♡Chp 5.1-Another Meeting✔

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2 Timothy 2 vs 19b- "And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."


"And that would be all for now, any question?" Jason, our evangelism coordinator concluded, with me understanding nothing.

The meeting started by four o'clock, and most of us which came late were cautioned to be more diligent for God's work. We stood outside for the briefing, as Clara frowned at my action to lean on the wall. She instructed me to stand upright, saying I lacked discipline.

I tried to concentrate on what he briefed us about but couldn't do so because my focus was on the humiliation I had faced today, and no matter how hard I try not to think of it, it kept coming back and left me with no choice.

Everyone including Mr Richard laughed when I stood up, and his was the loudest. He demanded who had done it in a mocking tone and when no one could own up to it, he told me he wished me luck in untangling myself and further told me not to bother with the clearance, that what he had seen was more than enough for him. And that was how he ended his period.

Even after they made me go through that humiliating process, they didn't stop there. They ridiculed me further by videoing, tore the whole of my recipe book and threw it at me, splashed water on my face and dared me to fight back, spat at me, tapped my head and insulted me. Throughout I didn't look up as my gaze was placed down and whenever I rested my head on my table, they woke me up with slaps, pulling of my hair and the likes as this caused me to be on full alert.

I fought so hard to stop my tears from flowing. I hate being too emotional and crying over little things that don't add up. Why can't I be like others who don't cry so easily? Why can't I forget what they've done to hurt me without having a tear sting up my eyes? Why?

We had our classes and had history before our lunch break. A concerned Ms. Dorcas considered how gloomy I had been and asked me to speak up if there was something wrong, but I didn't. None of the teachers cared if their students were dying and even if they claim they do, they never made a move. Instead, they sided up with the ones at fault and make we victims look like fools.

During lunch also I sat down still and was glad when I saw my bully leave the class without getting on my nerves, and slowly everyone also left. But I was wrong when after ten minutes he came back with his usual friends and two others to mock me. Each of them had their turns of breaking two eggs on my hair as they massaged it together and instructed me to stand up and fight back. It got harder for me to prevent myself from crying by this time and when he saw that I refused their orders, he hurled insults at me till he finally made me break. I cried and they were quite pleased with that as they made fun of me.

It was when everyone had left that I finally stood up, and with the help of the janitor I was able to unstick myself. This had caused damages to my skirt.

Saying a muttered thank you to her, I ran to the bathroom to wash my hair and sweater from the egg stinks with the hand cleanser. It was getting late already and due to a reminder from Jason on our group chat, I remembered we had a meeting this afternoon. No matter what I faced, I won't be discouraged from doing the work of God, and with that mentality I tied my sweaters to my bottom to cover the damages from my skirt and made to go.

"Emma, Emma. Are you with us?" The voice came alongside with a light tap as this brought me back to reality.

"Um, yes I'm..um sorry. Are we done now?" I concluded with a smile that didn't reach my eyes. By this time, the other eight people present stared at me in disbelief as some shook their heads. "I'm sorry, where were we?" I asked again to break the silence.

"Was your mind even here at all?" Clara eyed and frowned at me, thus making a strand of her long brunette hair fall to her cheek as she tucked it behind her ear with a fury only she felt. "What did Jason just say?" she questioned, the disgust evident in her voice.

"I'm..I'm sorry, but I don't..."

"Just shut up," she snapped instantly and faced Jason. "Do you see why I tell you not to make any new member evangelise when they have not used up to a month and a half here?"

"But Clara, it isn't up to that. Emma was probably absentminded," Maddie spoke in defense of me and stared at Clara in disbelief. "I'm very disappointed, honestly," she added with a sigh of pity.

"You just hold it there Maddie and let Emma speak for herself." She raised her hands to shut her up. "So do me a favour by minding your own business. Are we clear now?"

Just as Maddie was about to reply, Jason cut in in an instant. "Can we all stop here?" he requested as everyone held their place. He then faced Clara. "What you said to Emma was wrong, you need to apologize to her."


