Chapter 14 : Attention

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I had already danced with many people now, completely trying to ignore Beverly and William. I know Natalie would never invite them in her sane mind but it was more of an open invitation and if she wouldn't have come, media would have made a big fuss about it. It's not like I can't stand her but I don't wish to tolerate her either because she just knows the best ways to get me all reeled up. Forgetting about her and trying to push the problem away, I looked around the room for a certain brunette, after all she was my last dance today.

It had been hard convincing her. When Nat begged me to ask her, I already knew what her answer would be. Allison was a bit reluctant but then she came because she liked the celebrations more than Lia. Much More. Ian could be a possibly explanation as to why.

Ophelia though, it took a lot of hard work.

She scratched all my hopes of her joining us with a vehement no. I didn't expect anything less. She hated parties. Or anything that could come under the category of a 'crowd'. Even after being a fantastic crowd pleaser, she never fails to whine about crowds and her dislike for the need to greet everyone. She would surely rather enjoy her night, drowning herself in, well, food. As she likes to put it. And this time, even Nat couldn't get her to agree. But I would lie if I said I wasn't proud that she was here because of me.

When I asked her to come for me, I feared that she would straight away say no. I wanted her to come to the ball but more than that, I wanted her to come because of me.

I haven't really been too demanding but when you put in Ophelia, everything changes. I want to talk to her a little more, laugh with her a little more, just bask in her warmth all day and stare in those brown eyes every single second.

I had always been told my eyes were beautiful, given that they are a rare blue but never have I been so attracted to the simple, hazel colour.

Hazel eyes are just hazel until you fall for one.

And it was true, in every sense of the world. The way sunshine would fall on her eyes to reflect pure mischief and the very element that her heart was made of.


Her golden eyes would never fail to reflect her golden heart that she carried on her sleeves.

I wanted her to be here not just so she would accompany but because of a promise I made. I never make false promises. Or I try not to.

And with all of my sincere intentions did I make the promise to always give her my first and last dance. I knew it meant something to her as well, considering that she said that she would never regret it. I wanted to dance all day long with her but circumstances weren't in my favour. They never were. I knew that Beverly and Lia would meet but I never imagined it to be this way. Then again, there's not much creativity required to imagine what would go down in a room with a person as bright as the sun in my life and another like a dark pall of clouds.

I knew Beverly would try to put Lia down but it wasn't Lia I was worried about. It was Beverly. I had told Lia everything, and every ounce of truth of my past. And surprisingly, she did not show any anger towards her till now. Not anything very physical and explicit.

But I knew how loyal Ophelia was. She would definitely scratch the hell out of Beverly which I won't protest much about but then again, I really don't want my friend to go to jail.


An interesting term to say the least. And a term that I have started to doubt these few days.

Suffice to say, I wanted to break the chains of this label and confess to her right then and there but she did not show any move. I did hint her that day when she was unwell. I could see her light blush but her attempt to hide it and no response made me back off. I wasn't letting go of her but I wasn't making a move either. She was reluctant and truly it was time that we needed. So that's what I borrowed...time itself because every single moment spent with her makes up for all my debts.

I looked around and finally spotted Ophelia whose eyes landed on me a second later. She gave that heartwarming smile as I darted towards her.

"I thought you were my company for the day but it's alright....I can't stay mad at you for long." She teased me.

"I am sorry but you know how all this goes. So now that I have finally found you, how about our last dance?" I asked as she just nodded looking a bit around and then soon we were dancing. I guess I should just warn her.

"Beverly is here." I blurted out. There was no way to put it out in a smoother way but she did not look much surprised and she just sighed.

"I already know. She is pretty much asking for attention after how she looks. She did not even let me relish in the happiness of the fact that Natalie is pregnant which you forgot to tell me. But the problem of the hour is that she has tried to talk to me and I might have insulted her to keep her mouth shut because she was provoking an already furious Nat and I knew she had to be calm for obvious reasons. So if she comes barging and telling you that I shut her out, you don't have a right to lecture me!" She said in a single breath and I just chuckled lowly.

