Chapter 30 : For That Part

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Missed him a lot, didn't you?
What an understanding person I am! 😎😎

Ready for this?

And please read the A/N at the end.

I have been in the bed for the past few minutes, completely awake and aware that it was morning now.

The morning couldn't be any better though. Not with the realization that the girl I loved was sleeping two rooms away, after an exhausting night which ended with her accepting my love.

I was scared would be an understatement. After all the time I had spent with Lia in the past months, I knew she was perfect. Sure, no one is perfect. But she was perfect for me.

I remember the feeling I had when it was Beverly at her place. But it wasn't the same. Hell, it's on a completely different. And I have been sleeping with that fact for the past few nights. It's nothing like Beverly and I had. Sure, we were serious, at least I was. But with Ophelia, I really don't even need to know if we are serious or not. The mere thought that she was with me was enough to make me happy.

And with Beverly, at times, things were too formal, like she was doing everything for the sake of it. I often brushed it off, reasoning that she was making a career. It was one of the first few signs of the fact that she was bluffing it all.

But Lia. Oh god, Lia! never formal. Even before I loved her or liked her, I knew she was genuine. She is one of the people to say the truth at your face. That might make her a bitch to someone but at least it's better than betrayal. She was simply genuine. And with all the charm she had, people hardly ever not liked her. They liked her way too much. I have seen her work with her team. She will work with you as far as you treat her like a friend and an equal because in the team, equal they all are. But the moment you try ordering her around when you are not the boss of her, she won't give a thought about you. While in the office, she listened to everything I told the interns to do, though in our private life, she never ever listened to me. If one ever has the pleasure to meet Ophelia, one would know she is not good at taking orders. I guess the person she bows down to is her parents. And it's not wrong.

After everything she told me last night, I have so much respect for her parents. I did admire them for gifting the world a soul like Lia, but they did not have it the easy way. They built her, out of her own ashes. And no woman is more strong than one that is built from her own fallen kingdom. They pulled her out of the darkness that she has grown to fear so much and lighted her up. They lighted her up, to allow her to light the room up with her presence. And I respect them for doing that. They made the Ophelia Hale of today, the one I have grown to love.

I did not pity her. She needed no pity. She is way to badass to need pity. For god's sake, she beats up guys. But I know for sure that if I ever get the opportunity to visit hell, I can become a whole new incarnation of Lucifer for her real father. Because that is what he deserves. Oh, he deserves worse than hell. And I am sure the gods above did a good calculation of just how much punishments he needs for his sins. And while Lia regretted killing him somewhere deep down because she did cry last night, I knew I wouldn't regret killing him. I am not heartless but if I find any person laying a finger on people I call mine, I will kill him without a second. Enough of a reason as to why I think Lia's father deserved that. But I don't think that I can ever tell that to Lia. She might be over it in different ways but telling her that she shouldn't really regret it, knowing her, her mind will go in an overdrive, possibly the negative side.

And what an excuse of a human was he?

Laying hands on the only thing that is precious to him. I am not a father but for as long as I have known Cole, he had always been like a son to me. And I don't even want to imagine him in pain, much less my own children.

It's good he is dead. It's good he is dead and rotting six feet down the ground. Because I knew that if he was alive, I would hunt him down. And after what Lia told me, he won't be alive to see the next morning.

And he would know. The world would know to not mess with her. To not play with her. I might be a polite guy but I damn well know when I need to be cold. It's fairly rare considering I don't even talk to people who know nothing but bad mouth. But do something to my family, just know you have a thing coming. And the best part is, it's unexpected. Because people don't expect this Walker to fight. Oh, just how wrong they are.

And they should know after yesterday night.

If there is one thing I will protect fiercely, it will be her.

We all have our demons. Hers are just darker than others. All the more reason why she shines the brightest. After all, stars need darkness to shine too.

Sighing and finally ready for a new day, I looked at the clock to find I was already late. Not a shocker though. It was late when I slept and the night was tiring. And I was tired. I really don't want to think about how my other three friends are, considering how they planned everything yesterday. They might as well take a day off, or maybe a half day.

Correction: two friends and my girlfriend.

I liked calling her that. I liked calling her mine. Girlfriend was a mere of the many things that she was for me. The word that impacted the most was 'my'. Because let's accept it, I am going to enjoy flaunting to the world that she is mine. For now at least.