"Now," he affirmed.

"No, this is not right, Jason." She blinked severally. "I didn't do anything to owe her an apology."

Wow this girl was really something. "It's okay, I'm fine." I offered him my smile.

"No it isn't. And until when Clara apologize to you we are not leaving here. And if she further refuses, she would be banned from coming here for a week."

Since I joined the program three weeks ago, this was the first time she was scolded by Jason. She always did things her way, acted high and uttered mean words when one makes a mistake. This warmed my heart, knowing he did it for me, but I didn't want to accept that. He would do the same for others also.

"Okay, since Clara is still debating. Let me explain what I had said again and I would really appreciate if you all give me your attention." We did so as he smiled. "So..." He told us that the topic was on forgiveness and that we were to share the fliers to anyone we preached to. He also told us how to approach and begin a conversation with them. And one of the things he noted was that we should smile with sincerity, and it's been long since I've done so. Ever since when my hope was shattered right at my front, I lost that gift and I hope that through this I could have it back. He then paired me up with Maddie.

Once he was done, Clara had finally concluded as she apologized to me but that scorn look never left her face.

And that was how we ended our meeting to evangelise.

We chose the next street to my church for evangelising as we scattered ourselves according to how we were paired. This was my first time of doing this since I joined the program and I was a bit nervous, but Maddie encouraged me and told me bible verses to build up my confidence. And somehow that felt good. I wish I could be like her in memorising verses off head-I do forget what I've learnt when I tried to do so. Maddie did all of the talking while mine was to share the fliers to those we met and preached to. I really admire her confidence and the grace with which she spoke to people.

"Yeah, thank you very much. God bless you." She smiled to the last person she preached to as we left.

"So how was that?" she asked me in excitement. I didn't know that it could be this exciting to share the gospel, I guess I have a lot to learn. "It was cool right?" she added before I could even say anything.

"Yeah, it was," I replied curtly and sneezed. "I'm sorry, I.." I sneezed again. I thought this had stopped already.

"Winter's calling." She smiled. "Sorry, just take it easy."

"It's okay, I got a pretty bad cold last night, but it's getting better."

"And should I teach you a trick?" My silence gave her the response. "Ok, when that pressure to sneeze comes, tickle the roof of your mouth with your tongue like this." She demonstrated it to me. "Or you could press your tongue hard against your two front teeth and give it a few seconds to wear off."

"Ok, thanks. I would be sure to keep that in mind, but how did you know about it?"

"My mum taught me that." She changed her tone to a sad one and I didn't miss the tear that wanted to fall from her eyes. Was it because of my question?

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I am." She snipped up and wiped the tear that dropped with the back of her palm. "This is one of the many ways to cub it and it has helped me a lot."

I nodded my head in response and we were silent once again. "Thanks for helping me with Clara, and I'm sorry she insulted you," I added.

"It's fine, really? You see Emma you need to learn to speak up for yourself. I'm saying this because I've observed you a lot and I would classify as one who gets discouraged easily when brought down by others. And if you continue this way, it would get you nowhere. Just remember that everyone has an inner strength, all it takes is to show them yours."

Exactly what I needed, but how did she know about this? Did God reveal it to her?

"How?" It was a whisper as only me heard it.

"We have just one flier and that's quite a lot to me." She smiled deeply, thus revealing dimples in both of her cheeks as this caused a spark in her brown eyes and made her look more beautiful. I couldn't help but stare.

"Are you done taking me in?" she asked, causing me to jerk a bit for being caught. I tried to come up with words, but nothing came out. I didn't know she knew I admired her.

"I get you." She laughed this time, making her dimples go deeper than before. "No one can resist this emerald, sparkling eyes of mine as I do call it. The glow of my sunshine skin, my perfect and small nose, my cutie lips." She demonstrated by playing with it. "What more can I say... Ooh, my perfect body shape and my voice, this should tell you that God created me well and took His time on me. I'm not trying to boast, but you get what I'm saying right."

