Chapter Five

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The sunlight shone through the fog that blanketed the train station. Many bustled about, and even though everyone was going to different destinations, each had journey ahead.

The train was about to arrive when Captain Haddock trudged through the crowd looking red in the face and miserable.

"Why in the seven blue seas, do you decide to take this much luggage with you?"

Bianca in her fluffy orange dress stood out from the crowd, but to some not in a good way.

"Why thank you Captain. It was very considerate of you offering to carry my things." She smiled and led the way for the group.

The Captain scowled and muttered,"I never offered."

Coming behind him Tintin chuckled and patted him on the shoulder,"Now Captain we don't want to be unkind to our hostess."

Ella came up beside Tintin through the crowd," Tintin, don't you feel sorry for him?"

He couldn't help but smile," Yes but also it's quite funny."

Ella rolled her eyes, " You two."

"Doing ok there Mother?" William grinned.

Ella's eyes widened,"William I am not your mother," she laughed.

He winked and adjusted luggage in his arms,"But you'll be one soon."

She blushed and her smile was bright as ever, "Lets hope it's once we get back home."

William smiled and nodded,"I'll see you soon, right now I am needed somewhere."

Ella watched as he wove his way towards Laura who was helping their maid with the remaining luggage.

Soon they were all loaded and quietly on their way through a journey they'd always remember, Tintin was sure of it.

Snowy found his spot in the sunlight coming through the window and was content.
Ella sunk into her bottom bunk and happily sighed,"This is lovely."

He climbed to his own bunk and then leaned over the edge,"it is isn't it?"

Ella couldn't help but laugh and she tried to look over her stomach,"Yes it is. Tintin, I cannot believe we're about to have a baby."

"Darling, I believe it's a little too late for that."

"No-Tintin," she laughed, "you know what I mean!"

He came down the small ladder and grinned at his beautiful wife,"I do."

He sat down and brushed her hair from her face,"I love you Ellie."

She took his hand in hers and smiled,"And I you."

He gently rubbed her stomach,"I want you to know that I don't care if our baby is a boy or girl, as long as it's healthy."

Ella's eyes filled with tears and she smiled and put her hand on his,"I feel the same."

"Can you imagine the sound of little feet running through our apartment?"

Ella looked up at Tintin as his eyes gleaming with love and excitement, "Or the way everyone will be saying the baby looks like you or me, right after the delivery."

He laughed and looked over at Snowy, fast asleep,"Do think Snowy will be alright with the baby?"

" I believe they'll be best friends soon enough."

"You're right,"he kissed her and then stood up and started looking through their luggage,"Do you need anything?"

"I think I might go back to sleep, I didn't sleep good last night."

He nodded and went to their bags with clothes,"Do you want to change?"

He looked over at her and her eyes were already closed and her breathing relaxed. Tintin gently took off her shoes and then put a
blanket over her.

He quietly left their compartment and looked for a way to the dining car.


Captain Haddock was beyond stressed. It was too early for drinks and Bianca Castafiore was driving him into insanity, or at least a stroke.

"I really should be going," he insisted.

"Oh no Captain Himmel please don't go." she frowned and to the Captain's horror took his hand in hers,"I do enjoy spending time with you."

He froze,"I-that's nice."

"Ah, Captain I need your help with my trunk in my compartment,"William smiled and put a hand on Captain Haddock's shoulder,"I believe I'll have to steal him away Ms. Castafiore."

She nodded,"If you must, but I will you soon Captain Himmel."

William steered Captain Haddock away before he could say another word. They made their way to the sleeping car and passed Tintin.

"Hello, what are you up to?" 

"William just saved my life and now I am staying in my compartment until the journey is over." The Captain nodded happily and walked to his compartment where he quickly disappeared.

Tintin chuckled,"I have a feeling I know what that was about."

William shook his head and smiled,"Yeah it's quite interesting."

For a few moments they talked and discussed Captain Haddock's and Bianca Castafiore's troubles  and few other things. While William kept looking down the hallway and looking over Tintin's shoulder.

"Are you looking for someone?"

William grinned guiltily,"Laura."

Tintin smiled and moved towards the dining car,"Go find her."

William laughed and nodded and made his way down the hallway. He remembered where her compartment was because of helping her with luggage. He stood in front of her door and finally knocked. There was no answer but he had a crazy idea where she might be.

He found his way to the baggage car and looked through the small window and sure enough, there she was curled up in chair near stacks of luggage reading. 

He opened the door and she stood quickly,"I'd thought I'd find you here."

Laura smiled relief flooding through her,"I'm glad you did."

"You are?" he plopped down on a large bag next to her.

"Well, I'm also glad your not my Aunt." 

"Ah, of course." 

She closed her book and then sighed, "What I mean is, I'd never get one moment to myself if she knew where I am."

William placed his hand on hers that rested on her book,"I'm sorry Laura."

She smiled and William thought possibly blushing,"Oh I'm alright, just one of those family differences. Thank you William."

He leaned back and put his hands behind his head, "I can see what you see in this place, nice and quiet and sort of cozy."

She laughed, "My thoughts exactly," she looked at him curiously, "Why did you come?"

"Oh you know, looking for something." William stood up and walked towards the door,"Would you like to walk with me?"

She walked towards him and smiled,"Where to? I believe it may be a little difficult on a train."

"So that's a yes?" his eyes gleamed.

"Perhaps," she looked up at him and smiled mischievously,"if you tell me what you were looking for?"

William opened the door,"That's easy it was y-"

"Hello you." a shorter man that to many could be described as the definition as: somewhat tall dark and handsome stood in the doorway, "Lizzi, your Aunt sent me to find you, and of course I missed you."

Her eyes widened,"Charles," she looked at William looking almost sick,"I didn't know you were coming."

"Ah my dear where else would I be?" he said pompously,"Who is this?"

"I'm William Remington, Laura's friend." 

They shook hands,"Charles Bentley, Laura's fiancé."        

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