"I am sorry for not telling you about Natalie but I was quite overwhelmed too because I am going to be an uncle. It feels so good and I wanted you to know from her because it's her right there. And I still don't get how you still think that I would believe her over you. I might have known her longer, but I still trust you more and I won't protest much even if you shout at her for no reason but then again I don't know what I would do at an angry Lia. But why was she after you? Scratch that, how did she know you were here?" I said looking at her relieved face.

"Oh...well, she called me Stellan's 'mystery girl', whatever that means. And Stellan Walker is dancing with me. It's kinda going to get her eyes and I still don't know how many more pairs we are attracting...." She looked around for any more audience. The fact that people outside my circle called her 'my' mystery girl made me more than happy. Sure, we did get many looks considering Lia was all new to this world and she was the first girl who was seen frequently with me, after Beverly that is. I never really paid attention to them because that's what people are here for. But I knew Lia was concerned.

"You don't have to worry one would say anything to you!" I tried to assure her but her next words made me all rigid.

"It's not me I am worried about but it's you. You probably will be facing a lot of questions and what not for dancing with me and now I guess, you might regret asking me to come!" She said and tried to be humorous. It was anything but that to me.

"I don't give a damn about those questions, Ophelia. If the whole world was watching, I would still dance with you. I intend on keeping my promise for quite some time." I said boring my eyes in hers as I slide her body closer to mine, bringing her face close too. I could feel her short breathes on my face and god, did I wish to bring her closer till there was no space and maybe, for a second, kiss her lips which have, over the past months, been my fascination. But I had to control myself because I wasn't doing anything, until she makes a move. I could have dwelt more but then I saw blood rush to her cheeks, making her blush.

"I should actually capture this. Making Ms. Hale blush is nowhere near an easy task." I said, smiling a bit. She laughed.

"I am not blushing. And you know, fact is that blushing is a sign of innocence and naïve nature. I am nowhere near that." Of course, she would deny it.

"Don't deny it Ophelia. Allison might have told me that whenever you can't handle a compliment, you start rambling you gave it away!" I said winking at her. Her eyes widened and I could hear her grumble under her breath but with the blush again and maybe a hint of smile but I did not say anything more as we rendered ourselves for the last dance.

We were soon finished and we had some food. One of the reasons why I liked Lia so much was that she was genuine. You take her anywhere, but she would still eat whatever she wants and how much she wants. It makes you feel that she is comfortable around you, unlike girls who order or eat little. Of course, I am not against people having specific dietary needs but it's not like someone is going to judge you on what you eat. If people do, you probably ditch them there.

It would have been a smooth night but if your past starts catching up on you, you probably can't do anything but fight it. I was standing somewhere in a corner talking to Mr. Ryker, one of Natalie's old friends. The guy was fun to be around and I would have talked more if only I hadn't caught on the sight of a very fast walking Beverly approaching Ophelia, who was busy talking to Lillian.

I excused myself and walked to them because I did really not want any chaos here. I would have reached them but let's applause Beverly for her speed. She was almost running. She is hell bent on taking away every speck of happiness out of my life. Now that Ophelia is a major part of my life, she is after her. I saw her talking to Lia and even after I approached her, she continued to talk, completing ignoring me.

" really think that? I must say, you are very clueless here. You are really not for him!" I was really pissed. If only I did not have my set of morals, I would have dragged her out already.

"Beverly, just don't say a word more." I glared at her and she smirked. I felt Ophelia turn towards me,

"No Stellan, let her speak. I really want to know how much she has researched on me. It gives me a clue about my public image. Don't interrupt her." I could read her eyes. She gave me a very hard look. Of course, she had no wish to talk to her but she was calm. It was as if she was silently telling me to let her handle it and I knew I could do that. I saw her holding an empty glass and I quickly took it away. I had to follow her father's first advice because there was a ninety nine percent chance that it was going to be true. I could feel her smile but that did not lessen my anger for Beverly who was getting only more irritated by this interaction. It was late now and most people had left. Some were there but they were quite in their own world to give us attention. I could see a tense Lila. Ian and Alice were somewhere around and so were Nat and Derek. I knew this was going to attract their attention. I wouldn't be surprised if it already did.