I got up, doing the morning routine and wearing a shirt on my way. I sauntered to the kitchen, throwing a glance at the room that Lia probably was in. The house wasn't buzzing, signal enough that Ian and Lia were asleep. Ian wouldn't leave without me and Lia must be too tired. Alice might be awake. Dad would have been to the office already, not bothering to wake me up. My old man just cares too much. Lily must be training and Cole must be off to school.

I walked to the kitchen, calling for Emma, rubbing my eyes open.

"Good morning, Stel." She greeted me with a smile. I smiled back.

"Good morning, Em. What is for breakfast....and who all are in the house right now?" I asked walking to take a glass of water.

"Well, since you had hell lot of junk yesterday at the party, its plain toast with eggs for you." I groaned at that. She sent me a glare. She went ahead and started making the breakfast. Suffice to say, she has been the housekeeper for as long as I can remember and she saw me grow. She is worthy of scolding me if she has too.

"As for the other question, your friends are sleeping. Ian broke the alarm clock again." I snorted at that.

"I don't blame them. It was a long day." She nodded.

"It was. And so was the night, wasn't it?" I almost choked on my water when she sent a knowing smile my way. She was pretty observant, often catching my lies as a child. I had a feeling she knew something.

"It was. I mean....with so many people, it has to be." She waved me off.

"It's sure not the number of people that came yesterday is making you smile. You have been here for 3 minutes and you haven't stopped smiling, even at the name of toast." She looked at me.

"I-I was a good day." She scoffed.

"You sure Lia doesn't have to do anything with it?" Although it was a question, I think she knew the answer. I blinked at her.

"Fuck the innocent look Stellan....I saw you kissing Lia. So....what is going on?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.

One thing you should be clear about, Emma swears. She does, unlike other housekeepers. It's not much but when she does, it's a pure indicator that she knows everything and you better start blabbering. The women around me sure make up for me not swearing.

"'s nothing....It was just..." She gave me a bored look and I sighed.

"We...uh, we might just"

I knew she liked Ophelia. Hell, everyone in the house did. But I would still avoid talking about my relationship with Emma because she hated the last girl I called for dinner. She was the first person to disapprove of Beverly. She wanted to see me happy and kept quiet. She didn't say anything and did her best to be civil enough with her. At points, even Beverly tried to get her reeled up but she ignored her for most part of our dating.

I hated that. Emma was like a mother to me. And I wanted everyone in the family to accept Beverly if I was dating her because family had always been the first thing. Sure, I would fight for my love but not at the cost of them hurting.

When I talked to Emma about all this, she just said I deserved much better than her but if it was what made me happy, then she would still attend my wedding and scold my children when they try to steal her hand baked cookies, much like their father.

She attended the wedding, was not as shocked as us all when the bride didn't show up. She was expecting Beverly to show her true colours. She didn't expect her to choose that time and be as insensitive as she acted.

The first person I held and cried was probably her. I didn't cry that very day but once I sat in my room and thought about it, the dam just broke and so did I.

She was the first to find me and calm me down. She was like a mother to us. She had always treated us like family. She never really married so the only family she had was us. And we were more than happy to call her that.

So when I tell her that Ophelia and I were dating, I just wanted her to be happy. Really happy. Not just for me but for Ophelia too.

And then, I saw her eyes twinkle. Just the same way the eyes of cartoons do that Cole watches. She smiled brightly and I knew I didn't have to worry about anything.

"I am happy for you. I am so god damn happy for you. You....deserved love, Stellan. And I can't be more happy if it's Ophelia you found it in. She is wonderful. You both are beautiful. Just know that." She smiled and patted my cheek.

Then I saw her move back to her machine, the smile still ever present on her face

"....who all know?" She asked, getting the toast ready and all.

"No one except you." She looked at me, scoffing and putting the plate in front of me.

"Not even Natalie?"

"Nope," I said, inwardly pleading her not to tell her, not now atleast. But it was already late though.

She was already roaming around, muttering how she can't find her phone when she needs it. I know she is going to tell Nat. But I won't stop her. Not like I could. My family has been far more excited about Lia than any one else to be honest.

She must have gone to her room when Ian came in, looking like the kid he did years back. I don't know how many people will 'awwww' at this look. I just wanted to spill something at his hair though. He literally has the best hair and he puts too much work on it. Like he is sleeping, next moment he is awake and....Boom! His hair is still perfect. How is that possible? I don't even know. Mysteries of Ian Henderson's life.

