Meeting the Geeks

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Your POV

I picked up my books and pencil, the teacher yelling some nonsense in the background.

I blushed as I ran my hand over the spot where that boy touched it. Wait... What am I thinking!?

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, earning some weird stares from some of the other students.

I looked back down at my book stack, face heating up with a mix of embarassment, and anger.

Why am I acting like this? I've seen enough crappy romantic sitcoms to know that shitty things like "love at first sight" are just down right dumb, and are not realistic. I swear, if I end up one day proving that it doesn't exist, I'll- Suddenly, I heard a voice interrupt my thoughts.

"U-um, excuse me?" The voice said. I turned around to see a brown haired boy looking at me, his eyes engulfed with worry. The boy had brown hair (obviously) with dark brown eyes. He was a bit chubby and he wore sandals with a blue shirt that had an image of a hamburger attached to the front of it.

To be honest, he looked absolutely adorable! In a little brother kind of way.

I blew a bit of hair out of my face, stuffing my books in my bag.

"O-oh! Ya, I'm fine. Just lost in thought!" I chuckled a bit at the last part, trying to make it sound casual.

The boy looked at me, not believing my story. "If you say so..." He trailed off, trying to stuff a hamburger in his mouth.

Once he was done devouring the giant beast he turned to me, a smile plastered on his face.

"Toby's the name, and hamburgers my game!" I laughed a bit as he stuck his hand out to me. "But you can call me Tank, that's what everyone else calls me."

I flinched a bit, wondering if he knew how offensive the nickname was. But being nice, I took his hand anyway, and shook it, causing him to smile an adorable smile.

He kinda made me wish I had a younger brother.

"What's your name?" He asked inquisitively. "Y/N," I answered sweetly, giving him a warm smile.

Hi eyes widened, and I watched as his mouth started to quiver. "Y-Y/N?" I stared at him blank let for a couple of times then nodded my head slowly. "Yes?"

He quickly turned around and rummaged through his pockets, taking out ingredients for hamburgers and ketchup, until he finally took out a small note.

I caught a small glimpse of it, though it was on a small note, it was easy to read because of the neat handwriting.

Race - Hispanic
Looks - Sun-Kissed skin, e/c eyes, f/c hair, and is wearing blue baseball T with white slacks and blue jeans, also has sunglasses on with a galaxy colored backpack.
How Long Has Been At School - Just came today.

And Dragonslayer-

I couldn't read the rest.

My eyes widened at the note, wondering how Toby could have gotten this information. Was it the girls or Gertrude? They were the most likely candidates... Or was it that stupid Cory guy! Ugh! I knew I couldn't trust him! He's probably giving that so called 'dragon-slayer' all of this info about me! That jerk!

Before I could go Super Sain on the note, I heard a small knock at the door.

Everyone else had already left, and since it was the end of the day, not even the teachers were in the classrooms.

So... Who could it be?

"Come in!" I yelled towards the door, making Toby jump a bit.

The door opened to reveal a tall boy. He had big puffy dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes. He had giant oval glasses and his skin looked the slightest bit tan. The boy also wore a similar outfit to Gertrude's, but instead of blue shirts, he wore long tan pants, he had blue shoes instead of red, and a blue bow tie, completing the strange look.

The boy looked around the classroom, as if seeing if the cost was clear. Finally he walked inside regally, slightly adjusting his bow tie.

"Howdy do, King Hamburger!" The boy said almost royally. Toby chuckled at this and shook his left hand at him.

"Simon!" He said embarrassed, a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"We aren't even right now!" Simon cleaned his glasses, a smirk appearing in his face. "I know," he said evilly. "It's just fun to tease, ya."

He suddenly began to laugh manically, as if he was some evil warlord or something.

I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at his 'exquisite' performance.

The boy looked startled at the sudden noise, but then calmed down when Toby gave him this weird look. I think the guys call it something like, 'the boy look' or something crappy like that.

It really is a miracle how they survived this long without female's influence.

Suddenly, I watched as the tall boy walked over to me. He took my hand and held it lightly as he went down on one knee. To be honest... I was unimpressed.

