people to turn at our direction.

I gave him a warning look.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Emma." He clicked his tongue and slapped the book lightly to my cheek. This made me fold my knuckles tight. "Quit being an angry cat this morning, and don't give me that look because I'm very sure that was not what you were taught in your bible. Didn't the Lord teach you to love your enemies? So you have no right to get angry."

Wow, he really had a way of getting away with things. "What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth but I was careful not to make it show because I wanted to avoid another condemnation.

"You're asking me that question?" he replied with a half scoff. "Well then, you would know. I would say that I was not satisfied with what I did to you yesterday. You know, the whole I ensured your hair was stuck into the locker before you opened it and saw how I decorated it to my taste, how I ordered you to return our plates when we were done eating while at the cafeteria, how I ensured you were locked up in the bathroom and missed English class. The list is endless and as far as today is concerned, I'm here for trouble. And I hope you are prepared for it."

"I don't want what you're offering this morning, so please let me have my book back." As tough as I had sounded, it wasn't enough.

He smiled. "Sorry to disappoint you, but no." He opened the book again and tore a piece from it. This caused my eyes to widen and at the other hand caused eruption of laughter and annoying comments such as "Busted," "Ooh, what's she gonna do now," "Get up you fool and fight back."

"Do you now know why I'm here or..." He made to tear another piece. "Should I show you now?" He demonstrated by finally tearing it.

"Please, stop this. Give me my book!" I demanded but got nowhere as they kept on laughing and made ridicules to how I had shouted. Some of them called me animal names and made their scowls, they said that was how I had done.

"You know, I feel like playing this morning. So come and catch it." He threw it to Matthew who stood few steps away from him. Compared to Thomas and Andrew, Matthew was the only one who acted the bad boy part like that of movies and stories. He had an ear piercing in his right ear and the silver earrings he put there shone bright. He had a rugged haircut and tinted his white hair black as this also depicted in the all black clothes he wore, his grin never left his face. Andrew stood beside Matthew, he was the coolest yet fiercest and had an innocent look which helped him in getting out from trouble. His look at me was emotionless and rigid, but his hand never left the phone he was using to record all that was going on.

This was a rule Thomas set in place when he was made the head of the students in school-he had it be that no one was permitted to use their phones whenever he acts the bully part, but that they could do so when others were bullying. And that the only people who was allowed to do so were his immediate friends or some appointed. His threat wasn't a small one and whenever anyone made a move to disobey, he always finds a way to implicate the evidence and to make the saviour punished-so there was no way the principal would believe us.

I sneezed, thus making me teary eyed. And as you could guess, they all laughed like they used to. They always wait for something disastrous to happen and instead of them to help, they just sit back and watch. "Guess our little damsel in distress got a cold. What should we do about that?" He ridiculed and signalled for Mathew to throw the book back to him. When it did, he opened it wide on the floor as he used his feet to drag it around. By this time, they had gone to secure the door as we were surrounded.

Stand up and fight back. A voice within said, but how would I do it? As far as this school was concerned Thomas was in charge and had everyone's side, even that of the principal. So how would I fight back?

This made me teary eyed, but I held it in-there was no way I would show him or any one of them my weakness once again. They've had their satisfaction of that and I won't give them that pleasure anymore.

He picked it up and by this time, the front cover was half ripped with the book looking more tattered and dirty. When he noticed it was almost removed, he tore it completely before he did the same thing for another page, then another. "Come and collect it if you want to save red velvet and carrot cake," he mocked, half tearing the page. "Won't you come and get it, hilarious Baker?" He brought it close to my nose as this caused continuous sneezing. And with every sneeze I made, they laughed and made fun of me.

"How about this, Thomas?" Andrew added and came close to where we were, this made him the centre of attraction. By this time, he had given the phone to one of our classmates to complete the honour."'We bake cakes to your taste. Come and order from your foolish baker, fluffy as ice cream but in reality it's hard as stone and ugly as it's baker.'

