Chapter 2 | A New Beginning

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15 Years Later


The wind blew through the house with a powerful passion, scattering old documents as if they were the leaves of fall and banging the doors as if they were its chaotic drumbeat. For the first time in all these years, I had felt how tranquil it was to stand in the balcony of our house.

The wind blew through my messy hair and made me feel free on the loose. But then something happened, something I hadn't seen coming. I could hear something or someone. The sound was infuriating, it got me all galling. I didn't know what was happening and then I opened my eyes to anxiety.

"Aagh, it's you again!"I said looking at my alarm like I was expecting a serious altercation to start.

It was the first time in months that I had had such a cordial night, which was as well ruined by my irksome, vexatious alarm. Or else sleepless nights was all I had seen for the last few months.

I got up from my bed, clearing my mind of all the nugatory thoughts. I couldn't mess my head with inutile theories, not at least today. I grabbed my towel and went to take a warm water shower.

After taking a shower, I went downstairs to make and have some coffee. It had been a while since I had had such a soothing and convenient morning.

As I sat to have my cup of coffee, the first sip had made a huge difference to my day."Aaah, I needed this so badly" I said to myself while I saw Evan entering the living room.

"Morning, twinnie!" he wished me as he came over to me and gave an affectionate hug from behind.

"Morning, chipmunk!" I laughed as I saw him getting annoyed. Evan didn't like me to call him that, especially when Rachel was around. And to his misfortune, she walked into the room at that very instant.

He gave me a disgruntled look and walked straight into the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee. Rachel came and sat beside me. We both smiled at each other. She had understood the reason for Evan's annoyance.

"So Les, aren't you going to work today?" he called out from the kitchen a few minutes later."Rachel and I are taking an off today," I replied.

He asked his next question without any delay as he walked back into the room. "Don't you guys have that 'overriding' case to solve, that guy hasn't been found yet, has he?"

"Huh, why don't you turn on the news and see it for yourself." Rachel said with a gratified look on her face. I definitely knew what she meant.

Evan turned on the T.V and there she was, the news channel lady, a completely 'tremendous jerk'.

Stevenson Emma

" that we know he is in prison and there is no way he can harm any of us we can finally exclaim with joy that our city is secure again. Robert Bennett, one of the astute criminals of our city is finally behind the bars, after the interminable efforts of our cops. I think we need to be thankful to the NYPD cops who have been fortunate enough to find him and protect the citizens of the State's again. Let's hope Robert Bennet stays where he deserves to and,................"

"Wo-oh-ho-ow, I cannot believe this. I mean you've been finding this guy for like months or maybe years and now he's caught. Seriously! Are you kidding me?" Evan exclaimed as he got thrilled.

"Don't get too excited, that woman is just getting the people's hopes too high" I cautioned him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"We've been looking out for this guy for like a hell lot of time and we never even got to have a look at him and now he's behind the bars. Huh, can you believe that seriously, because I can't!" Rachel replied with some madness in her tone.

I couldn't bear having another look at Evan's insane expressions, so I then went on to clear his mind of his lunatic thoughts.

"What she means is that it's not gonna be too long until we have that jerk speaking about him again. That man is one of those guys you can never predict anything about. And now he's in there and God knows for how long!"

Evan stared at us with bewilderment. I knew he would have come up with one of his brotherly theories again, to protect me if he would have been the same jerk as he was in college. But anticipatingly he didn't react that way at all.

"Then you two ladies must watch out for him, haan." he said, sounding facetious. Rachel and I chuckled for a minute or so to Evan's crippled statement and then we went to make breakfast.

Sometime later Evan headed off to work. He had a very captivating job, taking an off from work was something he couldn't think of.

Rachel stayed with me the entire afternoon, helping me out to cook and make the best preparations. For a moment my mind was filled with genial thoughts about how this night would pass. Only the thought of mom and dad coming back and staying with us forever, got me excited.

Nothing really mattered to me today and nothing could as I was excited, really excited. Mom and dad were finally moving back to New York. Having to stay without them for nine years has been a hell of a time. It had been hard at first but now having them around all the time would probably feel strange, a little strange.

Evan came back from work at around seven in the evening while we were done with the preparations. Everything was done to welcome them."This day couldn't have been better!" Evan exclaimed as he tasted the food.

"So, I'll leave now. Give my regards to your parents." Rachel said as she wore her coat.

"Where is she off to?" Evan asked eagerly. "She is going to meet her parents, they are leaving tomorrow." I replied "Oh, okay then, bye Rach." he said a little disappointed and went to his room to change. "Bye, sweetie." I bid Rachel as I hugged her and she was gone in no time.

"Huh, I cannot believe this, it is finally happening. They are really moving back." I said to myself in excitement. This was it, this was the day I had always waited for, ever since they had moved to London. My happiness had a pinch of eldritch feeling to it. But I didn't care about it. Everything I cared about was the amount of exultation this night would bring.

Leslie's happiness is yet to begin..
...and she may get what she desires. Will she?
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