Chapter 15: Letting it Out and the Good Old Days

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"Ow... Okay, ow!"

"Oh stop squirming. You make it seems like I'm stabbing you."

By now, (Name) had been returned to her lunch spot with Matthew, Matthias, Lukas, Emil, and Berwald. She still had yet to get a chance to talk with them about what had happened and what was wrong with her the whole day, but she insisted on covering up the bruises that were quickly forming on Matthew's cheeks.

Another friend who got hurt because of me... And by his own brother, no less... She thought as she gently blended in the power foundation to Matthew's skin and liquid foundation that she had applied earlier.

"... There, all covered up." (Name) announced as she looked at her work. 

"You could seriously be a makeup artist the way you cover up bruises." Emil spoke, looking at her work then meeting her gaze.

"Mm-hm! After cleaning me and covering me up after I got beat up, you really got some skill, (Name)!" Tino chirped, gently patting her back.

All thanks to practice, boys. All practice.

The Canadian put his glasses back on, then turned to meet the (h/c) girl's gaze. "Okay. Now you are going to tell me exactly what happened today, and who forced you to behave like you did." He said, almost sternly.

The girl shifted uncomfortably in her spot, wringing her hands in her lap as she did so.

"This morning... I was cornered in my homeroom class." She began quietly, not daring to meet anyone's gaze.

Matthew nodded. "Okay, who cornered you?"

She hesitated on answering.

"(Name)..." She heard Tino. "You can't let this stuff stay in. You need to let it out and talk about it."

"Bottling up feelings isn't good for you." Lukas agreed, his monotonous tone barely giving any hint to actual concern for her well being.

The girl glanced up at Matthew, his gentle violet eyes met hers. "Please... I... We want to help you get through this."

After moments more of silence, she spoke. "Gilbert, Antonio, Francis, and Alfred..."

She noticed Matthew tense at the last two names. "It's okay." He said. "Go on."

"Gilbert accused me of brainwashing Matthias into hating him..."

A grunt of distaste came from the Dane. "Dumbass."

"And Alfred said I was doing the same to you... Taking advantage of you... Getting people to be my friends just so I can see them suffer later." She continued, her gaze shifting from her hands, to the grass she was sitting on, and to Matthew's ever-clenched fists.

"And? Anything else?" She heard Tino speak gently.

"Antonio thought I was doing the same to Feliciano, Lovino's twin brother... Then he suggested that they force me to be quiet all day, and if I spoke a word, I would pay for it at lunch or at Flex today."

The Icelandic male quirked a brow. "Well, did you? Talk I mean. From what all of us saw, you didn't..."

"Except... To me..." Sighed the Canadian as he slapped a palm to his head. "(Name), I'm so sorry, if I had known--"

"You didn't... You couldn't have." She replied. "I couldn't talk... They had eyes on me in all of my classes... I couldn't take the chance."

"But you did with me." The Canadian responded, meeting her gaze through his glass frames.

(Name) sighed quietly, looking down at her lap. "Guys... Thank you, for coming to the rescue... I'm really sorry I got you mixed up in my mess."

Matthias gave a soft sigh. "It's partly my fault too--" he would have said more, but was cut off by a swift smack to the back of the head.

"You aren't close enough to have input. You're lucky you were allowed to eat lunch here." Lukas spoke.

The Dane pouted slightly, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, (Name)..."

The girl quickly shook her head, despite the throbbing. "N-no... Don't be..." She placed her hands in her lap, shyly meeting Matthias' blue eyes. "While I can't completely forgive you for everything you did... I want to try by starting to be friends."

Matthias, Lukas, and Tino looked at (Name), all three shocked.

"Y-you do?" Matthias asked.

"Mm-hm." She answered. "I, uh, wasn't all that good at making friends when I was younger, and my brother always said that you have to start with being nice. S-so I guess... This is how to start."

The Dane sat silent, a faint blush of embarrassment appearing on his face. "Well... Same here I guess! Don't you worry, (Name)! I'm gonna be one of the best friends you've ever had!" Proclaimed the Dane.

His response were a collective laugh and an eye roll from Lukas. (Name) couldn't help but give the Dane a slight smile, at least he was going to try.

"Aw, (Name)! I'm so proud of you!" Tino chirped, wrapping his arms around the girl in a hug. "You're making friends left and right! Soon enough, this whole thing will just be a memory."

The girl laughed softly, gently patting his arm. "I hope so, Tino. I hope so."


"Eto... (Name)-san?" Murmured a quiet voice from around a corner. She turned to see the quite Kiku standing there, almost as if he was hiding. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"

(Name) had been walking with Berwald and Emil to her Chemistry class, but the two gave the girl a warning look when they both saw Kiku.

