Chapter 14 | Interrogation and Bonding

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Mathew's Pov

It wasn't possibly a nice time of the year. Not because things weren't great with me but because my little cousin sister is having a hard time. She is just my cousin by blood but more than a sibling by love. And that's Christina, my dad's, sister's daughter. In simple words my aunt's daughter.

And I love her as much as probably her own sibling would do if she had one and if I had too.

She just lost her dad, my uncle, Caden Heckles. He was murdered and god knows who did because he was one the noblest man I've known. After my dad, he was the one man I admired a lot. But I guess I've lost both of them. The NYPD seems to tell they are trying their best but I just don't know how best.

The wind was calm, the sun would set in some time with its bright light shining all over, while I took Christina to the precinct. She was going to be interrogated about what she saw the previous day where her dad was murdered. Her mom was in too emotional a condition to even drive her here. She's too smart for a five-year-old though. I didn't know what they would ask but I just didn't want her to feel hurt.

We arrived at the NYPD precinct around 5:15. Christina held my hand as we walked in. Everybody seemed to be busy and pretty serious. I tried to figure out what exactly to do but until then I saw a man walk towards us.

"Hi! I am Joe Allard." he greeted with a smile. "I am Mathew Wilson, Christina's cousin." I told him and then I saw a young girl walk in from some room towards us. She looked really beautiful and had an enthralling look. I knew it wasn't the time to admire a girl but she wore some kind of an innocent attire on herself.

"Hi, Detective Leslie Henderson." she told and shook hands with me. I gave my head a jerk to stop thinking about useless stuff. She bent down towards Christina and then spoke to her,"Hey Christina! Hope you're doing good sweetie." Why was she so sweet? I asked myself. Aah, I am so stupid.

She got up, looked at me, and motioned Christina to hold her hand and go with her. Her eyes showed too much innocence and her beauty could steal a million hearts. I just wondered, what a mesmerizing girl like her was doing fighting crimes? I mean she obviously could be the CEO or the President of some great company.

She took Christina inside a room. "You could sit down here." Leslie told me, motioning towards a seat before she went away. She smiled at me before she went. Wow! I thought to myself and gave another jerk to my head to get myself back to reality.

Leslie's Pov

The day just went by with nothing great happening unless Christina arrived. She arrived with a young man, whom Joe told was her cousin. A pretty handsome cousin, but I didn't look at him that way even for a second, after all, I hadn't looked at any guy that way for four years. It's a long story though.

I held Christina's hand and took her into a room. I didn't know how exactly we would be asking her about stuff related to her dad's murder. I had no choice but I felt like killing myself for what I was going to do. We walked in and I closed the door. Rachel was standing on the other side of the room.

I asked Christina to sit and waited for her to settle down. After five minutes Christopher accompanied us. I walked towards her and sat on the chair beside her. I looked into her eyes and asked, "Can we ask you some questions, sweetie?" "Of course." she replied confidently. Wow, pretty equanimous for a five-year-old.

"It's about what you saw that day when your dad was shot, don't be scared dear, just be calm." I told her and she nodded with a smile. I took a deep breath, what was I even doing? On a serious note, I've never interrogated a kid as a detective or even just like that.

"Where were you and your dad going that day?" I asked her. She looked at three of us for a minute and then spoke. "Dad was taking me to granny's." she replied. I wondered why because kids usually go to their granny's house on vacation but why then. I quickly put my thoughts in words and asked her, "Why to granny's, it's not even vacation time sweetie?" I asked.

"I asked him, but he denied to tell me at first but when I insisted a lot he told me because he wanted me safe and the only place I could be safe was far away from the city." she replied. I glanced at Rachel and Cristopher and they too wanted to know more.

"And while he was taking you to your granny's what happened?" I asked her after a minute or so. "Something happened to the car and dad got out leaving me inside to check what had happened and then someone called his name out loud from somewhere." she told and looked at all of us. I nodded at her indicating to continue. "Then he looked around and I saw a woman standing somewhere close to the trees." she said.

I was engrossed in what she was saying but Christopher interrupted her and asked, "Was it near the forest?" "Yes." she replied. "Did you see who it was?" I asked her. "No, her face was covered." she told. I sat in silence for a few minutes when Rachel spoke, "Wait, how are you sure if it's a she?" she asked to be taken aback. "I saw her, she had long hair and she was wearing a skirt." Christina said, getting a little excited. Aah, why are kids so cute, something most of us often wonder?

"What happened then?" I asked her next. "She told something to my dad but I couldn't hear her and then my dad was also speaking to her.....After a few minutes she took out a gun and shot my dad?" she told us, trying not to cry. "Did you not get even a glance at her?" Rachel asked Christina. "No, like I told you before her face was covered." she said assuredly.

"Okay, is that it or do you want to tell us something else, sweetie?" I asked her, smiling. She thought for a few seconds and replied in the affirmative. I hoped that whatever she told was all for real but you wouldn't be able to doubt a firm girl like her.

"Let's go then." I told her as Christopher came towards her and handed her a candy. I held her hand and we went outside. She walked happily, I wondered what made her so happy. We walked towards her cousin, Mathew.

"She's too smart, just take care of her." I whispered in his ears when I came directly in front of him. "Just like her dad." he said. I smiled at him and waved at Christina. "Won't you come to bid goodbye till outside, Leslie?" Christina asked me with a cute frown on her face. We chuckled at what she had said and I went with her to drop her till the car.

"Bye, sweetie!" I told her when we were outside. She motioned me to bend down towards her and I did. She gently kissed me on my cheeks and ran towards Mathew. What a sweet girl. I smiled at her sweet gesture. She was the cutest girl I had seen. I waved at her and walked back inside. She was indeed the cutest and sweetest girl I had seen, just like my Chloe.


Hey everyone!
Hope you all are doing good and also you like this chapter!
Do tell me what you felt about it.
.....And what do you think about Christina?
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