First Day Jitters

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Your POV

Today was my first day of school at Damnson High (I forgot what it was called). I had heard rumors that there was a bully ruling the school who could knock someone out so hard they would be sent to the hospital because of all the injuries.

I shivered at the thought.

But non the less, it was better than the other choices I had been given. And besides... It was the closest to my papa's grave site, unlike the other schools.

It wasn't just papa's death, and the killer bully, it was the thought that people wouldn't let me join their "groupies" because I wasn't cool enough.

So I decided to pick an outfit representing my style.

I wore a white and blue baseball T, with long sleeves that went down the my elbows. I wore long jeans and striped deck shoes (again don't know what they are called), and to complete the look, I wore a brown sweater and sun glasses, causing it to have a casual vibe.

I sighed, adjusting my backpack strap, and looking up at the school positioned I front of me.

What if they didn't like me? What if the bully was back? What if I choke on water and DIE! What if... Papa doesn't like the school in about to go into?

I found myself playing with the dragon necklace Papa have me when I was 12, which was a habit of mine. I sighed again, clutching the necklace tightly.

I felt myself start to shake as I slowly walked towards the school doors. I gulped, not wanting to go inside the humungous building.

I was about to turn around, when i stopped.

For some reason... I felt the strange urge to go inside.

That something, or... someone was waiting for me.

That this choice of opening a single door would change the flow of history itself.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. Even though I was scared for what would happen in the near future, I needed to go inside.

For Papa.

I took a deep breath as I swung open the school doors.

I couldn't even begin to describe how surprised I was when I first opened those school doors.

Hearing about this school, I had expected the thunder dome but with highschool students and bullies. Where everyone would stare each other down and ask for money from each other, then wipe their body clean from their spare change.

But I did not expect to see what I had just saw.

Instead of a thunder dome with bullies and typical highschool students, it was like a big giant club with no bullies and non typical highschool students.

Kids about my age, 16 or 17 year olds, were playing cards around the hallway floor, dancing to music that was playing, and bumping each other playfully in the hall way.

I just stared in shock of their silly and carefree behavior.

They were acting as if it was a giant family reunion! Except... Less salsa and fried ice cream. It wasn't even one of those awkward family reunions, it was just... Fun.

I started to walk down the hall way, trying not to be noticed. Random people that I didn't even know, were giving me high fives and fist bumps.

The dancers would make me twirl around and go into a dip, while the card players would give me a deck to play with. The jocks would kick a soccer ball at me, making me stumble a bit, and the actors/actresses, would throw roses at me randomly and ask me if I wanted to join their club.

Long story short, I was completely mesmerized by the time I was at the end of the hall way.

I put my arms out, stumbling a bit. This place is insane!

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a dark room. I tried screaming but it was muffled by a hand.

I was about to lick it when I heard a female's voice. "Don't even try it, I have 5 younger brothers at home and they do that trick all the time. So I have become immune."

I rolled my eyes at the voice, my body still being dragged across the cold floor.

Suddenly, I felt my body being lifted off the ground and onto what felt like a desk. A flashlight shown in my face, making me flinch at the sudden brightness.

When my eyes finally got used to the sudden light, I could make out two figures. One had dark brown wavy hair, an eyepatch with a heart on it covering her right eye. The eye that we could see was a light green shade, complimenting the freckles that dotted her face. The other had blonde hair that looked almost white, which was in a long braid. Her eyes were dark brown and there was a star on her left cheek. Both were girls.

"Do you think she's working with Chad?" The brown hair girl said coldly. "She looks to scrawny for his work." The blonde haired beauty replied. "Or maybe that's what he wants us to think!"

Suddenly, another voice interrupted the two. "Girls! Girls! Let the poor girl out of those ropes!"

"B-but Captain!" The brown haired girl stuttered. "No buts! She isn't working for Chad! Chad always hated working with girls, he said they were too 'whiny.'"

This comment earned a couple of growls from the two girls, but soon enough, I felt the pressure on my wrists slowly fade and the air on my mouth to slowly reappear.

Suddenly the lights came on and I was revealed to see about 20 or so girls staring at me, bats and crowbars in their hands.

