Chapter Seven

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Draco's P.O.V

I left my house after saying goodbye to my parents and promising I won't be late for curfew. I walked to Harry's house which was only about a ten minute walk. I checked the time and it was five minutes to half passed six. I straightened out my attire, which consisted of black skinny jeans and a nice green V-neck. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

"No Harry, I'm getting it." His pa's voice was muffled through the door.

"But he's my date." Harry announced.

"I'm the adult." He said and then the door swung open. I gulped and smiled at the man.

"Punctual." He nodded and I smiled.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Come in." He motioned for me to come in and I walked in. He brought me to the living room where Harry was sitting with another man. One I didn't recognize.

"Draco!" Harry called and ran over to me. He embraced me in a hug and I smiled hugging him back. He was wearing blue fitted jeans and a red polo shirt. He looked pretty cute.

"Hey Harry, are you excited?" I asked.

"Yes!" He piped and smiled. He took me by the hand bringing me further into the room. "This is my uncle Remus."

"Nice to meet you sir." I stuck out my hand and he took it. He shook it and smiled.

"Remus, nice to meet you Draco, please sit." He said. I sat on the sofa behind me. Harry sat next to me; our hands still intertwined. Harry's pa came in and sat on the other chair.

"Now Draco, why are you suddenly interested in Harry?" He asked and I glanced at Harry before answering.

"Well sir, I never really noticed Harry until I accidently punched him. He is in my year and classes but I never actually got to meet him. I had heard things about him but I never made an effort until that day in the bathroom." I explained and he took that as an answer.

"Okay I accept. I will allow you to date my godson." He said. "Now I have to set some rules because this is new to Harry. You will be home by ten." He said and I nodded. My curfew was 11. "If Harry is uncomfortable, you take him back home or somewhere he feels safer." He said and I nodded. "Don't touch him inappropriately. Don't do anything he is uncomfortable with." He said and Harry groaned softly. "Most importantly, no sex." He said and I felt my face grow hot as Harry coughed awkwardly.

"Papa, we're not gonna do anything of that." He groaned. "We're just going on a date."

"I assure you sir, we'll be safe."

"Where do you plan on taking him?" He asked.

"I was thinking the pizzeria down the street and then to the fair." I answered and he


"Okay, Harry leave the room. I need to talk to Draco." He said and I gulped.

"Papa." Harry groaned.

"It's fine Harry." I said and he nodded. He got up and left the room. I turned the men.

"Draco." The other man, Remus, spoke up for the first time. "We're gonna give you the

littlest of detail on Harry. Maybe if you two are still together in six months, we'll tell you more. What you need to know is Harry has been though his first ten years of life than a normal kid your age. I presume you noticed his... mental immaturity?"

"Yes sir."

"Well the doctors say it's a defect of his childhood or lack of. Therefore he copes in acting like a child." He explained and I nodded.


"You're taking on a lot with him and I understand if it's too much, you don't need to take him tonight and we'll arrange for something else." He said and I shook my head. Clearing my throat I said,

"I made a promise to protect Harry. I don't care of his background. I am ready to take this on because I really like your godson. I still want to take him out because I think he'll enjoy it." Grins spread across both of their faces.

"Thank you Draco." They said and stood up. I followed and shook their hands as they called Harry back in. Harry trotted in and hugged me again. I smiled, hugging him and gave him a kiss on the head. He blushed and said goodbye to the men as did I. We walked out of the house and I let out a shaky breath.

"Sorry." He mumbled and I took his hand.

"It's okay; I've met the parents before." I chuckled and he smiled. "You look lovely by the way." I told him.

"Thank you. You look pretty too." He said and I laughed.

"Why thank you." I said and a comfortable silence fell between us. I let the brisk air hit us and I heard him take a breath.

"What did you get on the math test?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Um a 92." I said. "How about you?"

"Um I got a 102." He told me and I smiled

"Congrats, that's a good grade." I said and he nodded. We continued walking and then we got to the pizzeria. I opened the door for him and he blushed mumbling a thank you. He walked in and then I walked in grabbing his extended hand. "So what do you want to eat?"

"Um, I like pizza with spinach on it." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay cool." I said and then turned to the cashier who was ready for our order.

"What can I get you?" The gruff man asked.

"Can I get a spinach pie?" I asked and the man nodded.

"Anything to drink?" He asked and I looked at Harry.

"Um Dr. Pepper." Harry answered and I tuned back to the man.

"Two fountain sodas." I said and he got me cup.

"That'll be ten pounds." The guy said and I nodded handing him the money. He handed us two cups which I handed to Harry. The guy instructed us to take a seat and the food would be delivered. We walked over to the soda machine and Harry handed me my cup.

"So you like Dr. Pepper?" I asked and he nodded giggling.

"Papa said soda isn't that good for me but Hagrid lets me have it." He told me and I smiled.

"Well I prefer Sprite." I told him.

"Sprites okay, Hagrid only let me drink that once, said I got all hyper and won't let me have it."

"And Dr. Pepper doesn't make you hyper?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Guess not." He said and put the lid on his cup. I finished filling mine and then we turned to go to a table. We sat down and settled.

"So how long have you lived with your godfather?" I asked.

"Since I was 10, he-" He stopped talking and looked down. "He got custody of me." He told me and I nodded.