"So yeah, where were you? Would you like to continue?" Lia said in a sweet tone which I knew was anything but kind. A very annoyed Beverly replied back.

"You really are exhausting. You don't even belong to this world. I can see the way you walk and eat and you aren't even that glamorous. I don't get why Natalie got you here. You don't have to be here. You probably just begged to be here, didn't you?" I was seething by now. So was Allison who was being held back Lila while Ian was holding me back. Beverly walked a little closer to Lia, giving her a judging look which Lia shrugged off. I was so thankful for her cool nature but I had no idea as to why she was so cool. I could hear a worried Nat, dragging Derek along. Beverly still had the audacity to talk.

"You could have done that or Stellan could have brought you. I mean, he does need someone to show off, even if it's you. I must say that if you are dreaming on something, just break them all. He probably doesn't even need you. He needed me but I didn't. He is going to be nothing to you. He is pathetic. A man like him only uses girls and I-" The sound of a slap reverberated throughout the hall. I heard almost everyone gasp as Lia slapped Beverly so hard that her face moved to a side. Beverly looked back at Lia with a shocked expression, now seething. I have never seen Lia this angry.

"You bitch!" Beverly quickly got over her shock and came at Lia but she was much better at fighting. She locked her hand with her own as Beverly struggled in her hold.

"Listen, and listen here carefully Beverly Richmond! I could hear you say shit about me all day because I know what I am and what you are. I really don't give a fuck about what you think. But stay clear of my friends. You can't say a word against them in my presence. That slap was for all the shit that spewed out of your mouth about Stellan. I swear on god, I planned on listening to your crap and then just ignore you but the moment you spoke ill of him, you had it coming. I can swear on my whole fucking world that he is one of the nicest people on this god damn earth and you better respect that. You actually have no right to stay stuff after whatever you did. I am his friend and we might not be anything more than that but I will be one thing you can never be. A loyal and true friend......something you actually can't become. Stop trying to sell your lies to me because I ain't taking any. I believe him more than you and trust me, after whatever he told me, I am having a hard time not knocking you out. So it is good for you to just walk out!" Ophelia spoke through her gritted teeth. I wrapped an arm around her waist to calm her down but she took a few steps towards a very angry yet afraid Beverly until they were at each other's level.

"You are nowhere near me, Beverly. You might have a body to die for but I have a body that can kill you. I can do that in a few seconds without breaking a sweat so I just suggest you to get out of here." Ophelia was furious and so were we all. I really thought that Beverly would leave but then came along William to support his wife and pulled her back. Tears rolled down Beverly's eyes that were not even there a second ago. As those tears rolled down, William shook with anger and took a threatening step towards Lia. I simply blocked him. We had almost the same height so we pretty much glared at each other. He supported his wife while me? I was supporting a girl who stood up for me and someone I cared too much about.

"Stellan.....I must say, you have got a feisty one there. She had the nerve to touch MY wife. She surely will pay for it and so will you." He was seething through his teeth. I guess no one was able to hear him, except me and Lia due to our close proximity and I felt Lia tense up at her mention.

"I see you care too much about her. She is a pretty little thing. But remember Walker, I took Beverly away, I can take her away too and after what happened, I might as well." That's when I lost it. I grabbed him by his collar as he grabbed mine too. I was exploding with anger.

"You stay away from her, both of you! Touch a hair on her head and I won't leave you Richmond. You will pay for every fucking sin you ever did." Ophelia and Ian finally succeeded in pulling me off of him. He adjusted his suit while gazing at Ophelia who narrowed her eyes on him.

"I warn you to be careful now, Ms. Hale! We wouldn't want any accidents now, would we?" Lia replied back.

