Chapter 8: Others

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Trudging to school, (Name) held her umbrella above her, listening as the drops of water from the sky hit it with little force.

That morning had been rather dreary. It started raining just as (Name) finished putting makeup on to cover up her still prominent bruised eye and nose. Normally, she wouldn't mind a little rain such as this during her short walk to school, but seeing as her makeup wasn't waterproof, she had to be careful.

She made it up the steps without any confrontation from any of her bullies, and thankfully she made it to her locker without any trouble at all.

As she took her books out of her backpack, (Name) noticed the shadow of a large figure come up behind her, and a large hand lay itself on her head.

"(Name)... You have my homework, da?" Chirped an eire, but somehow happy voice.

She didn't need to look back to know that it was Ivan. It was usual for him to come looking for her in the morning. Geometry was his first period after all.

"Yes, give me a second, please." She replied softly. She opened her binder and pulled out the two sheets, one containing solved quadratic equations, the other explaining a sample thesis over the causes of World War I. "Here."

The Russian smiled happily, taking the homework and looking it over. "Wonderful! This better be A plus work, (Name). Or else." As Ivan spoke, (Name) felt him press his hand hard on her head. Even though it was two days ago, the soccer ball to the face was enough to knock her head hard enough to leave a throbbing headache. The pressure Ivan was applying to the top of her head was enough to cause the girl to flinch.

Nodding, (Name) silently told him that she understood.

"Good! See you in Study Hall!" He hummed, lifting his hand from her head and walking away.

(Name) turned her head slightly, watching as the Russian was advancing on a small group of boys near a classroom. She recognized two of the boys from her Chemistry class, and one of them, she believed was in her English class.

The tallest one, let his blond hair fall over his blue eyes framed by glasses as he averted his gaze from the chilling stare of Ivan. The second tallest, tried to meet Ivan's eyes with his own green orbs, his shoulder length brown hair pulled back in a small pony tail. The shortest kept his gaze down, his curly, dirty blond hair covering his violet eyes.

The three boys visibly jumped when the Russian approached them. All three of them furiously dig through their backpacks and pulled out papers for the Russian.

So that's it... I'm not the only one he forces to do his homework. (Name) mused to herself, watching as the trembling trio fled from the Russian as quick as they could.

Closing her locker, (Name) walked down the hall to her homeroom, but felt a force grab her shirt and force her against a wall. The girl yelped softly from the force.

"Yo, (Name)!" A loud, but cruel voice greeted the girl. She was met with the bright blue eyes of a Dane, his smirk as wide and cruel as ever. "So, I dunno if you remember, but we have a Latin quiz today."

(Name) nodded slowly. She could see his friends, Lukas, Berwald, Tino, and Emil standing a little ways away, all of them averting their eyes from the scene.

"Good, good. 'Cause I'm gonna need you to see up real close to me today. I need someone to cheat off of." Explained the Dane.

Sitting with Matthias? That would mean...

"Kesesesese! I like the way you think, Matt." Snickered the devil himself.

"Sí, sounds like a good idea." Agreed one of the devil' followers.

"Oui, I couldn't agree more." Confirmed the other follower.

Gilbert slung an arm around Matthias' shoulders, smirking at his usual victim. "So, (Name)? What do you say?" He asked her, his keen red eyes staring right into her frightened (e/c) eyes.

A moment later, (Name) nodded in response, agreeing to their terms.

"I'm sorry, what?" Matthias asked, picking her up slightly then slamming her back against the wall. "I'm gonna need you to say your answer."


"Yes, what?" He asked, repeating the same action, only harder.

(Name) yelped, feeling the stinging pain from her back. "Yes, I'll sit with you and let you see my answers on the quiz." She spoke.

"Good! See you in Latin!" Matthias said, lifting (Name) higher and then dropping her to the floor. Leaving her, the Dane walked back to his group of friends, taking his bag back from Lukas and leading the way down the hall. His friends didn't even glance at the girl, they just followed behind him.