"I'll be right there, guys." She tried to say, wanting the two to leave them to talk. Emil looked as if he would protest, but the tall Swede took hold of the shorter male's shoulder and led him down the hall. Thus, leaving (Name) with the quiet Japanese teen.

"What is it you want, Kiku?" She asked quickly, glancing around to look out for any of his friends.

"I... I wanted to see if you were okay..." He murmured softly, averting his gaze from hers and fixing it to the ground. "A-as a way of returning the favor from yesterday."

The girl's brow arched. "You're... Worried about me?"

He nodded. "Hai... But even after getting beat up several times every week, you still manage to stand tall and even hang around one of the people who used to beat you up." He spoke, looking up to meet her gaze with his. "I find that rather admirable, if I'm completely honest with you."

(Name) blinked, trying to process what she thought was a praise from the boy who before yesterday never said a word to her that was kind, or that was even close to what he had just said. She was about to make a response, but a sudden weight on her shoulder and side made her yelp.

"Kiku... (Name)... We have class now." Yawned out the sleepy Greek.

"Heracles-san..." Kiku mumbled softly, acknowledging his presence.

(Name) tried her best to hold the weight of the Greek teen who had slung his arm around her shoulders and was leaning against her. "H-hey, Heracles, can you maybe get off?" She said up to him, her eyes meeting his deep green orbs.

He didn't respond, but looked to Kiku. "Are you two friends?..." He asked slowly.

Kiku's cheeks dusted pink before averting his eyes from the taller Greek. "W-we're acquaintances at best... But you're right, Heracles. We need to be getting to class." Replied Kiku, beginning to walk in the direction to the Chemistry room.

Heracles gave a slow nod and began to walk as well, taking (Name) with him, who was still trying to get his arm off her shoulders. Of course, it didn't take much longer for the two to enter, nor did it take much longer for Heracles to release (Name) from his hold to walk over to his desk.

(Name) turned down the isle of desks to make her way to her own, but was interrupted when she felt her binder and notebook paper knocked out of her hands from below. The loose paper fluttered around her, falling to the floor with her binder.

"Whoops." Hummed the American to her left.

The (h/c) girl let out a quiet huff before kneeling down to pick up her binder and what paper she could.

"Don't forget the paper behind you, twat." Spoke the Brit on her right.

Turning her head, (Name) turned to pick up the last pieces of paper then stood. "Thanks..." She mumbled softly before beginning to turn around and making her way back to seat.

Of course, she had meant to, but the fact that she suddenly slipped on a piece of paper halted her plan.

The next moments passed like a blur, she heard gaps, clattering of chairs, and quick footsteps, but (Name) snapped her eyes shut. Anticipating the fall, that surprisingly never came.

"Whoa there, lass. Can't have any more of you lot missing class because of an injury." Spoke the Scottish accented voice of Arthur's older brother.

(Name)'s eyes slowly opened to meet the deep green of Allistor, his hands holding her arms to keep her from falling. She tried to scramble to her feet, and managed with the help of the older Scotsman. 

"Th-thank you, sir." She mumbled, turning to face her last-minute savior.

The Scot chuckled, shaking his head. "Just like your brother, he was always a bit of a klutz. Get to your seat, (Last Name)."

Giving a short nod, (Name) turned and walked to her desk and sat down, but was met with the questioning looks from the Lithuanian and Polish males.

"Like, you okay?" Asked Feliks.

"That was almost some fall..." Mumbled Toris.

(Name) nodded, meeting their gazes. In Toris' eyes, however, she spotted a hint of guilt. "Toris... Are you okay?"

The Lithuanian nodded, nervously spinning a pencil in his fingers. "The paper you slipped on... You didn't forget it, Arthur slid it out for you to slip on."

That new information didn't surprise her, the two cousins often conspired to cause her pain. Either way, even if Arthur's older brother was kind to her, there's little to no chance that she and Arthur would ever have the kind of friendship that their brothers shared.


"Alright, you all have the class to begin research. Get to it with minimal talking." Spoke Mr. Beilschmidt from his desk.

(Name) sat quietly next to Feliciano as she pulled out her laptop from her backpack. She was glad to be sitting next to one of the two people in the entire group who were kind to her. Occasionally he would lean over to make small talk, and see how she was doing.

She was glad that the Italian shared the personality of his grandfather. Still, she wished that his older twin wasn't such a jackass... She would even probably be friendly with Lovino if he didn't hang around the wrong crowd.

"(Last Name). How's your work coming?" Asked Ludwig curtly, not turning from his own laptop.