"Mr. Richmond, I don't think you have to fight her battles for her. She started it so let me end this. You threaten me all you want but I stay where I am. I am not scared of the threats coming out of your mouth. If you wish to kill me, I will fight till my last breath and if you wish to harm Stellan or anyone I care about, let me tell you then, it won't be a very good picture." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Damn, this girl was fire.

"Whatever you say, Ms. Hale. But I think we are done for the day." He was angry but after whatever happened, he sure was trying not to make it worse. He was smarter than his wife at that then. He took Beverly away to the exit, who did not cease to throw a dirty glare at Lia. She simple just rolled her eyes.

Everyone around pretty much got the idea of what was going on but were smart enough not to interfere. I was shaking with anger and was ready to punch something. Richmond's face could do the job. Ophelia looked at me and for a second I thought that she was just going to leave but she came forward and hugged me.

"I don't believe a word she said. I never will. Now stop killing them in your mind. I have some quite artistic ways plus they don't deserve your attention. Now....just calm down please. For everyone...they are pretty worried. I am worried." She broke the hug and looked at me and smiled. And soon all anger left me.

"I really hated her presence but damn show people there places. I missed on my drama this week. You just made up for it." Natalie said looking at Ophelia who wholeheartedly laughed.

"Well, I try! Anyways, guys....there is this awesome drink over there. Did you try it and please tell me, there is more left! Stellan took away mine." She said giving me a pout.

"I think he did a good thing considering you would have smashed it on that bitch's face..." Lila grumbled. She hardly swore but I would expect her to. She never really liked Beverly, even in the beginning.

"Lillian don't swear in public." Ian scolded her like the big brother he was to her.

"I am not little any more Ian!" Lila rolled her eyes. The atmosphere was still heavy but no one dare say anything which was for good. We all needed to get over it as soon as possible.

I could feel that Ophelia was tired. She would be and so was Alice.

"Everyone, I guess it's time to leave now! I am pretty sleepy and so is Allison." Allison nodded in reply and went to Lia.

"Natalie, thanks for calling me here! And both of you, congratulations...I know you two will make a pretty baby! It just a few months.....and damn it Lila, you already called dibs on baby shower!" We all laughed while Lila smirked and Allison pouted. She congratulated them too.

They were ready to leave but I was not letting them leave alone.

"Wait! I am dropping you two. Don't worry about the car. I will let Luigi drop it to your house tomorrow. I am not letting you two alone, not for now." They pretty much got the idea and everyone hummed in response as Ian told he would join us too. Allison quickly nodded while Lia was reluctant.

"You both are tired and you two also have to show up tomorrow. We will be alright. Its not that far anyway." Its hard convincing her.

"Ophelia, please just accept it. This one time, we will drop you two. Ian can drop Allison and I will drop you....." She sighed in defeat and finally accepted. They said their goodbyes as Ian left with Allison and I with Lia.

The ride to her apartment was till now silent, mostly because Ophelia rested with her eyes closed. She was almost asleep. Even though she wasn't asleep, she looked so peaceful with a few of her flicks falling on her forehead and I had sudden urge to tuck them behind her ears. So, I did. Her eyes sprang open but I did what I had to and looked back to the front.

"Stellan, I can take care of my hair and you better concentrate on driving because I don't plan on dying by an accident." I looked her way to find her smiling at me. Her reply made me fire a question right back.

" have planned on your death? Far sighted, I see, Ophelia..."I said chuckling.

"Please. I am sure I came badass into this world and I ain't leaving without a badass way." She said proudly and then there was silence again. We finally reached her home. She looked around and smiled at me.

"Thank you!" I said breaking the silence before she could leave.

"For what?" She looked at me in confusion.

"For standing up for did not have to but you did! That, means so much to me and she just said what not about you....its just I am sorry you heard all that. All that she said were lies. I am not using you. I can never do that to you. And you are just perfect for me. For everyone. You don't have to be glamorous or change yourself. Don't do that. Don't ever do that! I don't know what all she said but you...You don't deserve any of it. You are not any of it. You are Ophelia Hale and you are not a single word she said. I..I.. don't even know what to do other than punch the life out of them for threatening you." I finished my rant and looked her way to find her giving me a smile. Her hand found my free hand, her fingers filling the gap between mine. Her hand was now pressed in mine.