Gilbert stood above the girl, smirking down at her. "You know what will happen if you go back on your word, don't you, (Name)?" He asked her, his arms crossed over his chest.

"...Yes." She replied softly, keeping her gaze to the ground.

"Good, see you in class." He spoke, turning to leave, but swiftly kicked behind him, hitting (Name) in the shin. His friends did the same, both hitting her in the knee. The three left the girl, holding her leg in pain and waiting for the throbbing to stop.

Getting the feeling back in her leg, (Name) stood and brushed herself off, picked up her backpack, and walked to her homeroom.



(Name) looked up from the floor, walking to the library after English, looking up to see someone struggling with several boxes. She quickly walked over and balanced the boxes, helping the person on the other side holding them. "Need some help?" She questioned.

The face that peeked over the boxes almost caused the girl to jump back, but she quickly realized that it was Lovino's brother, not the grumpy Italian himself.

"Ah! You're the bella that I ran into yesterday!" Exclaimed the Italian.

"Y-yeah..." She answered him.

"Sorry again about that, I should have looked where I was going!" He spoke, trying to balance the boxes in his own arms, only to loose control again.

"Here..." (Name) took the top box from the three boxes he was trying to balance.

"Oh, grazie!" He chirped, smiling at the girl. "Oh! You're also in my History class, aren't you? I transferred into it yesterday!"

She nodded. "Yes, I remember you."

He smiled happily. "Oh, yay! I'm Feliciano, by the way!"


Feliciano grinned, nodding. "It's nice to meet you!" He turned back to the boxes and sighed softly before turning to (Name) again. "Hey, could you help me take these boxes to the art room?" He asked her.

"The art room... That's in the other building, isn't it?" She asked him.

"Sí, these are submissions from last month's exhibition, and they need to be taken back to the art room so we can take them out of the frame and give them back to the people who submitted them." He explained.

Thinking it over, (Name) knew that if she skipped Study Hall, it wouldn't be a big deal. No one ever took role, so she could leave and no one would ever know. "Sure, I can help." She replied.

"Ah, grazie! That's so kind of you!" Feliciano said happily, leading the way down the hall.

"So, how come you transferred into my History class during the middle of the semester?" She asked the Italian as they walked.

"Oh, I just needed my schedule changed. I had a class that I really didn't enjoy being in, and when the principle is your grandfather, you get some perks." Feliciano hummed.

Nodding, she walked on with the Italian. It was a quiet walk through the building, exiting the side door and into the courtyard. Straight across from the door, was the door into the auditorium, and in the basement of the building was the art room. It had stopped raining, thankfully, so the two made their way across the court yard and into the building.

Feliciano led the way to the elevator, opening it and holding the door for (Name) to get in. Once the doors shut, he pressed the button that took the elevator to the basement, and let the machine travel down.

Following the Italian down the hall, (Name) was somewhat surprised at all of the different pieces of art. There were murals on the walls, small sculptures that were suspended from the ceiling with wire, and framed pictures that were painted, sketched, you name it.

The boy turned into a door way, leading (Name) into the art room. Inside the room, there were several tables with stools pulled under them. There were several cabinets that lined the walls, several counters, and even a baking kiln in the corner for those who worked with clay, on all the walls were pieces of art that were placed to decorate over the cream colored painted walls.

"Kiku!! I got all the old paintings!!" Exclaimed Feliciano as he placed his boxes on one of the tables.

(Name) looked towards the young Japanese boy who was sitting at a table by himself, and he seemed to be working on a piece of a girl who seemed to be riding on a... Dragon? It reminded her of one of those movies she used to watch with Louis as a kid... Spirited Away, that was it.

Said Japanese boy looked up, surprised to see the Italian with the girl. A frown formed on his face as he turned back to his work, blowing away some eraser shavings. "Hello, Feliciano-kun." He greeted quietly.

"Kiku! Kiku! I brought the girl from our History class! You know (Name), yeah?" Feliciano asked as he turned towards (Name), motioning for her to come in and put the box down on the table.