"Hey, man.....ahh shit! It's toast. Where is Emma? Her food is bomb....I can't eat the toast." I shrugged.

"Emma made this. A healthier option for us all....we did have a hard party last night." He slumped down. Ian had this habit of not eating the breakfast right away. He would sit and just, goof around.

"Dude...self-note! I did not get drunk last night." Considering Ian, it was a big thing.

"You didn't as well at Ace's party." He shook his head.

"That time, I needed to not drink. Yesterday, I didn't wish to." Well, what can I say, Allison is changing Ian for the best. He is a hardcore drinker and I can't deny that he is a player. Well, he was. That's his way of living. I did warn him but he would just chuckle, saying he needed a distraction from crappy life. But lately, he needed none of that. Allison was enough. And I was happy for him. For the first time in my life, I have seen him serious for a girl. But I swear if he hurts Alice, leave Alex and Lia, I would handle him my way, punches included.

"Talk of the devil..." Ian whispered as Alice entered the dining room. She walked up to the table, greeting on her way. She rubbed her temples.

"Do you guys have Advil or any other medicine for a headache?" Ian nodded, looking her way.

"Why, you need one?"

"Yeah....crying does that to me. Can you please tell me where it is?" With everything that happened yesterday, Ian asked nothing more and got up, telling us he will get one, not even giving her time to protest. She sat down right next to where he once sat and turned to me as my eyes moved to her.

"Stel, thank you." She said as I was having my last bites.

"Uhmm...why?" She smiled.

"For listening to Lia."

" you know though?" I looked at her, guessing maybe Lia told her.

"I know you enough, Stel. I know you wouldn't have just let her break down. And if she was smiling, it meant that she had someone to hold on to while she went through it all again. It is difficult for her, but you made it easy. So, thank you." I smiled and nodded lightly. These two were way too loyal to each other, but Lia needed a friend like her.

Soon Ian came back as I was done with the breakfast, putting away the plates. He offered Alice water and pill, taking a seat next to her. I started making toast for them. They had to eat it anyway, plus I knew Natalie wasn't going to leave Emma soon.

I heard him muttering something to Alice as she shook her head way too quick. Ian turned to me, mischief clear in his eyes. It was 9 in the morning and he was already planning something.

"Hey, Stellan. How would it be if I woke Lia up?" I looked at him suspiciously. He can't just wake people up simply.

"By waking up, you mean calling her name out until she wakes up and finally giving up because she won't?" I asked him, still busy with the toast.

I finally looked at him and no, he didn't mean simply waking her up. His smirk said otherwise.

"Oh, that is the way I would wake up a stranger. She ain't no stranger plus she is way too cool to wake up that way. She needs a blast morning icy water, glitters and slime and feather." I looked horrified at him. Knowing Ian, he could easily get anything he wanted for a prank in a minute. Allison was looking wide-eyed.

"Ian, she will not leave you then. Don't prank her. It didn't go well for the people who did that back in the school. She will find a way to get back at you....far worse than yours." Alice told Ian, completely serious. I swear I saw him gulp but come on, he is Ian Henderson. He doesn't fear anyone, or so he says. He brushed her off.

"Come on, Al! It will be fun plus there weren't guys like me at your school, now were there?" I could tell Alice was blushing, the usual. He turned to me then.

"So, what you say, Stel?" I made a face.

"I am not supporting you. Heck, I won't let you do that. She is way too tired for your stupid prank."

" are way too protective of her."

"Ian....I won't let people throw water at my friends." I told him.

" will! You are just not going to let me throw water at your girlfriend." He said smugly and winked at Alice who tried to control her chuckle. She got his joke then.

He has been teasing me for god knows how long. He just jokes about it and I get back at him with Alice but since she was already here, I couldn't take her name. I had a better answer to that.

"I am not going to allow you to throw water at Ophelia. I am not going to allow anyone to throw water at my girlfriend for that part." I didn't even look there way. I never accepted that she was my girlfriend but this time I did because I could.

There was a moment of silence as I walked over to the toast. Complete utter silence while I could feel Ian's gears working in his brain. I gave them a side way glance to see Allison, a small smile on her face. Well, she was smarter than Ian to be honest.

"What is this? Do we get to see a protective Stellan already?"

Her words brought Ian out of his brain work out and he shook his head, trying his best to hide a smile.