Quietly, she answered. "Well, the facts that the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist after the war ended, the creation of the League of Nations, reactions to the Treaty of Versailles, and the leading up to the Cold War which includes the separation of Germany and the Berlin Wall..."

"Make sure to mention how the League of Nations put Germany at fault, and how other countries received the land that Germany took." Ludwig replied.

"As well as how totalitarian regimes ended for the axis, leaving their countries with political, social, and economic problems that had yet to be solved." Kiku added from his spot next to Feliciano.

"And how fascism became a thing in Italy and Germany." Lovino gave his input from his seat.

The work continued, and surprisingly to (Name), it was all pleasant. Granted that the teacher was still in the room, and that Gilbert and Lovino were sitting farthest away from her, but the group worked together.

(Name) began to set up the PowerPoint to begin making it, glad for the quiet and somewhat comfortable atmosphere.


"And the class went okay? Nothing happened?" Asked asked Tino over a skype video call. 

"Yeah, everything was... Calm. Save for Ludwig slapping Gilbert out of a nap." Said the girl with a soft laugh, settling into the living room couch, keeping the laptop on her lap.

The Finnish male laughed in return. "Well, I'm glad that everything went okay after lunch... And Kiku, huh? Who would have thought that he would start and be nice to you?"

"Yeah... Him and Yao... Though, I guess it'll take a bit more than just helping Kiku with a panic attack to get Yao to be nicer to me in public." She admitted.

He nodded in reply. "Understandable. But still, you're steadily making your way up from having no friends, to having people wanting to be friends with you."

He reply was a nod, smiling at her friend. "Yeah..." She was about to respond when she heard the sound of several knocks on the door. "Hold on, Tino. I'll be right back." She said quickly, walking to the front door and opening it. The sight she was met with turned her blood to ice.

"Hey, lass. Sorry about the inconvenience, but ah, I had to get this one back to ya." Spoke Allistor, gesturing to her seemingly drunk brother, who was being supported by her younger blond, classmate.

"Y-yeah... P-please, come in." She replied, stepping aside to let the two brothers help Louis inside.

The attorney hummed lowly, but soon spotted (Name). He let out a happy laugh, stumbling over and hugging her tightly. "Aw, there's the sweetest sister in the world!!" He slurred, nestling his nose into (Name)'s hair.

The teen heard Allistor snort a laugh as Arthur stood next to him quietly. "I still can't get over how happy he can get when he's had a drink too many."

Louis hummed happily, holding onto (Name) despite her squirming in his grip. "Hey... Ally, remember when (Name) and Artie would play around when we hung out? They would run around... Play Harry Potter... They were so cuuuute..."

(Name) blushed as Louis slurred on, glancing over at the brothers. Allistor nodded, laughing quietly. Arthur on the other hand was blushing as well, looking at his brother questioningly.

"What is he talking about?" Arthur questioned.

Allistor looked down at his brother. "Don't tell me you don't remember. Back when Louis and I were in high school you two would play around all the time. Best friends, you two were."

Louis nodded. "Yeah... Oh!! I think I have the picture!!" He exclaimed, releasing (Name) from his arms and wandered into the living room. The sister watched as he stumbled close to her laptop, hoping to God Tino had enough sense to get out of the frame so Louis wouldn't spot him. The young man shuffled through the drawers and cabinets next to the couch.

"Here we are!!" Yelled Louis, standing up and waving around a black photo album that had the words "High School" printed on the front. Allistor walk to join his friend, flipping through the pages and suddenly stopping.

"Aye, there they are." Chuckled the red-head, taking a picture out of the album and showing it to the younger siblings who were still shocked by the information.

Printed on the photo paper were Louis and Allistor, joined by two other high school aged teens, one of whom looked to be related to Allistor due to his large eyebrows, and another who was a girl. In the middle were Louis and Allistor, each had a hand on the shoulders of two kids, both who seemed to be in early elementary school.

Louis had his hand on a young girl's shoulder, who resembled a much happier (Name). Allistor was holding a young boy's shoulder, his mop of scruffy blond hair and large eyebrows signified that the young boy was Arthur.

What was even more shocking, the two kids were holding hands and smiling happily at the camera.

"That's... Owen..." Arthur murmured, recognizing his other brother.

"Aye, him along with Kat."

"Hehe... Katyusha was really pretty, huh?" Louis hummed, laying back on the couch.

"You would know, you bloke, you dated her!" Allistor laughed at his friend, letting (Name) hold the picture.

The two classmates still looked over the photo, still shell shocked. They used to be friends, really good friends by the looks of it.

What the hell happened?

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