Book I | Chapter 4

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After the nice long explanation -- which was more like a gossip -- Clemont took Misty to the Hall and asked all the workers of the house to gather. After taking a glance at everyone collected in the crowd, Misty realized that all the female servants were elder to her. The youngest of lady servants seemed to have crossed the age of thirty while the elderly women seemed to be above the age of fifty.

The male servants seemed above twenty- five and somewhere below the age of forty. There was only one, thin, bald male who looked as if had touched fifty.

All of them greeted her warmly, smiling at her as she flashed back one of her brightest smiles.

"Guys! This Misty. She has come to replace Mathilda", Clemont said looking at everyone, and by the name 'Mathilda', all understood what work she exactly had, and so nodded their heads.

" I hope she doesn't boss around us", One of the lady servants at the back, whispered to the other, but this conversation was not unheard by Misty.

Misty smiled lightly and once again glanced at everyone before speaking, "I don't know about Mathilda, but if you guys feel that I'm going to boss around you, then that's not true. All of you are seniors to me and know this house better than what I do. If you ever feel I'm getting rude, you have all rights to tell me". She looked at the elderly ladies and said, "and also, it will take me days to settle over here and work as per the timetable. So I request all of you to please help me with it"

One of the elderly women walked up to her and said, "we'll surely do". She then looked at the rest and said of the servants and spoke, "Now let's get to work". Before Misty could register the woman's words, in a fraction of second, all dispersed to work.

"Misty", Clemont called the redhead as he brought a rolled paper along. He gave her a soft smile as he passed her the paper. Misty took it in her hands and looked at the rolled paper as Clemont spoke, " This is the Ketchum Timetable you have to work with. Revise it thoroughly ". Saying so, Clemont marched to work. After the lemon blonde was out of sight, Misty rolled opened the sheet and scanned her eyes over it.

06:30 am : Mr & Mrs Ketchum wake up
07:00 am. : Mr Ash Wakes Up
07:30 am. : Breakfast
08:00 am. : Mr Ash's jogging session
09:00 am. : Mr Ketchum's office time
10:30 am. : Mr Ash leaves for highschool
12:30 pm. : Lunch
02:00 pm. : Mrs Ketchum goes for her social work (club Social)
04:00 pm. : Mr Ash returns from highschool
04:10 pm. : Mr Ash's coffee time
05:00 pm. : Mrs Ketchum returns from work
06:00 pm. : Mr Ketchum returns from work
08:00 pm. : Dinner
10:00 pm. : Sleeping time

"Such a boring timetable", Misty muttered to herself, thinking if businessmen could get ever more boring than this. Back where she lived, they had no timetables. They woke up when the sun rose and slept when the sun set and they did all their chores and work taking their own sweet time. There was nothing to worry about.

" Nevertheless...", the redhead murmured to herself. She glanced at the timetable once again and remembered Clemont telling her about Mr Ketchum. Since Mr Ketchum was gone out on a business trip to New York for almost two weeks, his Timetable was not to be considered.

Misty checked the time at her mother's old watch that was wrapped securely around her wrist. It was fifteen minutes past ten. Misty realized that according to the timetable, Ash Ketchum would leave for highschool in fifteen minutes and so she decided to check on him.

Clemont had given Misty a rough idea about the ways to important rooms and places in the mansion. Following his instructions, Misty walked down the left wing corridor of the first floor and to her luck, she found Ash's room within the next five minutes. Fixing her dress properly, she knocked on the door and called out, "Mr Ash?"

"Yeah What?", she could hear him say from inside.

Carving up a smile on her face, she spoke in a polite voice, "This is Misty, a new worker here. Do you need any help, sir?"

"Get in", Ash ordered. Misty took a deep breath and turned open the door knob. She saw him sit on sprawled on the bed with his phone in his hands. Remembering the Company's lessons, Misty bowed her head while she stood at the door.

Ash rose up and was now sitting on the bed. He looked up from his phone and said, "Please pack my bag according to today's timetable. It's stuck on the wall by the study table". Saying so, Ash picked up a towel and entered the washroom to freshen up before leaving for school.

Misty nodded her head and entered his room. She directly made her way to his study desk, and read the time table stuck on the wall over it.

The redhead looked around to find a bag. After searching it for about a minute in the messy room, she finally found it tossed to a corner.

Misty picked up Ash's bag pack and started removing the books of that day's classes from the shelf and packed them according to the Time table. She kept the remaining books back on the shelf above.

