Chapter 22

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I laughed heartily when Jimin chased after Taehyung

"Yah! Let's go you two, don't keep me waiting" Mirae said.

"Okay!! Let me wear my pajama first!" Minho said excitedly running up stairs to his room.

We both giggles happily then Mirae take my hand guiding me to her room after climbing stairs and endleas corrdiors we finally reached her room.

When we entered I scanned the whole room. It was very beautiful....Wardrobe, dressing table and every funiture is in blue colour while the carpet in the shape of giant circle laid in the middle of room is golden colour. I am not surprised its her favourite colours. My smile dropped when my eyes land on bed, it was beautiful queen sized bed which I already saw it before but the thing which I notice now is that bed sheet hanging down from all sides.

"I will lend you my pajamas, you can go wash up first" She said going through her clothes in wardrobe.

"This...."I point my finger.

"I will tug the sheets inside the mattress, so that you won't be scared of monster under the bed"

I grin happily coming fully inside.

Taehyung POV

I pace back and fourth then look at Jimin who is sitting on bed leaning against headboard while staring at ceiling wordlessly as if his life is taken away from him.

"Bro that's so weird He is only 12 year old you know..." I said breaking the ice.

"Age doesn't matter in love...." He mumbled absentmindedly

"What the- HE IS NOT EVEN TEENAGER that's soo weird, you are weird" I keep mumbling last sentence.

"But he is more jerk than me!" He winced

Jimin is so unbeliveable I can't believe it.

When I ran away from jimin and as soon as I reached his room I threw my phone at him to save myself because I didn't wanted to deal with angry mochi but he simply checked the photos and said the angle of picture was not good and sat there without other word.

I groaned loudly, I wanted to have a lot of fun by playing games tonight but the plan is ruined because of Minho.

I slowly walk toward my shopping bags placing at corner of wardrobe and takes out my pokemon latest merch.

"This was last one in stock" I muttered making crying face, "I am going to sacrifice you for my brother" I said hugging it last time.

And with that I walk out frim room.

I knocked at Mirae door and luckily the one who opened the door was Minho.

He poke his head out "What?"

"Come here, I need to talk ro you about something" I whispered hiding the merch behind me.

"....Okay?" He said looking unsure and coming out after giving quick glance behind him.

I grab his arm and guided to isolated hallway when we stop I turn to him and held out merch against my chest grinning mischievously.

"Omo- it was gone from all markets!" He said coming toward me to touch it like zombie but I backed away.

"If you really want that then you have to stay in our room tonight" I demanded titling my head upward.

He pouts, "that's not fair, I finally got chance to sleep together with two beautiful girls!"

When Jimin said he is more jerk than him he didn't lied.

"Then good night" I said walking away.


I halted stopping in my tracks to look at him with narrow eyes.

"Fine I will sleep in your room" He said grinning widely his eye forming cresent like Jimin.

I point at our room instead of giving him the merch and walked there as he follows me.

When we went inside I locked the door and gave him the merch.

"Locking the door wasn't necessary"

"I don't trust you" I said

I gaze at Jimin who was now looking at us dazed with widened eyes.

"I sacrifice my merch for you...@#$%"

He smile happily and hopped from bed toward me squeezes my cheeks.

"You are bestest friend I ever have! Now Mirae all yours"

I slapped his arm away, "You never helped me with her while I always helped you with Y/N" I spat

My gaze shifts to Minho who is watching us innocently, his previous mischievous and sly behaviour totally gone.



"Are you serious?" I said glaring at Mirae who give me sheeplish smile.

All four of us are sitting at dining table eating breakfast when she announced she is going to fansign and taking Taehyung with her.

We all sleepover and woke up at 2:00pm because we almost stayed up all night playing around.

"Then why not take me with you?"

"You don't have ticket besides they will suspect you as sasaeng if you wait outside"

I groaned, "Then why not take Jimin?"I said looking at him

His ruffled blonde hair with causal clothes makes him look totally different person.

"Who is Mirae?" He said in sarcaam eating his toast.

I scoffed then Mirae spoke, "Yah! I thought It's rude to leave you guys alone and go with Jimin, that's why Taehyung volunteer to go with me" she said.

"Fine.." I said.

I don't care now I am getting used to this...

"Okay I am going to change!" She said finishing her breakfast in speed of light and running away.

3 of us are eating breakfast in silence until Taehyung coughed.

"Sir?" One maid quickly brought mineral water for him in tray.

He takes it and gulped whole water, I gaze at Maid and notice how her eyes raked over Taehyung from head to toe in uncomfortable way.

My eyebrows twitched in slight annoyance

"Thank you" He said sweetly placing empty glass on tray. She blushed walking away.

When she bumped on another maid both of them giggles like fangirl and walks in kitchen obviously going to gossips about his looks

The chair screened on floor when he gets up, "I am going to get ready too" He said before walking away.

I look at Jimin who was already staring at me with dark orbs while eating his toast slowly.

He probably caught me glaring at maid before.

"This much be normal for you" I said calmly, "Since you already have crazy fangirls at university too"

They must have looked Jimin that way too that's why I said that. Fangirls in university looks fine but at home is kinda creepy, they can put cameras in bathroom or bedroom.

Jimin's eyes flashed for a split second and one dark eyebrow rose slightly.

"Are you jealous?" He said tugging his smile upward from side, probably trying to take revenge what I did last night.

I point my fork at him, "Listen, I said that because the maid was trying to naked my brother with her eyes and I don't care if they see you like that or not, it is something that your future wife have to worry about"

I said coming back to breakfast as I stab the omelette with fork and put in my mouth.

I gaze back at Jimin as he was staring at me with raised eyebrow quite amused as if asking for explanation.

Ow man why did I say that?

But what I said is true. And now....I have to give him explanation so that he won't tease me regarding this afterwards.

"I got so riled up when she look at my brother that that's why I can't imagine how a wife will handle when some maid see her husband that way" I said shrugging, "I am hella sure she will pop their eye out before firing them"

I already feel bad for his future wife

He grin slyly placing the utensils on plate and leaning back on chair with crossed arms.

"Even If I was your husband? You would still protect me from all pervert eyes?"

"Yes, I would! I can't let anyone to see someone who is mine with bad intention"

His eye widens, he is awarded with a light red blush that was almost crimson.

"Jimin are you blushing?" I exclaim shocked by what I am seeing with my eyes.

I don't think I said something which would make him feel so embarrassed  easily.

"No" His blush climbed higher as he watched me with feigned serious thoughtfulness before he lowered his gaze back to toast.

"What the- don't you have fangirls who confesses their love everyday???"

He looked again at me with hard and intense gaze that I feel shiver down down my spine.

"Yes they do. They even says that they will die for me and much more"

"Then why you look flattered now?"

"Because I never felt words so sincere like this before"

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