Chapter 33

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My eyes softly blink to adjust my vision as I just woke up from another dreamland.

I turn around laying on my back and yawned stretching out my arms while my gaze flew at the window that portraits beautiful orange sunset, with heavy eyelids.

I guess tonight I won't be able to sleep because I already slept all the day.

I sat up on bed when I become conscious of muffles voices and laughter, downstairs.

This usually happens when there is a guest or someone....

Hasn't he left for his home yet?

I quickly tap my hair to fix them a little while pushing my feet in the slippers before exiting my room. I walk through the hallway and peek through the railing of stairs and saw a glimpse of Jimin who sat on the couch with crossed legs but I couldn't see his face.

What the fudge? He isn't wearing the same clothes. Did he came back again?

Without any second thought, I ascend down the stairs with a speed of light. Suddenly my eyes met pair of familar cat-like eyes that made me swiftly halt on my feet but it slips and I falls, or should we say I slide down all way down on stairs using my hip as VIP ride.

When I land on "grand final" floor, everyone concernly stood up to help but Jin immediately runs to my side and helped me up while saying "Be careful or you will break the stairs"

I know he didn't meant any sarcasm as he only teased to ease my embarrassment but I ignored it and walks upto Yoongi while enduring the pain, "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to take Holly..." His lip parted in suprise as he drags his eyes down to my body and then I realize I wore pink hoodie with cotton sweat pants, gifted with extra bonus of hair sticking out on my head.

Everything opposite to my badass and neat getup in the university.

I quickly hugs myself glaring at him and when his eyes met mine, he cheekily grins like a sibling who caught your darkest secret.

He cleared his throat while trying hard not to smile, "I have to go now"

Good, shoo away "Oh okay! bye bye" I waved with forced smile.

He whirl around and did 90 degree bow while betting farewell to everyone. Jin ordered me to escort him and so I did, at doorstep he gave me long ass speech of sincere gratitude for taking care of Holly.

When he finally realize that he had to leave, he drove off to his house and then a familiar voice chimes in, behind my back.

"This is first time I saw him smile and when he was talking about you, I could see sparkle of interest in his eyes"

I turns around to look at his serious expression and narrow eyes with his arms folded around his chest. Giving off vibes like if he has spoken wise and deep words that are going to be recorded in the history.

I arch my eyebrows as my gaze averts to the ground in deep thought considering his words and I trails off, "Are you saying Yoongi love me...?"

It could be misunderstanding too. What if he is doing all this because he truly sees me as best friend? I'm not going to assume anything by my own.

"No!" His denial jolts me back to reality as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"He was simping over you! Love is completely different!"

Simping...? I guess his mind isn't going to work much longer to become nuts.

I narrowed my eyes with teasing smirk, looking at him head to toe with crossed arms, "Aren't you simping over me since morning young man?" I intoned and he stares at me, speechless.

He quickly regain his compose, "It's my true love" He seductively begins to take intimidating steps toward me.

I scoffs, "True love psst! You can't deceive me" I snap him back but he closes distance between us and was about to cage me between his arms to throw lame cheesy words when a shrill voice startles both of us.

"Even in public? Youngster these days have lose the control of their own hormones" Hwasa shouts, watching us from her window.

Jimin jerk his head toward her direction with wide eyes and his jaw that is shaper than knife drops as if he saw goat coming out from UNFO. To hide from her sight, he quickly moves away to lean against door without knowing the fact it is already open.

The door flew open and Jimin falls down while the door hits someone at other side making him fall too, or should I say Taehyung.

He was probably eavedropping us before. I'm surrounded by shameless brats.

Jimin quickly gets up on his feet and cleared his throat before walking pass me like nothing happen. I amusedly watch his back as he suddenly stops mid-way.

I thought he learned his lesson, but my hope crashed in millions pieces when he turned around and winks at me before resuming to walk away while whistling.

I scoffed in disbelief as Taehyung crawls holding his head in pain, "Aren't you coming in? He weakly asked, acting like a injured hero in movie who is at the peak of death.

"I am coming jeez" I walk inside ignoring his hand reaching out for help.

"Why aren't you dating him?" Jin questioned the first thing from me when I enter the lounge.

I open my mouth in diabelief, "Did. He. Just. Bribe. You?"

"Yah! You think your Oppa takes bribery HUH?" I lazily walk to the sofa and slumps down while Taehyung comes in.

"Then act like a Brother! Not Mother-in-law!"

"Huh? Aish look at this kid!" He address Taheyung while accusingly staring at me, "You should be happy you found such a gOoD man with such a gReAt personality running after you or nowadays every man are wolves!"