By the time Misty was done packing his bag, Ash exited out of the washroom and discarded the towel onto the bed. As he walked towards her, Misty saw his features clearly for the first time. He had raven hair, chocolate brown eyes, and he stood half a foot over her head. He had a perfect body with toned muscles, which complemented his tanned skin complexion.

"Done Sir", Misty said with a small smile as the raven haired gazed at his zipped-up bag.

"Hmm thanks", he said nodding as he continued to look at his bag. Misty did not mind the fact that he was not having any direct eye contact, instead, it was making things more easier for her. Smiling politely, Misty bowed before him indicating about her departure. Just as she was about to walk out, Ash spoke, "Tell the driver to bring the car"

Misty nodded ran downstairs to find Clemont. Obviously, she was not acquainted with the people or with the work that they performed in the house. She had to ask someone for guidance. As Misty walked down the stairway, she spotted the lemon blonde undertaking the weekly furniture survey in house.

"A tall tanned guy would be in the garage. Get out of the mansion, and turn left", Clemont directed her. Smiling and thanking him, Misty exited the mansion and advancing as per given directions, she found Ash's chauffeur. Just as Clemont described him, he was a tall tanned guy who was doing some reparations in the car as he dangled several tools in his hands.

Misty proceeded towards him and spoke, "Excuse me?"

The chauffeur who was sitting down as he worked with the tyres stood up and replied,"Yes?"

"Mr Ash has asked you to get the car", Misty told him with a small smoke on her face.

"Okay", the driver nodded, and went to the washbasin in the inner end of the garage to get the dirt and grease from his hands cleaned.

Misty sighed in relief, and left from there realizing her part of the job was done. As she walked towards the mansion, Misty pulled out the rolled timetable sheet out of her dress pocket, and read it.

Glancing over it, Misty spoke to herself, " According to the timetable, nothing in a few hours hence"

⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

As Misty wandered in the mansion trying to familiarize the places with herself, she found out that the place was not well cleaned. The carpets were dusty, there were some light stains on the floor not unnoticeable if one would glance at the floor critically, the glass frames of the wall-pictures seemed blurred due to dust accumulation and the stairway railings needed polishing. The workers were, perhaps, doing other work.

"Mrs Ketchum is very particular about cleanliness", the redhead heard Clemont's voice ring in her ears, "she, under normal circumstances, does not get angry but if the house is unclean, everyone gets a earful for it"

Determining to herself that she would get the house cleaned before Lunch, Misty made her way towards the servants quarter. As she entered inside the Ladies dorms, Misty's eyes fell on two ladies who were taking a break. The redhead cleared her throat and asked with her usual smile, "Hello, can you tell me the the people who are responsible for house maintenance?"

One of the two ladies nodded and replied" Rose, Petunia, John and Joe"

Misty smiled and inquired further,"Do you know where I can find them?"

"Rose and Petunia may be in the garden. I guess John and Joe would be in men's quarters for their break"

"Thank you", Misty said smiling and then walked out of the room and went to the men's quarter entrance. She stood on the door, about to knock when her eyes fell on a microphone by the frame of the door.

"If you want to call any of the male servants from the quarters, speak in the microphone. Even the ladies quarters has one outside so that the males and females can communicated with each other without invading each other's privacy", the redhead recollected what Clemont told her while he explained various things about the house.

There was a panel at a considerable distance from the microphone. It had small red bulbs on it which were connected to the various rooms in the house. Whenever the owner of the room or the guest in the guest room pressed on the switch, one of the light bulbs would glow along with a ring indicating that servants were being called. Each light bulb had a tag under it with the name of the room writen.

Misty turned on the microphone and spoke, "John and Joe, if you're here, please report out". As Misty stood out waiting for them to arrive, she could hear her voices from inside which meant maybe they were freshening up to commence work again. After making Misty wait for a couple of minutes, two mean, a brunette and the other raven-haired, about the age of thirty walked out of the quarters.

Misty turned towards them and spoke with a soft smile, "Hey! I hope you guys know me".

The black haired male gleamed back, "Of course, Misty". He further continued, " I'm Joe" and pointed towards the brunette who gave her a friendly smile, "and this is John"

"Nice meeting you two", Misty said.

" Why would you need us?", John asked.

" Actually, I noticed that we are yet to do the house cleaning", Misty instructyed. She turned towards the brunette and said, "John, could you please do the assembly hall and-", she turned to Joe and spoke, "Joe can you please work on the corridors"

The two nodded and replied, "Okay", in unison. John pulled out the mops and empty buckets from the shelf in the common room of the quarters and proceeded to work along with Joe.

" Now to Rose and Petunia ", Misty murmured to herself, and made her way to the garden.

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