"Yeah," Matthew approved and gave in his own suggestions. "Ugly as a beast." None of this was funny to me, but as usual, they made the abnormal things seem normal and laughed till they became satisfied.

"So idiot did you hear that?" Thomas finally spoke after he had watched all the unfolding drama. "Her recipe book is so outdated and overrated, like who uses this in the twenty first century? So know that we are doing you a huge favour by getting the thrash into the bin."

"Don't blame her for that, Thomas," Matthew remarked. "Her parents are hell ass broke and are struggling, so that's why they give her cheap things."

"I quote, 'If you have no value, then everything becomes meaningless to you,'" Andrew spoke as some approved. "She has no worth for even her own life, so what do you expect?"

"And still, she proves to be ungrateful and watches us ruin it, so wasteful." Thomas shook his head.

He tore another piece before he gave it to Andrew who tore a handful of it as he then stretched the book to me. When I wanted to collect it, he withdrew instantly and passed the book to Thomas who motioned for me to stand up. This book was for my dad and it meant so much to him-it was the one that had most of the recipe he used back then, so how would I explain its disappearance when I'm questioned? At least if I'm to show him the remaining pieces, he might believe me through this that school's also not been easy for me.

"I'm giving you the last chance, dumbass." Thomas moved back to a particular spot. "Come to where I stood," he explained and moved away from that position. "If you really want to save the rest, then do as I had instructed and stop wasting my precious time. You have 5 minutes before I make you learn the hard way."

None of us made any further attempts as all we did was to stare at one another, but mine was directed at Thomas and his was on his wristwatch. With every minute that passed, he says it loud to remind me of the consequences of refusing. It shouldn't be that hard, right? You can do this Emma. Left with no choice, I pulled away the board off my desk, stood up and walked to the spot, ignoring the fact that they cheered me on. He then smiled and stretched the book to me.

He didn't flinch or try to prevent me when my fingers touched the book, and this made me relieved. But the moment I wanted to take it wholely, he threw it to Matthew who tore a piece before he threw it to Andrew and Jason and Bruce, then Thomas and Matthew....soon it became a circle of chaos as this caused me to be in the middle while they kept on throwing the book to one another. None of them made this easy for me.

By this time, my body ached with a protruding headache that followed. I stopped to get myself and when I felt I had rested enough, I made to collect it from the next person which was Thomas but my hands were held down by two powerful hands on both sides. This caused everywhere to be silent as they wondered what was next.

"You are a dog and a pig and should be treated as one. And I hope that with this, you would get to know your place." He stuffed in the dirty papers into my mouth to chew as he used his hands to close it. My struggle to free myself became impossible and this made me vulnerable. There was nothing I could do than to endure what he made me go through. He didn't give me a chance to gasp my breath before he stuffed in another one into my mouth. It was so hard for me as I tried not to swallow the particles or the paper itself.

After they've had their satisfaction, they threw me roughly to the floor as I was spat and kicked on by Andrew and Matthew. I laid on the floor tired and panting heavily.

He threw the rest of the book beside me and crutched so low to where I laid. He dragged me by my collar and was about to punch me when someone came to whisper to his ear, thus making everyone run to their seats.

"So do you know what I want now?" He held my face in place and caused me to look at him. There were no regret or pity in his eyes but pure hatred and satisfaction.

And before I could control it, I sneezed on him as the fluid touched his nose. What had I done?

And before me or anyone else could think of what was going on, I ran out of the classroom-pushing everyone that stood as an obstacle for me, and didn't bother to look back.


Do you all think Thomas would let this slide? Or would he be planning a new scheme for her?

Well we have to wait for the next update to find out. And thanks for joining me through this chapter. Your votes and comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Sorry for the late update, last week had been hectic and stressful for me. I'm still working on an updating schedule and when I'm done, I would inform you all and try to keep up with it. Thanks for understanding.

Much love,


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