"Not very well, no." He replied without looking up.

Of course not, we've only been in the same homeroom for the past year, not to mention you being a complete jerk to me. (Name) thought as she put the box down on the table.

"Really? But you've had a class with her longer than I have!" Feliciano exclaimed, walking over to the Japanese boy and looking over his shoulder. The Italian grinned happily. "Kiku, you never cease to amaze me!"

The girl blinked in surprise, there was a flash of color on the boy's cheeks. Ever since she had known of the Japanese boy, he hadn't shown one ounce of emotion. Now, she was witnessing Kiku Honda, being embarrassed.

"H-hai. Arigatō, Feliciano-kun." He mumbled as he continued to draw.

Feliciano smiled and gave the boy a nod before walking back to (Name). "So, I know you helped me carry these, but could you help me get them out of the frames?" He asked her, folding his hands together in a pleading manner.

The girl thought for a moment. She knew that Ivan was expecting her, and if she disobeyed him, who knows what he would do... But if she said no to Lovino's brother, with Kiku as a witness, it could be even worse considering who Lovino's closest friends were...

"S-sure, I can help." She replied, smiling nervously at the Italian.

He grinned happily, taking her hands and shaking them wildly. "Oh that's wonderful, (Name)! Thank you!" He exclaimed. "You're such a great help!" He led her over to the boxes and began to unpack them, taking out several framed pieces and placing them on the table. "I'll unpack, and you take them out of the frames."

Nodding, the girl went over to some of the framed pictures, and began to take the first one out of the frame. She took a moment to look at the picture. It looked like water color of two people, one with dark, shoulder length hair, dressed in a white shirt and checker-board jacket, embracing a woman with shoulder length silver hair, wearing a blue dress with a white apron. The background was a beautiful field of flowers with small, but beautiful details.

She recognized the two people as Sophie and Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. She looked for a signature, but only found a character in red, enclosed with a red circle. She looked up at Feliciano. "Hey, who painted this one?" She asked.

The Italian looked up at the painting and smiled. "Oh, that's Kiku's piece that he submitted."

(Name) turned her gaze to the Japanese boy, seeing that he was packing up his pencils and moving to get some inking pens and water colors. "You like Studio Gibli?" She asked him.

The question caused the boy to turn and look at her. He was shocked, as it seemed. "You know Studio Gibli?" He asked.

She nodded, looking back at the piece. "I watched the movies all the time with my brother when I was younger. He's really into them." She replied.

Turning around fully and facing the girl, Kiku walked forward a couple steps before stopping at least three feet from her. "The people in that picture, what are their names?" He asked.

"Sophie and Howl, from Howl's Moving Castle." She replied.

He blinked with surprise again. He stared at the girl a few more moments before averting his gaze to the ground. He turned back around and went back to his work. (Name), looking back down at the painting in her hands, walked over to Kiku, and placed the painting a little ways away from his work space.

"There... It's a great painting, by the way." She commented before walking back to Feliciano.

After taking more pieces out of frames, (Name) found a couple of pieces that interested her, pieces submitted by Heracles, Lovino, Antonio, Francis, Roderich, Yao, even Vash too. She was somewhat surprised that some of them had artistic talent.

"Oh, Feliciano..." A quiet voice sounded.

The girl looked up from a painting of a tomato farm to see a girl walk over to the Italian as he began to take work out of frames. Her eyes were very large, and very green. Her blond hair was cut to her shoulders, with a small purple ribbon in her hair. (Name) recognized the girl as Lili Zwingli, the younger sister of Vash, the angry and judgmental Swiss boy from (Name)'s Latin class. Looking to the doorway, she wasn't surprised to see said Swiss boy standing there.

"Hey, Lili! What's up?" Feliciano asked, turning to face her.

"I was wondering if it was alright for my brother and I to come here during lunch so I could practice my drawing, and he could teach me." Explained the girl, motioning for her older brother to come in the room, which he obliged to, walking and standing next to the smaller girl.