"Dear maiden," the boy cooed. "I am Sir Simon, wielder of Excalibur and leader of the Swash bucklers." He kissed my hand lightly and I just raised an eyebrow.

Simon, huh...?

Simon looked up at me, trying to look romantic. To be honest, it was quite sad.

"And what might your name be?" He said smoothly. "Y/N," I said, making him shudder a bit.

Simon's eyes widened and he just stared at me. Before he could do anything else, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up into the air, making Simon's face go pale, and making Toby look like he was about to explode.

"Listen here, Simon," I spat. "I don't care if you're the leader of the Swashbucklers or anything thing else in this damn school!"

I yanked him towards me, our faces inches apart. I stared at him with my scariest face possible, and it seemed as though a ghost came out of his mouth.

"Don't you ever, ever, do that to another girl at this school again!" I shook him a bit, causing him to let out a small screech.

"While your off here FLIRTING with OTHER GIRLS your ACTUAL girl friend is waiting PATIENTLY outside for you! Waiting to see her knight in shinning armor to come out and walk with her. YOU then put on this fake mask, and CHEAT on her with un expecting girls! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!?"

Simon just stared at me, not really believing what he had just heard. Finally snapping out of it, he shook his head violently, trying to fight back.

"No! The flirting was just to tease the other girls! I love Gertrude! She's my girlfriend!" I narrowed my eyes at him, catching a hole in his claim.

"Then why is it that you flirt on the first place?"


I watched as Simon looked down at his feet. "Well," he began quietly. "It was because I never really was this popular before. No girl has ever really fawned over me because of my looks before, so I wanted to take the chance and mess around for a bit..."

I let out a small sigh and put him down onto the ground, face palming myself.

"I swear what would you men do without us..." I trailed off, putting a hand on Simon's shoulder.

"Simon," I said calmly. "You already have a girl fawning over you! She is a beautiful and kind young woman who loves you for more than just your... 'Looks.'" I paused. "You don't need to receive attention when someone's attention is already on you, so..." I trailed off, clearing my throat.


"Yes ma'am!" Simon yelled, saluting me very quickly as he ran off.

Me and Toby ran towards the window and saw Simon run towards Gertrude and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

As they walked off Toby said something.

"You're a good match maker... Aren't ya?" I looked over at him and smiled a bit. "Even though your method is exTREAMLY terrifying." I laughed and looked back down at the happy couple.

"I guess so..." I paused, just realizing what Simon had said earlier.

I am Sir Simon, wielder of Excalibur, and leader of the Swashbucklers!

Swash... Bucklers!? OH MY GOD!

I suddenly started freaking out. I just dissed the leader of the most popular club at school! WTF IS WRONG WITH ME!?!?

Toby, seeming to figure out my panicked state, starting to laugh, even as he stuffed a burger into his mouth.

I looked over at him, eyes wild. "What's so funny!?" He finished chewing his hamburger and turned to me, stiff laughing a bit.

"You're worried about dissing Simon, aren't you?" I nodded my head slowly. Where was he going with this? "Don't worry, as one of the members myself, you won't get on his bad side."

'His?' What does he mean by that? Does he mean Simon?

"Soooo..." I began. "You're okay with me almost breaking Simon's neck in trying to redeem Gertrude?" He nodded his head and let out a snort, only realize what I just said.


"Forget what I just said!"

"But ya," he said after calming down. "I do forgive you, NOM NOM NOM!"

I let out a small laugh and made my way to the classroom door. I then my way into the hallway and out of school, jumping on my f/c colored bike and riding home.

And then I had suddenly felt a chill go down my spine, like someone was watching me from behind, like someone... Or something... Was there.

Suddenly, I heard the bark of my Puppy, Sparks, snap me back to reality. I looked behind me after I put up my bike, looking for the person who might have been following me... But nobody was there.

I turned back to my house and opened the door, Sparks running towards me gleefully.

This is gonna be a long school year.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, a lot has been on my mind lately and I haven't been able to write. Well anyways, here's the chapter! INK OUT! ❤️

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