Chapter 24 | Enigma

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Leslie's Pov

It was dark inside and the only source of light was the morning sun rays that had begun to enter into the building. We walked in slowly, trying not to make any sound. The place wasn't creepy, or scary but its darkness meant a lot.

"Are you sure, this is the place?" I asked him, trying to know if we really were at the right place but neither of us had any clue.

"I guess but the rest depends on what this place actually is." he whispered back.

We walked in silently, keeping an eye on everything that came our way. The hall, right after the entrance was completely empty except a table and a wing chair. Like seriously, a wing chair in this haunted kind of building. It didn't seem like we would find anything there.

We walked for a couple of minutes inside, around the place trying to find mom or any clue we could but there seemed to be no sign of anything in there. After some good fifteen minutes, Christopher and I met at the main door of the building with a disappointed look on our faces. But there was something that didn't want us to leave from there and maybe it was some kind of uncanny noises that we heard, probably from below the floor.

Christopher gave me a 'we need to continue' look and we did. I walked around the same place and nothing could be found but when I reached the backdoor again, I felt something beneath the carpet there. I removed the carpet off the floor and saw a trapdoor, something I was probably expecting or wanting to happen. I opened it and it didn't surprise me any further.

"A hidden stairway?" Christopher said as he came behind me and saw me open the trapdoor.

"And what does that have to say about this place?" I told him and he surely understood what I meant.

We immediately opened the door completely and walked down the stairs that led to a basement in the building. The darkness in the room was more than it might have been at night. It looked like the room in the basement had never been showered with light or never been cleaned.

We saw a small source of light, probably a lamp glowing at a little distance away from us. We walked towards it and we saw a woman sitting on a chair with her back facing us. We walked towards her and went on the other side to see who it was.

"Mom?" I almost shouted at seeing her face.

She was in a terrible condition like someone had beaten her up or tortured her to the greatest extent possible. I couldn't see her in that condition, I surely couldn't. Her hands were tied to the chair and she lay there unconscious, almost like a dead body.

"Welcome Home kiddos!" we heard a rough, manly and almost a familiar voice say from behind us.

"William! We both said together when we turned around and saw who was there.

It wasn't that surprising to see him there. If all this had to be related to Robert, then William was sure to be there. William, the most trusted man of Robert and the noblest mafia according to his father like figure Robert Bennet.

"Didn't expect to see you guys here so soon, huh?" he said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing here, William and why do you have this woman here?" Christopher asked and sounded really angry and so was I.

"I don't consider it my necessity to tell others and definitely not you guys about what we do and why. And yes, my master orders and I do is all I can say." William said with an evil smirk on his face. I wanted to break his face at that very moment.

"You better correct what you've done William, or else you know it won't be good either for you or your dear master." I told him.

"I wish I could but that's not my work babe." he said and fake laughed on our faces.

I couldn't take the anger burning within me. I just wanted to kill him with the first thing I got in my hand but before I could do that Christopher raised his hand with his gun in it, pointing towards William. William kicked Christoph's hand but he immediately stood on his legs again and this was the start of a fight, a vigorous one.

I stood there blank not knowing what I was doing. I looked back at mom and she looked pathetic. I only wanted to take her away from that place as fast as possible, as far as possible. When I took my gun out I heard someone shout at me and I found myself realizing that it was Christoph.

"Leslie, untie your mom and take her out of here." he shouted at me and I did as he said.

I untied all the ropes that were tied around mom's hands and legs while Christoph kept William busy. I untied all of them when I heard a loud thud. I turned around to see and what I saw, didn't actually scare me but freaked me out to some extent.

Christopher had hit William's head with a hard, thick rod that had been lying on the floor. William lay on the floor, covered in blood, slowly drifting off to an unconscious state. Christopher looked at me and nodded. He came towards where I stood near mom. I helped lift mom in his arms and we walked back fast to his car. I had so many things running in my head at that moment but I didn't want answers to them, I didn't want to know what they meant. Everything I wanted at that moment was mom to be okay.

We reached the car and he lay mom in the back seat and I sat beside her. He ran towards the driver seat. We immediately left from there. Mom's condition required treatment, a serious one. I tried not to panic. I had to stay calm but the situation wasn't one that could make one calm.

I hated to accept that I had started to panic and I was scared that something would happen to mom but I tried to clear my mind of all the pessimistic thoughts. I didn't understand the enigma of the situation, the enigma of Robert Bennet, who had made our lives hell and was sure up to making everything more terrible. My first priority was mom but the enigma of all this had to be solved, it had to end.


Hope you all liked the chapter!!
So, Leslie's mother was found but in a not-so-wanting condition by Leslie. Who do you think did this to her and if it is surely Robert then why?

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