Chapter 27

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Another day of same routine, morning filled with chatters and crowd of students, friends happily reuniting again after two days off. Making my way through crowd, I finally reached my locker and lazily open it. Everything happened so fast as I caught sight of gabrage burst out falling down on my feet instead my gaze stayed on note stick inside the locker wall.

"Meet me at backside of this building"

"It was Jimin" 

I hastily whip my head toward the source of voice and met with group of students looking at me expectantly.

I keep staring at them and they stare back confusedly.

Realization dawned on me that they were snitching Jimin about the trash, "Uh Oh thank you" I uttered which made their expression change into shocked one.

They probably think I am sick because this is not my usual self. Whenever someone snitch Jimin I wouldn't wait a second to go and throw on his desk infront of his all classmates. But today my mind is elsewhere...

Why would he do that?? That's totally unlike him.

I look down at trash laying around my feet, feeling of frustration and uncertainty growing inside me.

What should I do? Go to his class and face him? What if this note is for tricking me so that I won't go to his class directly?

Making up my mind I grab fits of them giving last glance to the group of students who excitedly gives me thumbs up. I throw the trash in dustbin and drag the entire ass dustbin with me. When finally I reach his classroom, I peek inside from door but he was not there.

So that's wasn't really a prank huh?

I give sheepish smile to his classmates when they send glares toward me for blocking their way on door before fleeing out from there.

Why he asked me to meet at backside of the building? What if he is going to play another game? because No one goes there...

Should I bring murder weapons with me? But I don't have fragrance spray let alone pepper spray.

Should I inform Mirae?

Nah...I shouldn't be afraid of him.

I exit the building as sunlight and breeze gently hits me. I glance at ny watch, I have to come back before class starts.

After few minutes I finally reach there and stops to take oxygen because I am panting hard from running all the way here. I need energy to confront him...My eye raked all over the place, it's like abondoned but clean at same time. Broken old funiture of classes were gathered blocking another way. Chairs was arranged as if group of student sits there. it's seems like it's hideout for some student. The wall was rough and the paint was slowly peeling off. I crept forward looking around and suddenly a hand grab my elbow.

He slam my back against wall knocking out all breaths from my lungs feeling pain shoot up from my back. I open my eye to shoot daggers at him but got suprised when his face was just few inches far from mine looking dead serious while trapping me with his arms.

I don't know why his seriousness always make me nervous.

His hazel lens gaze locks with mine, his mint breath was hitting mine which made me crunch my nose and I want to close my mouth even though I feel like dying from out of breath.

"What?!" I finally spoke up realizing position we are in. I place my hand on his chest ready to push him away.

"Are you in relationship?"

I blinks my eye confusedly looking at him.

"Which relationship?"

"Are you dating?" He asked impatiently and titled his head little but I moved my head to sideways quickly.

"Why do you care?"

I suddenly regret saying that when he doesn't respond.

He place his hand against wall infront of my face blocking my view and other hand next to my curve. He pressed his forehead against my temple as his nose brushes slightly against my cheek.

Due to reflex I finally tried to push him away but he grabbed my wrist. I froze when he hid his face in crook of my neck. My shoulder tensed but at least his face no longer close to mine. My chin brushes against his hair when I turn my head to his direction. He let go of my wrist wrapping his arms around hugging me while still pressing me against the wall.

"What?" I winced impatiently and wiggled little to release myself from his strong arms wrapped around me

"You are not allowed to date anyone" He said in husky deep voice against my neck. I even feel his heart beating faster than mine

"Why?" I asked, feeling confused of his unusual behaviour today.

Now he slowly trails his face from neck to my cheek. My breath fot struck in my throat

"You are mine" He whispered barely audible in my ear


"It would be such a nuisance when your boyfriend will not let me do anything to you" He bluntly stated pushing himself off from me. I keep staring at him bewildered as he take slow backward steps with dark gaze.

I want to ask what he meant by that but knowing him for sure he will deny it, making fool of myself

"So you dragged me all the way here to invade my personal space and just to say this?" I asked in disbelief.

He doesn't say anything back but stopped in his track crooking his eyebrow in challenging manner with his head tiltled to the side, shadow of darkness never leaving his eye.

"I hate you" I spat, his facial muscle relaxed dangerously, hint of anger in his eyes but he kept his facial expression blank.

"Besides I don't need boyfriend to protect myself. I can deal with you by myself alone. You loser can't even defeat me, let alone my boyfriend!"

He bit his lower lip looking away and running his finger through his hair before gazing back at me "No one will date you anyway"

"Don't you dare challenge me young man" I retort pointing finger at him with raised eyebrow threateningly. His gaze shuttles between my finger and face.

"I will show you"


I am grasping my hair in frustration as Mirae dusts off the traces of paint from my back which happened due to Jimin slamming me against the wall agressively.

"Did you had beef with wall?" She asked dusting more off, I feel another pair of hand dusting off from my back probably another curious or interested classmate of mine.

"Why did I say that? Why the *beep* I said that???" I continuously mutters in my breath.

It's impossible for me to fall in love with someone in just one day and I would never use someone for my advantage. I am not that kind of person.

"Did what?" Mirae face suddenly appears in my vision.

"Exhale oxygen in morning and inhale cardondioxide in night"

"What? Are you a tree?"

"How I wish for that"

"Shut uup and tell me why are you so late today? And what happen with tre- no I mean wall...?"

"You don't want to know." I slammed my forehead on table.

Silence fills in air as she doesn't respond me back suddenly I feel a hand sliding around my shoulder

"Anyways, I have a lot to gossip about! Guess what!"

"What?" I said as I lift my head up placing my temple on the palm of my hand supporting it with elbow hopping she would tell me about fansign.

"Jimin fired all the maids"

I didn't stop to let suprise show on ny face as my jaw dropped while I keep looking at her.

She squeaks happily seeing my reaction instead of my boring responds, "It's suprising right?

"B-but why? I stammered sitting straight. She look at me confused.

I shook my head "No I mean why would he do that? don't you guys need maids?"

I didn't want them to be jobless but at same time they do deserve it.

"I don't know but-

"Can I have word with you for second?"

We both look at the owner of voice and It was no other than Irene standing with her two friends beside her.

She is one of the famous girls who attracts nothing but trouble. Hwasa Unnie hates her beyond anything, both are rivals. No one knows I am Hwasa's best friend and neighbours.

"Yes?" Mirae asked sternly.

Hearing her respond, she smiles down at her not even acknowledging my presence here.

"Set me date with your Brother" She requested more like demanding.

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