The Italian nodded and smiled. "Of course you can! Hey, if you aren't too busy, can you help get these pictures out of the frames?" He asked them.

"Sure! We have time before I need to head to class." Lili replied, looking up at her brother. "Is that okay?"

Nodding, Vash spoke, "I don't see why not. The sooner the pictures are out, the sooner we can get mine back."

(Name) looked over at a small stack of canvases, and gently moved several to the side until she pulled out a landscape oil painting of a hill, overlooking a field of flowers. She walked over to the small group and held the painting out for the Swiss boy. "I believe this is yours." She spoke.

Vash raised an eyebrow in question at the girl. "I haven't seen you in the art room before." He spoke, gently taking the picture from her and handing it to his sister, who hugged the painting close to her.

(Name) figured he was being so calm was that because his younger sister was in the room, if she wasn't, he probably would be yelling at her. "I usually have Study Hall, but Feliciano needed help taking the paintings back here." She explained, holding her hands in front of her.

Vash didn't reply, but his younger sister looked the girl over several times before smiling slightly. "So you know Feliciano and my brother." She spoke softly.

"She's just in my Latin Class." Vash told his younger sister.

Tipping her head to the side, Lili said to her older brother,"You're on speaking terms, though."

Not very good speaking terms. (Name) thought, looking at the girl, who looked back at her.

"Well either way, any friend of my brother's is a friend of mine. I'm Lili." She said, smiling at (Name) and holding a hand out to her, the other still holding the painting.

"(Name)." Gently, (Name) took Lili's hand into hers, shaking it. Of course, having Vash's intense stare on her the entire time was kind of unnerving, but thinking about it, Louis would be the same way if he were in the room.

"Well! Now that we'll all acquainted, why don't we take these paintings out to the frames, yeah?" Feliciano spoke, making himself known between the three.

"Oh, of course!" Lili chirped, walking over to the Italian and setting her brother's painting down on a table before going to help Feliciano unpack the paintings.

(Name) glanced over at Vash, who was eyeing her. Trying to ignore his stare, she went back to the unpack paintings and canvases and began to take them out of the tames again. Moments later, she saw another pair of hands take up a framed painting, and begin to take it out of the frame. She looked up and blinked in surprise to see that it was the Swiss boy.

"Don't just stand there and stare, there's work to do." He spoke as he began to take the pictures out of the frames.

Listening to him and nodding, (Name) went back to taking the pictures out of the frames, trying to get used to the silence between her and the Swiss student. It was kind of awkward, but also, almost... Comfortable?


"Thank you for walking me to my class, big brother, you too, (Name)." Lili said as she waved to her older brother and the girl.

"See you at lunch." Vash spoke to her as he waved back.

"See you." She replied, turning and walking into the science room.

(Name) had spent her study hall and her break helping Feliciano take the old paintings out of the frames, even with the help of the Swiss boy and his younger sister, it took the entire time. When it was time to head to her next class, Lili offered to walk her half the way since her class was on the way. The walk over, the smaller girl made quiet conversation with (Name), Vash following behind them silently.

Now that Lili was gone, the two continued to their Latin class, the silence completely awkward.

"Why don't you stand up for yourself?" Vash suddenly asked.

Blinking, (Name) turned to Vash in surprise. "Excuse me?"

"Almost half of the people who pick on you, they aren't even that tough." He replied, looking over at her. "Alfred acts tough, but he's completely self-conscious about his weight. Arthur is a prick but he's just lonely. Francis is a coward, along with Lovino, and Yao. Antonio is just completely strange, but he's no threat alone."

Her mind was spinning, but she shook her head slightly. "Then how come they're such jerks?" She asked.

"Because they follow a crowd. A lot of them have been close since they were babies, they're going to try and stick together no matter what." He explained. "I've known Gilbert and his brother since we were little kids, even Roderich and Elizabeta have known us for that long, Francis and Antonio too."