"Oh okay." His body language changed drastically so I dropped the conversation. "So Harry, what's your favorite animal?" I asked and he looked up with a big smile on his face.

"I love dragons." He told me and I smirked.

"You know." I started. "My name means Dragon in Latin." I told him and his ears tinted pink.

"Oh." He giggled. "What about yours?"

"I like owls." I said. "I used to like snakes but I was bitten by one and started to cry." I told him and he stifled a laugh. "Think that's funny Potter?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Sorry Draco, I can't imagine you crying." He told me and I smirked.

"Ah yes cause I'm a big bad bully." I laughed. "Surprised I have emotion, now?" I asked and he grinned.

"Yes." He nodded and I laughed.

"Oh well I like surprising people." I said and our food arrived. We thanked the man and started to dig in. "So what's your favorite color?"

"I like red." He told me. "Do you like green?"

"How'd ya know?" I asked smiling.

"Your shirt is green." He pointed out and I looked down.

"So it is. Wanna know another reason?" I asked and he nodded. "Your eyes are green and they are just breathtaking." I said and he blushed.

"Thank you." He mumbled. "I have my mother's eyes."

"Hmm she must have been breath taking as well then." I smiled and he blushed.

"She was." He said. "Do you look like your mother or father?" He asked and I pondered.

"I guess a little of both. I've only seen pictures of my mother."

"Oh what happened to her?"

"She died." I explained and his face softened. "But it's fine cause I never knew her. I've only known my dad."

"Oh so he never got remarried?" He asked and I smiled shaking my head.

"No my father got remarried to my dad." I explained and he nodded. "My father was married to my mother but when she died, he married Severus when I was an infant."

"Oh I get it." He told me a smile. "Papa doesn't date."

"And why is that?"

"I dunno. He just doesn't seem to be interested. I think he's still in love with Uncle Remus." He told me and I shook my head in confusion.

"What?" I asked biting my pizza. He took a sip of his drink before continuing.

"Papa and uncle Remus were together but something bad happened where he couldn't be with him anymore. " He explained. "He's never told me what happened though."

"Oh well I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." I said and reached over the table to grab his hand. I covered his with mine and he smiled. We talked about nothing of importance for the rest of the dinner. When we finished it was around half seven. "Ready for the fair?" I asked and he nodded. We walked to the fair and he shivered a bit. I didn't have a jacket so I wrapped my arm around him with him tensing a bit. "Sorry, are you okay with this?"

"Yeah." He told me. "Just caught me by surprise."

"Sorry." I said and he blushed. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"It's fine." My cheek tingled and I was sure my face was red. We got to the ticket booth and he went to pay but I declined and bought us entry. I still had my arm around him and I saw his eyes lit up at the lights and sounds of the town fair. There were rides, games, food venders and people running around.

"What do you want to do Harry?" I asked and gasped looking over to me.

"There's so much to do!" He exclaimed and wiggled out of my grip. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me. "Let's go on some rides!" He said and I chuckled.

"Okay, let's." I said and followed him. He dragged me to some ride called the Zipper. We stood in line and that's when I got a good look at the ride. You're in a little box like things and it bring you in a circle vertically as you're the box is flipping too. My stomach grew a knot but Harry was beaming. We were next and I took a shaky breath. We were strapped in and Harry's hand clutched mine. I let out a muffled scream when it started and had my eyes shut the entire time. My stomach was doing flips and turns but the sound of Harry's giggle and excited screams made me happy. When the ride finished, I stumbled towards a trash can but didn't throw up. Harry followed behind and smiled widely.

"Thank you so much Draco!" He yelled excitedly and hugged my tightly. "That was so fun!"

"Glad you think." I mumbled hugging him tightly. "What next?"

"Can we play a game?"

"Of course!" I piped and we started towards the games. "Maybe I can win you a stuffed animal."


Harry's P.O.V

"I had a lovely night thank you so much Draco." I smiled clutching my new stuffed duck to my chest. We stood outside my door five minutes before curfew.

"Of course. Do you wanna maybe come out with me again next week?" He asked and I grinned.

"Yes!" I chirped. "I'd love that."

"Alright cool." He said. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Harry." He said.

"Good night Draco." I smiled and walked into the house. I walked into the living room and Papa was there with Uncle Moony.

"Harry!" They smiled. "How did it go?" They asked.

"It was wonderful! He won me this and took me everywhere I wanted to go!"

"Did you go where he wanted?" They asked.

"Well he didn't have a preference." I said and sat on the couch. I held my duck Quakers and smiled. "He paid for everything and then he kissed my goodnight." I said and they shared a look. "On the cheek though."

"Sounds like you had a great time."

"I did! He's gonna take me out again next week!"

"Oh wow." Papa laughed. "You're becoming quite the teenager I see." I only smiled in response. Uncle Remus smiled and kissed my head.

"I should be going but I'm proud of you Harry."

"Thank you uncle Moony."

"Of course, goodnight Harry." He said and gave papa a hug. Papa patted his back and then he left. Papa turned to me.

"I guess you have a lot to tell Hermione." He said and I hopped up. I hugged him tightly.

"I do! Thank you for letting me go papa, I love you."

"I love you too Harry." He kissed my head.

"Goodnight."I said and he said it back. I ran upstairs and changed into my pajamas. Iquickly called Hermione to tell her about my great night. R/PQNCQT~

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