Chapter Nine

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Draco's P.O.V

"Draco when can we meet this boyfriend of yours?" Dad asked and I sighed.

"He's not my boyfriend yet, I was gonna ask him to be on the date tonight." I told him. "We're seeing a scary movie." I said and his eyes widened.

"You're seeing a scary movie?"

"Yes I am." I mumbled. "Harry loves horror movies though." I said and then checked my watch. "I need to go."

"Okay." He nodded his head and I got up. "Draco?"

"Yes dad?"

"Invite him over tomorrow for dinner, we're dying to meet the boy who's taken all you're time."

"Yes okay, bye dad." I said and stalked over to the door. Just as I was leaving father was coming home. "Goodbye father, I'll be home later." I said and walked out of the house. I made the short walk to his house and knocked on the door. A second later, Harry answered the door and smiled widely. He was dressed casually but cleanly.

"Draco!" He hugged me tightly and I chuckled hugging him back.

"Hi Harry." I smiled and peered into the house. I nodded my head towards Sirius who inclined his head back.

"Have fun you two."

"Thank you sir." I said. Harry shut the door and then grabbed my hand so we started to walk.

"Mione said that she and Ron just left." He told me. "So we should be there alone for a few moments."

"Okay." I nodded and then tugged him closer so I can wrap my arm around him. "So my dad wanted you to come for dinner tomorrow, do you mind?" I asked and he tensed slightly.

"Um n-no but I've never done that before."

"Oh don't worry, I will be with you and I will make sure that you will not be harmed." I told him and kissed his head.

"Okay, I'll have papa drive me there."

"Okay. I'll give you the address later." I told him and he nodded. Another silence fell upon us and I closed my eyes taking in the peaceful atmosphere.

"Draco?" I heard and I opened my eyes looking down.

"Yes Harry?" I asked.

"Does it bother you that you're dating me?" He asked sadly and I shook my head.

"No if I didn't want to date you, I wouldn't be dating you." I said and he nodded. I smiled at him sadly. I leaned down and kissed his head. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. My heart was beating in my chest loudly and he smiled.

"Of course." He leaned up and kissed my cheek.

"Good cause I got you a gift." I chuckled and he stared at me wide eyed.


"Yup." I smiled and pulled out a gift card from my pocket. "I put fifty on it so you can buy anything you want." He took it from me and smiled widely.

"Thank you so much Draco!" He shouted and hugged me tightly. I kissed his nose and he smiled.

"Of course Harry." We got to the cinema and walked to the ticket booth.

"Two for The Visit please." I said and the teen behind the glass printed the tickets and gave them to me. I paid for them and then turned to Harry. "Here you are my dear." I said and handed him the ticket. He smiled and took it from me. We decided to wait for them outside and settled on a bench. "So do you want popcorn?"

"Um yeah and can we get a slushie?" He asked blushing.

"Of course we can. I presume you want a cherry one." I smirked and he gasped.

"How'd ya know?"

"Because you love the color red." I teased and he giggled. I leaned in and kissed his temple.

"Do you like candy? I wanna buy you something."

"Harry you don't need to buy me anything, I asked you on the date." I explained.

"So if I ask you on a date, you'd let me pay?" He asked hopefully and I snorted lightly.

"Probably not cause I wanna spoil you my prince." I flirted and his cheeks tinted pink. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Hey save that for the movie." We heard and I turned to see Weasley. I groaned internally and stood up to greet them.

"Maybe not." I muttered and he stuck his fist out. I bumped his fist with mine and he smiled. He nodded towards Harry who nodded back. "Nice to see you Granger."

"You too Malfoy." She nodded. Harry flew into her arms giving her a big hug.

"Hi Mione."

"Hi Harebear." She chuckled. He let go of her and then walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Draco and I already got tickets so you better get a move on it." He said and I chuckled wrapping my arm around him.

"Oh okay." Weasley said and flushed. He turned to Hermione and she nodded in understanding. She smiled at us and walked over to the ticket booth with him.

"Why is she buying the tickets?" I sneered and Harry's arms tightened.

"'Mione's very independent Draco." He told me and I sighed.

"Oh whatever." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Don't worry about it Drake, worry about us." He told me and I smiled. I kissed his nose.

"You're right lovely; I shall worry about you and only you." I said and the others came back. "Ready to go?" I drawled.

"Yup." They nodded and we walked in. I made a beeline for the concession stand. I ordered one medium popcorn, one medium cherry slushie and I got red licorice whips. Weasley and Granger for a medium soda and popcorn as well; Granger paying again. I sighed and we walked into the theater. We took our seat in the back. I had the aisle, then it was Harry, Granger and of course Weasley. As the movie, fear settled in my stomach.