"You don't have to be sorry because it did not really affect me, other than the part when she was talking what not about you. You don't have to be thankful for that. I know, you would do that too. You are a great person and even you did not deserve what life put you through but you faced it all. Stay strong like that forever. And I had to stand up for you. She had that coming, either from me or Natalie and good for her that it was me, since Natalie is going to be really angry or really happy. And as I clearly remember telling her....I might not be anything to you Stellan, but I am always going to be a true friend to you. You can always rely on that. And never worry about me changing. Sure, change is inevitable but for as long as I can remember, I have been quite constant. And not like her words can change me. I know not everyone will like me and that's okay. She can hate me all she wants. After all, she is just returning the favour. So smile a little....we don't want you to turn old right now. God knows how many hearts you will break. Now, good night and don't worry too much. Bye Stellan! " I had no words other than to smile at her.

"Good night Lia. Take care!" She took her hand out of mine, taking away the warmth and she was almost out of the car but she turned around. I thought she forgot something but she came closer, too close before giving me a quick peck on my cheeks. Winking me off, she got off the car and waving me back she was gone, and all the while....I was still.

She just kissed me. wasn't a proper kiss but it was enough to get a reaction out of me. After a few moments of realization, I started smiling like a goof before I heard my phone go off. I opened it to see a message from Lia. Opening it up, I saw her most recent message.

I know I have that effect on the opposite sex, Walker.

She probably saw my reaction and was making fun of me. Instead of being offended, I felt happy. After a very long time, I felt truly happy and it was just because of a small gesture by Ophelia Hale. I banged my head on the steering wheel, smiling till I saw Lia in her balcony. I saw her wiggling her eyebrows as I waved at her before steering my car back to my house

I saw how the moon shine over her already perfect smile, making it so much more than just smile. Her eyes twinkled with her soul that she was determined to use to brighten other people's life. And she was doing exactly that.

I won't say that my life was boring. I had always been accused of being a boring company which I am proud of because that is what I am. I am proud to be who I am because I know the people that I care about love me just enough to keep up with me and as they always said, there has gotta be a smart guy in the chaos.

There were times when I had lesser friends outside my own circle, as compared to my three other best friends. I might have given it a thought or two but I don't regret having less friends. I never did because the ones I had, wanted to be with me for being Stellan and not Stellan Walker. I might have misjudged the situation at times, considering Beverly is now my past, but one thing was for sure.

Ophelia Hale was with me for me. She liked me. She did, it was obvious and maybe she knew we both did, but being the stubborn girl that she is, she might be pushing it away. She never really mentioned it but she had her own insecurities. We all did. She hid them well but at times, her eyes would hold those questions which we all often ignored or never really saw. But it would be difficult for me to miss as her eyes were the most expressive part of her and I never missed the chance to look deep in them. She might have been flushed a few times, having caught me staring and I would be embarrassed too but I never gave it away.

Because those hazel orbs held the shine in them that could light your world away. But in my case, I guess, she could just simply blow away mine. And if she did, I wouldn't stop it. I would let it follow its path.

Because at the end of the day, even if the flame might burn it, the moth would still fly closer. Even if it meant burning down with it. Lia was my flame and I wasn't planning on letting go off her warmth. I was one stupid moth.

Stupid to follow her when she was clearly not wanting to be followed. But then again, what can I say?

I just liked her too much. Way too much!

Natalie was right. But I did not regret it, not even a bit.

Because how can you regret something when it gives you nothing but memories to cherish and trust to hold on to?

Hello readers!
Now first of all.....

We have 1K views. Oh holy jesus...oh my dear lords! We did it guys, we all did it! I was so happy to see the K in my views. It made my day. Weeks probably!
Thank you guys! So so much❤️❤️❤️

Second of all.....
Suggest me some good romance or werewolf books, you guys! I need something to read!

And there is chapter 14 done.
Hope you liked it!

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