"Yes I do," I replied as this made me reflect on how I looked. I would classify myself as being on the average scale when it comes to my attributes. I had flat cheekbones and the spark my eyes once had had gone ever since that incident. I had chestnut brown wavy hair like my mum and was a bit skinny as this was evident in the way my collar bone could be seen.

"Let's walk down the other street and give it to the one blessed person we meet, then we close. That's okay with you, right?"

I nodded with a smile that was half genuine because I feared that place. When I checked the time, it was 5:30 and all I wanted was to relax at home and relieve myself from every pain and stress.

The street was silent and had most buildings being uncompleted and some tattered with barely anyone in sight. There was a shop that sold all kinds of illegal things, mostly drugs-and this was the only place they made noise, though it was moderate. Groups of teenagers made out, some were smoking, drinking and doing all sorts of rubbish-but we didn't approach them as we walked down further but still met no one. This place was very strange and unusual, at least there should be someone we could share this flier to. This was one of the reasons why I hated taking this route when I'm going to church or anywhere. There have been stories of kidnapping, stealing, assault, etc on this path.

"We shouldn't have come here," I mumbled to myself.

"I'm sure the Lord wants us to touch the heart of someone here." I didn't know she had heard me say that. "Don't be afraid, okay?"

I gave her a nervous smile.

"So Emma would you preach to the last person we would see? Come on, it's the work of God, remember that's what you signed up for."

"O...okay. But..."

"Aah, aah. At last," she exclaimed. "Over there." She pointed at a direction as this caused me to also look there but I didn't understand what she was getting at. "Did you see that boy over there?" This caused me to look deeper and saw someone that looked very familiar to me, but I wasn't able to get a better view. There was a black Toyota Camry parked next to the wooden bench he sat down on as he browsed through his phone. Just then two other familiar boys about his age came out and stood at his front, discussing whatever.

"Yes I have," I broke the silence when all Maddie did was to keep on looking at that direction. She then faced me.

"They are now three, well that's not too bad. At least the word would be shared and it would be by no other person but you." She smiled but I couldn't help but feel nervous. Why was I feeling this way?

And with every step we took, I felt more agitated and this all became clearer when we got close as the reason they looked for familiar stuck on me. No God please don't let it be.

"Good evening," Maddie greeted which meant no going back. Neither of them bothered to acknowledge our presence. "Why aren't you saying anything?" she whispered slowly to my ear, expecting something from me but I was tongue tied. "I know you're nervous, so I would do the introduction while you do the preaching. Alright?"

They still didn't turn their backs to face us.

"We are from The Believers Church and are here to preach the word of God to you," Maddie started. "And we would like if..."

"Just get the hell out of here or better still, bug off!" That was Andrew speaking as this made him turn around and had contact with Maddie before his eyes landed on mine. He was taken back a bit as this was evident with the way his mouth remained opened and he became silent. But when he was finally back, he smiled mischievously, turned back to his friends and whispered my name clearly to the other two. Matthew was also surprised when he saw me but Thomas remained emotionless and discreet as all he did was to stare at me intensely.

"Can you at least have this flier?" She stretched it out but they didn't collect it. "Seems like I got all three of your attention now. So let me start off from where I stopped. My partner, Emma and I are here to share the gospel with you. And I assure you that it would be worth it and remarkable." She smiled once again.

Thomas mumbled a word only he could hear.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Maddie enquired.

"This should be fun." He smiled mischievously, and that was when a phone rang.


What fun do you think Thomas meant? And what's your view on this chapter?

Hello everyone!!! Greetings of the season😇😇

I appreciate your reading through this chapter and for your interest in my book so far. And I would also appreciate your contribution to this novel either by voting, commenting, reading, sharing, etc. God bless you all as you do so.

Also wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance. Lots of special love to you. Au revoir for now✋

Much love,


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