Harry's P.OV

Draco's hand gripped mine and it was just the previews.

"Draco, you're hurting me." I whispered and his grip loosened.

"Sorry." He murmured and I smiled. I placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. The movie started as the girl and boy were leaving for their trip to their grandparents. Draco's grip tightened around me and he buried his face into my shoulder.

"Draco, nothing is happening." I whispered and he mumbled something. I turned to Ron and Hermione who were seemingly making out. I bit my lip and this overwhelming feeling that I needed kiss Draco started to smother me. I've never kissed anyone! What if I'm a bad kisser!? What if he breaks up with me and starts being my bully again. God I don't know want him to bully me again!

"Harry?" The voice whispered and I looked at the source. Draco looked panicked and I noticed my breathing was labored. Without another word, Draco dragged me out of the theater and sat me down on the bench. I focused on my breathing and usually the tears followed after. "Just breathe Harry." He told me and I closed my eyes. My breathing slowed and then the tears came. "Oh Harry." Draco said and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest and he gently laced fingers through my hair.

"I-I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"Don't be sorry." He whispered. I collected myself into his shirt and accidently wiped my nose on his shirt. I pulled away from his shirt and looked at him. He took my glasses off and wiped my tears away. He placed them back on my face and kissed my nose. "What has you all worked up?"

"I-I've never k-kissed anyone before." I stuttered. "R-Ron and M-mione were kissing so I-I thought y-you would want to." A few loose tears slipped down my face.

"Harry." He sighed and scooted closer. He wiped away the tears that fell and hugged me. "I told you that I would protect you. I promised your pa that I would not do anything that made you uncomfortable. We don't need to kiss, presuming you mean on the lips, until you are comfortable with me. We've only been dating for a week and you're new to this, I get that." He said and I sniffled.

"I don't want you to go back to bully Draco." I whispered pitifully. "I don't think I can handle it."

"You don't need to worry about that." He smiled sadly. "I like you too much to go back to having people hurt you."

"Really?" I asked and he smiled.

"Really." He took my hand in his and kissed it. "Wanna get back?" He asked and I nodded. He stood up as did I and we walked back in. We took our seats and Draco resumed his position; hiding his eyes on my shoulder. After the movie, we said goodbye to the other two and started off towards my house.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" I asked.

"From what I heard against your shoulder, no." He said with a faint smile at his lips. "So that means next time, I pick the movie."

"It's a deal." I smiled and started to swing our hands. "What time should I be there by tomorrow?"

"Six sharp, my father expects punctuality." He said and I nodded.

"I will be there." I said. "Um what should I wear?"

"Um khaki pants?" He questioned. "You'd look good in those."


"And a button down shirt with a tie. But not a bow tie."

"Okay." I said and he kissed my cheek.

"Just be you, my father can be... overbearing however my dad will step up and alleviate some of my father's questioning. I'm his pride and joy so he's just making sure I have what's best, and in my opinion, I do." He said and I blushed.

"Thank you Draco, I think you're the best too." I said and he smiled squeezing my hand. We made it to my house and we stood outside.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and leaned in. He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"Goodnight Draco."

"Goodnight Harry." I walked in and Papa was reading on the couch. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Harry, how was your date?" He asked and I smiled.

"It was great. I um started to have a panic attack but Draco calmed me down." I explained and sat down. He frowned at me.

"Why did you have a panic attack?"

"I was thinking about kissing him and if I didn't, he would break up with me and be my bully." I said and then shook my head. "He told me he wouldn't do anything to make me uncomfortable because he really likes me."

"Oh that's great Harry." He smiled and I gasped.

"Papa! He asked me to be his boyfriend!"

"He did?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah and he gave me a gift card to the toy store!" I chirped and he smiled.

"Oh that was very nice of him." He said and I nodded.

"His dad invited me over to his house for dinner tomorrow night so I can meet them." I explained and he nodded.

"It's only fair; I will drive you there."

"Okay but you can't stay for dinner." I said and he laughed.

"No huh? Guess I'll go out with Uncle Moony then."

"That sounds like a good idea." I smiled widely and then yawned. "I'm gonna go to bed."

"Okay." Papa said and I stood up. I hugged him tightly and he kissed my head.

"Night papa, I love you."
"I love you to Harry." He said and I walked upstairs. I dressed in my pajamas and cuddled with my stuffed dragon. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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