My eyes widened, slightly scared for my life.

Without warning they dropped their weapons and went in a soldiers position. Which made me very confused.

I looked over to see a woman, about a few years older than me, standing in front of the group of girls.

The "Captain" had long fiery hair that curled at the tip. She wore a white T, with blue suspenders that went down to her knees. Long white socks and red sneakers that complimented her blue bunny ears and blue flower that was placed in her hair. Not to mention her piercing blue eyes.

She turned to me, a smile placed on her lips.

"Hello! My name's Gertrude! Captain of the 'Chad Capture Department,' and member of the Swashbucklers!" She said, doing a little curtsy.

'Chad Capture Department?' What the heck is that? And who are the Swash bucklers? Do they own the school?

"And you are?" I paused, snapping back to reality. I jumped off the desk that I was sitting on, brushing myself off.

"The name's Y/N, and as you can tell, I'm kinda new around here." Gertrude let out a small snort.

"Ya, that's why we brought you here, because all the new students have to go through a test before they can be let out into the school." I lifted an eyebrow, this girl is crazy.

"A test?" I asked inquisitively. She nodded her head pointing towards the white board. I looked over to where her was pointing and read:

Chad Capture Department (C.C.D), Test questions -

1) Who is Chad?
2) What school did you come from before Damnson High?
3) Have you been bullied before?
4) Have you been a bully?
5) Can you read English?

I snorted a bit at the last one.

I turned to Gertrude. "Shouldn't the last one come first?" She clapped her hand together, squealing excitedly. "We have a smart one girls!"

This earned a few more squeals from the other women. I rolled my eyes, a smirk appearing on my face.

Suddenly, Gertrude turned to me, her eyes stern. "But seriously, answer the questions."

I gulped. She can be scary if she wants to be!

I turned back to the white board, and wrote down my answers next to the questions.

My Answers -

1) No idea
2) I was homeschooled by my dad
3) Yes, when I was 12
4) I hope not
5) Well duh

I put the market down and looked at Gertrude expectantly, waiting for her answer.

She put her hands on her hips and nodded slowly. "Good job Y/N! You have past the test!" I smacked my hands together in excitement. "Yes!"

"We have to tell you who the Swashbucklers are, the history of Chad Damnson, and the rules of the school!"

I nodded my head, taking a seat on one of the desks. "Sounds simple enough. Let's do this."

I suddenly regretted my decision when Gertrude and the other females smiled evilly.

"Oh no..."
My lungs hurt from all of the laughing that I was doing.

I had learned about the history of Chad Damnson, but the way the girls told it was hilarious.

"And it turns out the dragonslayer recorded the whole thing with his camera! This was enough proof to show the principle (or chad's dad) that Chad was being a bully and was lying to him the whole time! Causing Chad to be expelled from this school forever!" The brown haired girl, Jessica, said proudly.

"This also caused the swashbucklers to become the most popular kids in Damnson High! They're Heroes!" The blonde haired girl, Layla, added with delight.

Gertrude nodded. "Not to mention Cory becoming the 'most wanted guy in school'." She used the last part in quotation marks, causing most of the girls to squeal excitedly, then faint dramatically.

"He's just so smart, brave-" "and defiantly a cutie-" "not to mention gentleman!" The girls just kept on adding things, making me laugh harder and harder.

"What about you Gertrude?" I said between laughs. "Are you into the fearless wonder?"

She shook her head, putting her hands in her lap. "I like Simon better."

"THATS BECAUSE YOU'RE DATING HIM!!" One of the girls yelled, causing everyone to laugh.

Gertrude made them shut up with the palm of her hand and some yelling, causing me to giggle a bit.

Maybe going to this school won't be so bad after all...
Hey guys! I hope you like the first chapter to my new book! I know it's probably not that good, BUUU UUUUUUUT Imma continue it, cuz I have the best idea EVA for Y/N!! 😊 Also, I WILL be continuing my other story that I am working on, so I'll just switch between updates. Sound good? Kay.

Ok, so I'm probably boring u wit meh weird comments, INK OUT!

-ink ❤️

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