Chapter Twelve

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Harry's P.O.V

"Draco!" I whined. "Give me a hint." I groaned and he smirked. I was gonna wipe that smirk off his face.

"Not at all my prince you will wait until Friday, Christmas day, to find out what I got you." He told me and I moaned.

"Draco! Please?" I begged and he chuckled shaking his head.

"No. You'll have to be patient." He told me and I pouted my bottom lip out. He smiled widely and wrapped his arm around me. We were sitting in the lunchroom with my friends.

"Oh just give him a hint Malfoy." Ron said and Hermione swatted him.

"No don't. Harry be patient, it's just two days away." Hermione said and I pouted. I looked over to Neville and Dean giving them a pleading look.

"Sorry Harry, you're gonna have to wait." Neville blushed and I pouted. Draco chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Sorry love, they're with me on this one." He teased and I sighed.

"Fine but then I'll have tickle it out of you." I told him and danced my fingers along his ribcage. He didn't flinch and I pouted even more.

"Sorry love, I'm not ticklish but now I'm curious to see if you are." He told and then proceeded to tickle me. I let out a loud giggle and begged him to stop. He refused and kept tickling me and I fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Draco!" I called and he smiled widely.

"I'll stop if you tell me I'm a sexy beast." He told me and continued tickling me.


"Say it Harry."

"N-no!" I giggled and he tickled more.

"Say it prince."

"Y-you're a-a sexy beast!" I gasped and he stopped. I allowed my breath to come back before jumping up and sitting on him. "Pay back." I stuck out my tongue and he pouted.

"That's not nice Harry." He told me and I leaned close to his face.

"Sometimes I'm not nice." I teased and he smiled then kissed my nose.

"Oh well excuse me." He said and I giggled.

"Can I know now?"

"Nope." He smirked and I sighed.

"Fine I'll wait."

"Yes you will." He wrapped his arms around and rested his head on my back. I shifted in his lap and then felt a poking on my lower side.

"Draco, you do you have a pencil in your pocket? Something is poking me." I told him and him face turned crimson. He coughed slightly and shifted me off his lap.

"I um need to use the bathroom, you stay here." He told me and I nodded. He kissed my head and trotted off.

"Do you think he's alright?" I asked and everyone's eyes were on me. "What?"

"He had a b-" Ron started but Hermione cut him off.

"He had nothing. He's fine Harry. You need to eat." She told me and I sighed.

"Fine." I mumbled and took a bit of my tuna fish.

"Anyway, what did you get Draco?" Hermione asked.

"I got him a football." I smiled. "Cause he's on the team."

"Oh that's nice."

"Yeah." I took a bite of my sandwich.

"So you're spending Christmas with him?" Ron asked and I nodded.

"His parents invited papa and I go to over."

"What about Hagrid?" Neville asked.

"He has a new lady friend that he's spending with. Her name is Maxine or something." I said and they nodded.

"Have you been to Draco's house before?" Ron asked and I nodded.

"Yeah it's nice. Bigger than mine but nice." I said and then Draco came back. His face was a little flushed but he smiled.

"What are we talking about?" He asked sitting down.

"Your house." I answered and he nodded slowly.

"Oh why?" He asked and I pointed to Ron.

"He wants to know."

"Dude did you just... you know, in the bathroom?" Ron asked and Draco's face turned red.

"It's none of your business Weasley and neither is my house." He hissed and I grabbed his hand. His expression softened and then he brought my hand to his lips.

"Be nice Dragon." I said and he nodded.

"I will be." He said and I smiled. When lunch was finished Draco walked us to math before everyone else.

By the time school was over Draco started to walk me home.

"Draco can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded. "What um what was Ron talking about at lunch?"

"What do you mean?"

"He asked you if you did something in the bathroom." I pointed out and Draco dropped his head forward.

"Harry, what Ron was talking about I didn't do. But you're my boyfriend so I'm going to tell you." He said and then stopped walking making me look at him. "He thought I was masturbating." He said and I bit my lip.


"Have you ever gotten an erection Harry?" He asked and I shook my head. "But you know what it is yeah?" He asked and I nodded. "Well masturbating is when you touch yourself to help the erection go away." He said.

"Oh. Why did you have an erection?" I asked horrified and he smiled shyly.

"You don't need to see so surprised Harry. It's okay to get erections." He told me. "I got one because you were sitting on my lap."

"I did that to you?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "It's okay though, it's not a bad thing." He informed me and I nodded but didn't drop the topic.

"Touching other people's privates isn't good, papa taught me that."

"He's right Harry but when two people are in a relationship they can do that stuff." He explained and I looked down then back to him.

"Why don't we do that stuff?" I asked and his face tinted pink. Coughing slightly he said,

"Because you aren't ready. "He said and grabbed my hands. "You won't be ready for a while Harry and that's okay because I will wait for you. I will wait until you are ready." He said and I nodded.

"Okay." I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for telling me."

"It's best if you don't tell Sirius about this." He said and I hugged him tightly.

"I won't I promise Draco."

"Thank you Harry." He said and I smiled. We continued walking back to my house in peaceful silence. When we got to my house he stopped in front of it

"See you Friday Harry." He kissed my cheek and then walked away. I smiled and ran up to greet Hagrid.


