Chapter One

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     The winding was blowing and thunder rumbled in the sky. Rain poured down in sheets. It was late and everyone was in for the night. Tintin was snoring away and Snowy laid at the foot of the bed. Ella, however, was restless. She rubbed her rather large stomach and felt the baby moving. She looked over at Tintin and lightly shook his shoulder.

"Tintin?" She whispered.

"Hm?" His eyes were still closed.

She sighed, "Are you awake?"

He put his head under his pillow,"No."

Ella couldn't help but laugh,"I can't fall asleep. Our little someone refuses to let me rest."

Tintin moved the pillow and took her hand, "I feel as though that's how things are going to be for us, once the baby is born."

She could see him smiling,"We still haven't decided on a name yet."

He laughed, "Ellie, we'll figure it out don't worry. Let's try to get some rest."

Tintin wrapped his arms around her, and softly kissed her forehead,"I love you."

"I love you too." Ella finally relaxed and slowly fell asleep.

Ella took in a sharp breath and opened her eyes and immediately put a hand on her stomach.

What was that?

She suddenly felt the sharp pain again.

Ella suddenly knew what was happening,"Tintin!"

He quickly opened his eyes,"Ella what's wrong."

She gasped in pain again and rubbed her stomach,"I-I think the baby is coming!"

His eyes were wide,"Are you sure?"

She glared at him,"Yes! Now help me up."

She immediately felt guilty for snapping at him, but she was in a lot of pain.

Tintin slowly helped her up into a sitting position and began grabbing everything they needed.

He quickly put on a shirt and then grabbed the bag they had prepared for this. Snowy followed as Tintin helped Ella to door. Tintin helped her into her coat and then they were on the way to the hospital.


Tintin paced the length of the waiting room. They had made it safely to the hospital. Tintin has called Ella's family and Captain Haddock. Everyone was there, surprisingly in their pajamas, but it was late in the night.  Tintin knew they hadn't been waiting long, but for him it felt like forever.

"Lad. Stop pacing and sit down." Captain Haddock ordered.

Tintin sighed,"I can't. Not until I hear news."

Right on time, the doctor came in,"Mr.Tintin?"

Tintin walked up,"Yes, that's me. Is Ella and the baby alright?"

The doctor smiled,"Yes, everything fine. But she didn't have the baby. It was a false alarm."

Ella's sister Julia was sitting near them,"Wait, how can that happen?"

The doctor explained how it happens with some pregnant women and not to worry.

"When she is really in labor, her contractions will be closer and the pain will be stronger." The doctor patted Tintin on the shoulder,"she'll out in just a few moments."

"So she doesn't have to stay overnight?" Tintin asked.

The doctor smiled reassuringly, "Everything is fine, try not to worry."

Once the doctor left Tintin finally sat down,"I'm sorry everyone."

Margaret, Ella's mother grinned," Tintin, don't your worry one bit. I can't count how many times I made Paul bring me to the hospital."

Paul chuckled,"Yes. I remember that."

Tintin smiled," Thank you."

William laughed, "I want to here because I don't want the baby to miss her favorite uncle."

Lila glared at him,"I don't want him to missed his favorite aunt."

William rolled his eyes,"It's totally going to be a girl."

Julia laughed,"I bet it'll be a boy."

Jonathan laughed and asked,"Tintin what do you think the baby will be?"

He smiled,"It doesn't matter to me. "

William chuckled,"Are you sure?"

Tintin smirked,"I think it's a boy."

Someone smacked Tintin in the back of the head and said,"It's going to be a girl."

He turned around and Ella smiled and said,"Hi."

He grinned and stood up,"How are you feeling?"

She sighed,"Pretty stupid."

Her mother got up and hugged her,"Don't feel bad honey. I done this when I was pregnant."

Her father smiled,"I'm glad you're alright."

"Thanks guys." She smiled.

Captain Haddock stood and chuckled, "I must be off, but I just want to say that I think it'll be a boy just like Tintin."

Everyone laughed, and soon they all headed back home.


Ella sighed with content when they finally got home,"I really want to sleep in, I'm exhausted."

Tintin laughed,"That sounds wonderful."

Ella was in deep thought as Tintin took off his coat.

He smiled, "What are you thinking about?"

"Tintin, would you be sad if it was a girl?"

His expression softened and he took both of her hands into his,"Ellie, I don't care if it's a boy or girl. I will love our baby no matter what."

She smiled,"I feel the same way."

Ella hung her coat and noticed the mischievous smile Tintin had.

"What?" She laughed.

He shook his head and laughed,"Nothing."

"You have to tell me." She smirked.

He grinned,"What if we had twins?"

Ella gasped,"Oh my goodness Tintin!"

She quickly went into their bedroom and shut the door behind her.

"Wait, Ella." He opened the door.

Ella sat on their bed, crying.

He sat down beside her,"I'm sorry Ellie. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"You called me fat!" She exclaimed through tears.

"I did not! I just said what if we had twins!"

" Do I really look that big?" She sobbed.

"Ella.." He rubbed her back he felt so helpless,"Darling, I never meant that. You don't look big."

She looked up at with eyes filled with tears,"Really?"

He brushed the tears away, "Yes, I'm sorry."

She laughed at herself, " Now I really look a mess."

Tintin smiled and grabbed the tissue box, "No you don't, I always think you look beautiful."

Ella sighed and wiped her eyes,"I'm sorry Tintin, it's just- I guess it's all these hormones."

"Don't worry, Ellie." He kissed her,"I think we need to just get some rest."

Hey guys!! I hope you all like this first chapter :) Please tell me what you think!

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