Chapter Fourteen

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Draco's P.O.V

I got to Harry's house at precisely seven. It was New Year's Eve and he had invited me to go to his house for a little party. I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later Harry opened the door with a giant smile on his face.

"Hi Draco!" He chirped and then threw his arms around me. I smiled because it was the greeting I always got and I didn't think I could get enough of it.

"Hi Harry." I kissed his cheek and he pulled me into the house.

"We're set up in the basement, you've never been down there but it's the party room. Dean and Neville are here helping me set up." He told me and I smiled.

"Okay." I said and we walked through the kitchen were his pa and uncle were sitting. I greeted them accordingly and then Harry pulled me down the stairs. I followed him down the stairs and then we were in the rather large basement. It was finished with chairs and an air hockey table. There was large television in the front and tables set up with food. "Wow."

"You like it?" He grinned and I smiled.

"It's so nice." I told him and then smiled.

"Yeah the first time we came down here, I was gobsmacked." Longbottom said coming out of the bathroom. "It's so nice."

"Yeah, it's rather cozy down here. We have sleepovers here." Thomas agreed. He came

around the corner.

"Nice to see you Longbottom, Thomas." I nodded my head and they smiled.

"Nice to see you too Malfoy." They said and I turned to Harry who was grinning. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him but he beat me to it. The door well rang and he smiled.

"I'll be right back." He told me and then ran up the stairs.

"So Malfoy." Thomas started as I took a seat in the recliner. "Do you think you could maybe you could set me up Seamus?" He asked and I smirked.

"Ah so you fancy him I hear. Not bad taste I might add. I've never actually conversed with him but I'll put in a good word for you."

"Thank you." He smiled and then Harry returned with Granger and Weasley. I groaned inwardly as he walked over to me flashing a grin.

"Hey." He said putting out his fist. I hit his fist with mine and he smiled. Granger greeted me and then they sat on the couch. Harry sat on my lap and I groaned.

"So Harry what do you wanna do?"

"We could watch a movie and then play games or the opposite. Papa said the pizza will come soon." He informed.

"Okay so how about a movie then and we'll pause it for when the pizza comes." I suggested and smiled nodding. He got off my lap and went over to the cabinet under the television. He was rifling through the DVD's. "No scary movies though." I pointed out and he smirked.

"I agree." Weasley said and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine." Harry huffed. "How about Les Miserables?"

"I'm okay with that." I agreed and everyone else did too. Harry nodded and then placed the disk in. He started the movie and then turned the lights down. He walked over and then took his respective seat on my lap. I smiled as his back rested against my chest and I placed my arms around him. It began as Hugh Jackman was a prisoner and holding he ship. I had never actually seen the movie. I wanted to but Pansy, when we were dating, decided to see some stupid chick flick. I held Harry closely as we watched the movie intently. At one point he needed to get up to get the pizza so we stopped the movie and he retrieved the pizza serving all of us. He went to sit on the floor but I had felt a security for him to be on my lap so I allowed him to come back on.

By the end of the movie, Granger, Longbottom and Harry were in tears. I, on the other hand kept it together although it was a rather touching movie. I kissed Harry's neck gently wrapping my arms around him tighter. He shivered and it went to my crotch. I groaned and positioned him so he wasn't sitting directly on me. He turned his face and then kissed my lips gently.

"Sorry Draco." He apologized.

"Don't worry about it Harry, its natural." I assured and he got off my lap. I groaned at the loss but he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"We should play a game now." He announced.

"Okay what did you have in mind?" Longbottom asked.

"Umm Just Dance on the WII." He said and we all agreed. "We'll have teams."

"Okay." We agreed. We split up on teams, couples were split so I got stuck with Weasley and Thomas. Harry and I went head to head and in my honest opinion he had some talent in dance. He ended up beating me and then when I pouted he gave me a big hug. Thomas and Longbottom faced off and Thomas won. Then Granger and Weasley went next with Granger winning. When Harry beat me for the fifth time, I grabbed him and tickled him making him giggle and gasp for air. We ended the game and turned on the television so we could ring in the New Year with the rest of England. When the New Year rang in and Harry gave me a giant kiss in which I gladly returned. One by one we started to leave and then Harry walked me to the door where my dad was waiting in the car since it was too late to walk home.

"Happy New Year Draco." He said to me and I smiled. I kissed his lips one last time and then kissed his hand.

"Happy New Year Harry, I'll see you in school." I said and then I walked off.