Draco's P.O.V

"Happy Christmas Draco!" Harry yelled launching him towards me. I grabbed him and held him tightly.

"Happy Christmas Harry." I kissed his cheek and then allowed him to greet my parents as I greeted Sirius.

"Nice to see you Sirius." I said and he smiled. "This is for you. Happy Christmas." I said and handed him the gift.

"It's nice to see you too Draco, Happy Christmas." He handed me a gift and I smiled. I turned around and Harry was exchanging gifts with my parents. I walked over to him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Shall we eat then? We can open presents after dessert." Dad said and we all agreed. We walked into the dining area and sat down. I sat with Harry on one side, father and Sirius both sat at the heads and dad sat at the other side alone. Father carved the turkey and dad served everyone. We said one prayer before eating and then engaged in a conversation. "So, if you don't me asking, where is your partner this evening?" Dad asked.

"Sadly I do not have a partner." Sirius answered. "I was seeing someone for some time however he left when I was... unwell."

"I see." Dad said.

"Harry has explained that he has an uncle Remus, what is he doing tonight?" Father asked and Sirius' grip tightened around his knife but took a deep breath.

"Remus is the man I was with. We tried to start up our relationship again but he's change and so have I. He is spending it with a friend." He explained.

"It's his girlfriend." Harry supplied.

"Oh I see." Dad said.

"Yeah anyway, the meal is delicious." Sirius said.

"Yes very good dad." I chimed in. "Harry, are you enjoying your meal?" I asked and Harry nodded.

"Yeah it's very good." He told us and dad said thank you. We talked about school and winter break for the rest of dinner. Sirius, Harry and I cleared the table. We sat in the living room before being called back in for dessert. For dessert we had apple pie, cake, and cookies. We sat around the table eating when Harry's hands started shaking.

"Harry, are you alright?" I asked.

"I-I don't feel so well." He said and Sirius looked concerned as did my parents.

"Are you allergic to anything?" Dad asked.

"He's allergic to cherries." Sirius informed. "But there aren't any cherries here."

"Well um I used a cherry sauce as filling in the cake." Dad said and then Harry started gasping for and coughing.

"Shit, Harry." Sirius hopped up and lied Harry down on the ground. "Harry, I need to use the epi pen." He said and Harry shook his head. He was still gasping for air so I hopped down and grabbed his hand.

"It's okay Harry, it'll be okay." I assured and Sirius jabbed Harry with the pen. He made a sound of discomfort but his color was changing.

"Should I still call the ambulance?" Father asked standing near.

"N-No hospital." Harry croaked and Sirius sighed.

"Alright Harry but we need to go home and allow you to rest."

"No." He struggled to sit up. I held him in a lying position.

"He can lie down on the couch as we opened presents." Dad provided and Harry nodded.

"Okay okay but you need to rest." Sirius ordered and Harry agreed. We helped him up and he leaned into me. "If it isn't too much to ask, can you get him a glass of water?" He asked and dad nodded. Sirius and I walked Harry into the living room and then plopped him on the couch. He only took up about half of it and lied against the cushion. I sat at the end of the couch and smiled at Harry as dad came back over and gave him some water. Father stood in the doorway and then dad joined him.

"Shall we open gifts then?" Father said and we all agreed. From Sirius I got a new watch that I love, as another gift from my parents I got new football gear and then when I got to Harry's a big smile appeared on his face.

"I hope you like it." He told me and I opened it. It was a new football that was green and white.

"I love it Harry." I smiled and stood up. I placed it on my knee and started to bounce it up. Harry giggled and I leaned down to kiss his head. Harry, from my parents, received a few new books that he loved. From Sirius he received a new toy car and he loved that too. When it came to mine, I was worried he wouldn't like it because it wasn't anything like the others. "Happy Christmas." I handed it to him and he opened it. He lifted the bronze colored chain and then took his other hand to hold the circle charm on the chain.

"D & H Nov. 6th." He read aloud and then he looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it!" He piped and I smiled.


"Yes can you put it on me?" He asked and I nodded. I took the necklace from him and walked behind the couch. I quickly put it on and the joined him on the couch. The adults retired into the dining area while Harry lied against me.

"How are you feeling Harry?" I asked. He shrugged and snuggled into me.

"Better thank you." He said and yawned.

"Why didn't you mention you were allergic to anything?"

"You never asked."

"Fair enough." I said and kissed his head. "I'm not allergic to anything."

"That's good to hear." He snuggled closer to me and I covered us with a blanket. We fell asleep in each other's arms. We awoke when Sirius came back in and helped Harry up informing he was taking Harry to the doctors the following day. I walked them out and Sirius walked to the car giving me time to say goodbye to Harry. "When can we see each other?"

"Hmm I don't believe I'm doing anything over this break and if I am, I shall cancel my plans to hang out with my boyfriend." I smiled and he grinned.

"Thank you."

"Of course." I said and he bit his lip. "So get a good night's rest tonight and let the doctor see if you're alright." I said.

"I will." He nodded.

"Goodnight Draco." He said his eyes moving down to my lips and then back to my eyes.

"Good night Harry." I said. With one quick movement he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I was startled at first but kissed him back and let my eyes close. Much too quickly the kiss was over and he was blushing.

"Happy Christmas Draco." He whispered and I blushed. He smiled trotted away and I walked into house with a giant smile on my face.

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