(Name) listened to Vash as the two walked down the halls. "How come you're being so nice all of a sudden? You're usually so critical and harsh..."

"I'm critical and harsh to basically everyone." He replied, looking back at her. "Though... Lili, I can't exactly be critical with her."

(Name) couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Kinda like my brother."

Vash blinked, turning to her. "You have a brother?"

"Yeah, he's older than me and went to school here, but..."

"But?" He questioned.

(Name) sighed softly, shaking her head. Why bother telling him when she knew that he didn't care. "Don't worry about it." She spoke, before walking ahead of the Swiss boy.

Thinking that she heard him call to her, she walked a bit faster. As she walked, she was about to turn a corner before she heard the quiet but panicked yelp of someone.

"I-I'm so sorry!"

"You should have proof read your work before giving it to me, Ravis..." Spoke a dark Russian voice.

(Name) pressed herself against the wall, looking out over the corner to see Ivan pressing the shortest of the trio she saw earlier to a wall, the other two trembling a few feet away.

"M-Mr. Ivan, I didn't mean for you to get a B-! Honest I didn't!" Cried Ravis. He gripped onto Ivan's sleeve, tightly. Though, she could tell that the Russian was gripping the collar of his shirt tight enough to where it was hurting him.

"If this happens again, you better be prepared for quite the punishment." Ivan growled, dropping the small boy onto the ground and walking away from the trio, and thankfully, away from (Name).

The witness to the bullying stayed pressed to the wall, watching as the two other members of the trio helped Ravis to his feet. She could see small tears falling down his cheeks, but the tallest, Eduard, gently ruffled Ravis' hair, trying to comfort the young boy.

After the three walked off, (Name) sighed sadly, processing everything she had witnessed. Now she was positive, Ivan wasn't just bullying her, but three other boys. For what she had seen of the three, they were very kind. They didn't bother anyone, and they didn't cause any trouble. But even if they didn't cause trouble, they got into it.

"What are you doing?"

(Name) yelped, turning here head to see Vash staring at her, a very bored look on his face.

"If you don't hurry, we're going to be late for class." He spoke as he turned the corner, walking ahead of the girl.

Recovering from her surprise, (Name) quickly followed Vash, looking forward in the direction where the trio had walked away. She felt a small pang on her chest as she walked on. Though, she continued to walk.

I guess there were others besides me... I just didn't take the time to notice... She thought as the two made it to the Latin room. (Name)'s breath caught in her throat when she spotted Matthias, Gilbert, and his goons. Between Gilbert and Matthias was an empty desk, behind the desk was Francis, and in front of it was Antonio, with Lovino right next to him.

"(Name)! There you are!" Matthias spoke with a grin, the grin turning into a smirk. "I was wondering if you got cold feet."

The girl stiffly shook her head. "Of course not..." She replied, walking over to the desk and sitting in between the Prussian and the Dane. She glanced up at Vash, who was eyeing her as he walked to an empty seat. She noticed Lukas sitting in his usual seat, he however, didn't look up at the girl. He kept his eyes focused on his notes, making sure not to make eye contact.

Taking out a sheet of paper and a pencil, (Name) readied herself for the quiz as Lovino's grandfather walked in the room as soon as the bell rang. "Ciao, ciao everyone! I hope you're all ready for the quiz today, because it is going to be a big one!" He chirped. He took out the test paper and passed it out to the students. When he reached (Name) being surrounded, he quirked a brow.

"(Name), sitting with your friends, are you?" He asked her.

"She sure is, Mr. Vargas!" Gilbert chimed in, slinging an arm around (Name)'s shoulders.

Matthias nodded in agreement. "She really wanted us to be with her today, saying that she was worried about the quiz."

Mr. Vargas chuckled softly, passing out the papers to the group, "(Name)? Worried about a quiz? Not on your lives."

If only you knew, sir. If only... She thought as she began to write down the answers to the vocabulary quiz on her lined paper, making sure her writing was clear and large enough for Gilbert and Matthias to see.

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