Chapter Ten

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Tintin held Ella's hand as they neared the dining car, "Ella, do you wish that we had stayed home?"

She looked surprised by this, "No, I don't. I miss home yes, but this is our last trip before the baby is born. So, this is like a little getaway before settling at home for a while."

He kissed her hand, "That's why I love you, you always have a certain way of seeing things."

She smiled and they entered the dining area. It was packed with different passengers. Many murmered at the sight of Tintin. Mr. Finch and his wife sat at the back near Tintin's table. He sighed and kept walking, Ella held his hand a little tighter and stopped for a moment.

Tintin looked back at her, "Are you alright?"

She sighed and gently smiled, "Yes. I'm fine. Let's keep going."

Everyone was already seated and ready for the dinner. Captain Haddock seemed very pleased with his seat at the end of the table away from Bianca Castafiore. Ella sat next to him and Tintin went to say something to Mr. Finch.

"You seem quite happy," she smirked at him.

Captain Haddock smiled and sipped his drink, "I really am, how are you and the little one?"

Ella rubbed her stomach, "We're doing well. I've had some pains here and there but nothing alarming."

He nodded and then Tintin came over, "Did you tell him lad?"

Tintin sat down, "Yes, as far as Mr. Finch knows. I have still have no leads on his case."

They all ate dinner, and talked for quite a while. William told everyone some endearing and quite funny stories from when he and Ella were children. He held Laura's hand underneath the table and every so often, stroked her hand with his thumb. That simple action brought tingles up her arm, and a blush to her cheek.

Then the time had come, and Tintin rose to his feet. He clinked in glass and cleared his throat.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. As you all know I have been looking into Mr. Finch's attack. I have come to a conclusion,"

Mr. Finch fidgeted in his seat. Tintin glances at Ella and she gave him an encouraging nod.

Tintin cleared just throat, "Well, there was no attack. It was all a façade."

A few people voiced there questions, Mr. Finch shot up out of his seat, "How dare you! I was attacked and you call it a show?"

Tintin interrupted, "You of all people Mr. Finch should know the answer to that question."

Mr. Finch's gaping mouth shut quickly and his wife pulled him down to his seat. Ella silently cheered for her husband.

"Mr. and Mrs. Finch made a plan to fake a attempted murder, and make more publicity for his business. They weren't able to get to the point of framing someone, due to they're plan being discovered,"

Ella glances over at the Finches and they looked dumbfounded.

"Even though I am a journalist, I will not be publishing anything about this. I just wanted all of you ladies and gentlemen not to be worried about any danger and enjoy the rest of your trip. Thank you."

After Tintin sat down there was a flurry of questions and people talking. Captain Haddock backed up Tintin as he began to answer questions. Before Mr. Finch could come and argue with Tintin, many from his theater group came and declared they quit.

Ella watched all this and glanced over at her brother to see him walking away with Laura. She smiled because he was finally happy with someone again. As Ella looked over to Tintin again, she missed the dark expression that came over Charles's face as he downed another drink and watched Laura walk away.


It was later that night, everything had been settled in the dining car. Tintin and Captain Haddock were very tired. Ella was holding Tintin's arm as they slowly walked back to their little compartment, "I am sure you're both glad that's over."

Captain Haddock sighed, "Aye, that I am. It's been quite a night. I'm ready for some rest."

Tintin chuckled, "I agree with you Captain."

Soon they said their good nights and went to their own compartments.

Tintin closed their door and took off his tie, "All I want now is some sleep and to only think about you and our baby."

Ella smiled at him and put her shoes to the side, "Sounds like a lovely plan to me."


"I cannot believe you're about to do this." Laura watched her Aunt as she wrapped her fluffy robe around her and glanced in the mirror.

"Elizabeth, now you know me. I do not go to just any man in my night robe late at night. This is Captain Hattock we're talking about."
Bianca ran a hand through her hair and sprayed a large amount of perfume.

Laura coughed and asked," I know that, but are you sure about his feelings?" 

Bianca looked surprised, "Darling of course I do, why else would he be playing hard to get?"

Laura sighed, "That doesn't mean-"

Bianca shook her head and laughed," I know more about these things than you do darling."

Laura looked down into her book and Bianca didn't notice the deep blush Laura was hiding.

"Goodnight!" Bianca left and Laura was left to her thoughts.

She couldn't  but think about earlier that evening, and the time she spent alone with William. A deep blush and smile came to her face. Laura cleared her mind of her aunt and even William to focus on her book.


Bianca Castafiore walked up to Captain Haddock's compartment door. She held up her hand to knock, and stopped herself. She let herself in and knocked quietly, "Archibald?"

Captain Haddock went to her and took her in his arms, " I've been waiting for you."

She giggled and gently caressed his face, "I'm sorry darling I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Captain Haddock whispered in her ear, "My Nightingale..."


Laura looked up from her book when she heard a knock. At the thought of William coming to her made her heart flutter.

"Will-" Laura started and then her smile faded.

Charles was standing there, and he wasn't his regular self, "Please, let me speak to you Laura."

She didn't know what quite to do, and she let him in, "Charles, I don't know what you have to say."

Laura turned around about to close the door, and Charles had tears in his eyes as he spoke, "I know we didn't have the best of beginnings. I just feel I never got to show you how I felt-"

Laura crossed her arms and frowned, "Well, you certainly showed your passion to every other woman. I realize now how badly you treated me, and that I was with you just to please those around me."

Charles took Laura's hands in his, "You don't understand. I need you-"

He pulled Laura closer and kissed her. She could smell and taste the alchol on his lips, and tried to pull away, "You cannot be serious!"

At this precise moment, William came to the door and said quite a few colorful words. He slammed the door open and pulled Charles away from Laura.

William grabbed him firmly by the collar and threatened, "Don't you ever put your filthy hands or lips on Laura again. You hear me?"

Charles looked at WIlliam and snarled, "You should take your hands off me."

William was about to throttle Charles when he felt the cold barrel of a gun pushed into his gut. Their eyes met, and William could see the desperation that had formed in Charles's eyes. He found himself letting go of his collar and taking a step backward.

Laura's eyes widened at the sight of the gun resting in Charles's hand, and she could feel her chest tighten, "Charles-"

"Quiet darling. Now, you both follow me." he slowly backed up and opened the door. Charles's eye's never wavered and they all began to walk into the hallway. William's back was facing Laura and they were reaching the bagage car far away from everyone else on the train. Charles was about to pull the door open when Laura dashed and pulled the emergency brake.

It was in this moment, everything was chaos.

I'm so happy about this chapter. I know Bianca and Captain Haddock are a surprise! I know it's not like the comics but I've read people's theories about their relationship, and it's quite fun to write it! I hope you enjoy this and best wishes to you all.

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