Harry's P.O.V

Draco and I were outside kicking around his football after school. He told me I was pretty good and that I should have tried out for the team, I told him he was bonkers.

"Okay I'm gonna try to get it passed you, don't let me." He directed. "Just try and get the ball away from me without your hands."

"I got it Draco." I smiled and he nodded. He placed down the ball and started towards me. I charged towards him and then he faked me out but I maneuvered my feet to get the ball away from him. I got the ball and kicked it away from him. He groaned but wrapped his arms around me.

"Come on Potter, you're supposed to let me win." He told me and I giggled turning in his hold.

"You can't get better if I let you win." I teased and then pecked his lips.

"Ah alright Potter I suppose you're right." He said and then his grip tightened. "Then you charge at me."

"Okay." I giggled and then sauntered off with the ball. I started to kick it towards him and then just as he went to hit it, I moved and kicked the ball.

"Potter!" He scolded and I pouted. He sighed and then gave me a kiss. I sighed and lied down on the ground. The ground wasn't snowy but it was cold and wet. Draco lied down next to me as we stared up at the sky. "Harry, can I ask you something?"


"Do you believe in love?" He asked.

"Of course I do." I answered. "Do you?"

"I do." He said and then he sighed loudly. "Would you believe me when I said that I'm in love you?" He asked and turned on to my side to look at him.

"How do you know you're in love?" I asked and he turned on his side. Without looking away he said,

"When the person is hurt, you freak out and do anything in your power to help them. When you see the person, your stomach lurches and you have millions of butterflies in it. When you're apart all you do is think about that person." I stared at him and thought for a few moments.

"You really feel all that about me?" I asked and he nodded.

"I've never been in love so I can't really say what I'm feeling is true but I care about you so much and I just... I just love you." He told me and I nodded. I rolled over so I was lying on his chest. I leaned up and kissed his chin.

"I love you too Draco." I smiled.

"You do?"

"If love is how you describe then yes, I love you so much Draco." I told him and he smiled. He leaned down and kissed me gently. When we pulled away I smiled.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco."


"And then we told each other that we loved each other!" I piped and Papa as well as uncle moony blinked at me. They both put down their forks, glanced at each other, and then sighed.

"Harry." Papa started. "Do you even know what love is?" He asked and I nodded. I explained to them what Draco explained to me. They seemed to agree but still shook their heads in disbelief.

"Harry, aren't you moving too fast?" Uncle Moony asked me.

"I don't think so." I answered.

"You've been dating Draco for only like two months." He said. "Moony and I were dating for almost a year before we exchanged the L word." He said.

"But I do love Draco." I told them. "And he loves me."

"Harry, did he try anything?" Uncle Moony asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed.

"Did he touch you in any way?" He asked and I shook my head.

"N-No." I grumbled.

"Has he said anything about you two getting intimate?" Papa asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Then why would he tell you he loved you only after so long?" Papa asked and my bottom lip quivered.

"D-do you think I-I'm not loveable?" I let out a cry of anguish. "A-am a freak? D-do you think I'm worthless?" I cried so I couldn't see them through my tears.

"Harry no." Papa said and then put his hand on my shoulder. I jerked away and fell on to the ground curling into a ball. I sobbed and started hyperventilating. "Harry, you need to relax." Papa said and I whimpered scooting away from his voice. I continued crying and then my breathing became a problem; I succumbed to the darkness.

When I woke up hours later, I realized I was in my bed. I blinked a few times and tried to have my eyes adjust to where I was.

"Harry?" I heard.

"Papa?" I whispered. The light in my room turned on and Papa let out a sigh of relief. He sat on the edge of my bed and ran a hand through my hair. I leaned into his hand and rubbed my face.

"Harry, I love you and Remus loves you. We don't think you're a freak or worthless. We're happy you have a great boyfriend like Draco who makes you happy, we were just a little concerned that you two were moving too fast."

"We're not papa." I told him and he laced his fingers in my hair.

"I know Harry, I know." He told me. "We talked to Draco."

"He's gonna think I'm a freak." I mumbled and he shook his head.

"No Harry, he doesn't. He assured me that nothing bad is going on between you two. He apologizes for any trouble he may have caused but he told me he made a promise to protect you and if he hurt you, he couldn't forgive himself."

"I told you he loved me papa." I said and he nodded.

"I know Harry. I'm sorry." He said and then leaned down kissing my head. "Get some rest Harry, I'll see you in the morning." He said and then left my room. I snuggled back into bed clutching my stuffed dragon. It was times like this I really did feel like a freak.

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