"Whaaat?" I sit upright, "Good man who? Jimin or Yoongi?"


I groans losing hope, "He have most foul personality I ever seen!"

"But he still loves you" Taehyung opines, sitting next to me.

"He doesn't love me, he is playimg with ice to run away from fire" I throw the cushion in air and then caughts it, feeling Taehyung gaze boring on side of my face.

"I don't what's happening between you two because all I know is that he loves you since very very long time"

I stop what I was doing and give Taehyung are-you-joking-right? look but his facial expression remains serious.

I start laughing while he crepts closer to me, "He told me he have crush on someone he bullies at university but I didn't expected it to be you"

My laugh dies down as my mind rapidly replays his words.

"What the *BEEP*! It must'nt be me!" I grew serious and involuntarily begins to grumbles swears then he softly hit edge of cushon on my lip to halt it "It's you! he even sort help from me and Mirae"

"Well then what kind of loser he is?  Can't he confess me by himself?" I asked even though I already know confessing is most difficult thing to do.

"He did this time, can't you understand?

"He didn't confess, he only asked me out for date." I glare at Taehyung suspiously, "And by the way, what kind of logic is this? Who would annoy someone they love like hell?"

"Man tend to act childish when they fall in love"

I screw my face in frustration, "Man always give excuses for their wrongdoings and never admit their mistakes" I push away the cushion from my lap and climbs up the stairs to get away from this chaotic algebra.

Next Morning.

I'm waiting for bus while keep glancing my watch.

Seriously- Did it forgot it's way to different country?

Suddenly someone jumps at my face, "BOO!"

I didn't flinch as I unbelievably look at him from head to toe, "Jimin? What are you doing?"

"Waiting for bus, what else?" He drew back in disspointment for his fail attempt.

"But you always travel in car with Mirae."

He looks around acting casual, "I thought why should I let you ride in bus when I ride in car comfortably." He turns his head to look at me, "And I know you would never agree to sit in car with me so I thought why not other way around?" He ended with proud grin.

I huffed with so done expression but couldn't say anything back as bus arrives. I climbs in with him following behind.

Two seats were vacant in second row so I went there to sit next to window while he occupies the seat next to mine. I looked at him questionably, "Why are you sitting next to me?"

"I heard there are some perverts who take advantage of girls in bus so that's why I'm sitting here to protect you"

I snickered, "Advantage? I don't even wear a skirt" I roll my eyes, turning my head to look out the window, but I snapped my head back to his direction, shocked at his bravery when he suddenly hug my arm.

"I am tired. Today I specially woke up earlier to ride the bus with you, so let me borrow your shoulder as pillow" He laid his head on my shoulder without waiting for my permission.

"Yah!" I poke his head, "Move your giant ass head away!"

"Let your boyfriend rest" Ahjumma chimed in showing off her weak kind smile.

Defeating under her expecting gaze, I retreat my hand down like good girl.

I can't see Jimin but I'm sure he is smirking right now.

"Thanks Ahjumma" I heard his whisper as he probably mouthed to her but I ignored it gazing out from window. Our body move with sync of motion bus and whenever his fluffy hair brushes against my neck, my body tenses up.

Not holding any longer, I finally turn my head to look at his fluffy blonde hair and my finger itching to touch it.

My mind begins to chant in masculine deep voice.

Do it...

Do it!


I smiles in mental pain and just blows air from my mouth to push his hair away and his hair aparts easily revealing bald portion.

*Suprised pikachu face* WUT!

My jaw dropped as my eye almost pop out from sockets as I couldn't take them off.

I'm never using his haircare tutorials from now.

I fix his hair with my finger to cover the bald portion and it is so soft like feather.


"You can rest your head too" I forgot to breath when he suddenly spoke out of nowhere.

"No. Thanks." I procced to look out from window again.

I heard clicking of tongue and then a hand slides around my nape and he used his fingers altogether to poke my cheek pushing back to rest on his heavenly feathers-like hair.

He snuggles more closer to me.

Aish! This is public you shameless marshmallow!

I immediately drew my head away, gawking at his calm features as he is pretending to sleep again and unbothered about his surroundings when I accidently overheard  comment of high schoolers sitting behind our seat.

"They are acting so cute and sweet that I'd actually get diabetes just by watching them"

Goodbye Earth.

A/N: This hooman ameliaphoenix36
gave me fan cover as gift🥺💜

It's so adorable oh my God!💖I want to give her rib breaking tightest huggy ever and wrap blanket around her to protect her and feed her fries all the day🥺💜Thank you for so much for dis fan cover. I lub you!

And make sure to check out her work😏💖It's lit!🔥🤩💜

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