"When was he not doing that anyways?"  Not like Lia needed any protection. But I don't think I can not, not care for her. And try to protect her when she continues to argue that she can handle everyhting just fine.

She can. Ophelia can handle every thing just fine.

But little does my love know, she is only human. And deserves a break one some time. And I will be sure to be there when she feels safe enough for that.

I walked over to them, having the plates, watching Ian giving Alice raised eyebrows and me a known look. I just had a smile on my face.

Okay, maybe a proud smile.

Okay, maybe a smirk!

"Ah.....Stellan, did you just call Lia your girlfriend?" Ian looked at me, pretty sure of my answer.

"She is. But you seemed shocked, considering how you were waiting for this day." I raised my eyebrows at him. They both looked my way and then faced each other.

The next thing I know, they are high fiving each other, laughing together.

"I told you something went down last night," Ian told Alice as she nodded.

"Oh....I felt too. They are not very discreet. They are bad at hiding." She looked at Ian with all seriousness.

"Oh yeah! Stel is a crappy liar too." Ian said.

"And he is standing right here," I said, waving at them.

They ignored me.

"I gotta tell Natalie and Lillian and Rose....oh my god! She is gonna send cookies now." Alice muttered happily. Ian looked at her and then he turned to me, dread all over his face.

"Dude....she gotta tell her dad."

I narrowed my eyes at him, before the situation dawned on me and truth on his tongue now making a safe space for fear.

How is she gonna break this to her dad? The one who was ready with a shot gun the last time I remember!

Father's do tend to be protective. Dad was too. I won't blame him for being as intimidating as he has been all his life. Because if it kept Ophelia safe, how could it be anything but good? 

"Man, I am sorry for you. You are under the bus, all alone." Ian smirked as I sent a glare his way.

"He will ask questions. Like he was a cop. He must know when you lie, doesn't he?" He asked Alice.

"He does." She replied with all honesty.

"He must be quite strong since he was out there, fighting for the city, isn't he?" He asked again.

"He is." The same reply.

"He must know how to throw punches and kicks."

"He does."

"He must know how to scare guys away....I me-"

I cut him there, disturbed what all her dad could do to me.

"Guys, not helping," I told them, groaning.

They both shrugged and replied at the same time looking at each other.

"He is gonna kill him."

Wow, telepathy much!

I opened my mouth until I heard footsteps and Lia came in, rubbing her face. She looked tired. Maybe she was not well.

"Who the fuck is killing whom? Because if you two don't stop shouting right now, I might kill you both." She said, taking a chair.

Yeah, she is completely fine.

"Oh you know...the usual, Paul plotting ways to scare Stel off." Ian said as Lia looked at him confused.

Then she turned to me, her eyes still half closed, her hair everywhere, confusion all over her face but god, did I love her morning face.

"Why would dad scare you away....." She was still asleep. She couldn't understand what he truly meant until a second later, her eyes widened enough, enough for her to find me smiling.

"Shit! I totally forgot about dad." She sobered up, bunching her hair up, throwing glares at Ian.

"Oh please, Hale. You didn't tell anyone. Like you are my best friend and I get to know you have a boyfriend by your boyfriend?! Bad move Hale. I say bad move." Lia looked at her best friend, ready to answer but Alice was already nibbling on the toast, wiggling at her friend.

"I would have if Stel wouldn't have already. But what can I say, he is way too obsessed with the idea." She smiled at her friend, sending me a sideway glance. I just shook my head, chuckling.

"Oh well. Let's see how much he will be once we talk to your father. Oh, I am going to enjoy this." Ian said, rubbing his hand with an evil glint in his eyes.

"He won't kill me, right?" I asked Lia.

She smiled at me and shrugged.

"Honestly, I won't be surprised if he arrested you for dating his daughter. He was our sheriff. All the cops love Lia way too much. They might as well stay quiet and ignore the fact and let him arrest you and interrogate you. I won't be surprised." The way Alice said it so casually had me convinced that this could actually happen. I looked back at Lia, who shrugged again.

I am screwed.

Toast anyone?

We did not go office that day. We were way too tired.

We spent the day lounging around, playing around, cards and video games and me secretly kissing Lia! Alice and Ian sure had their suspicion but we did twice or maybe thrice. Who gives a heck? She is my girlfriend. I can. See, I am already flaunting.

Natalie had called, almost eating my ear off for not telling her. Going on and on about how I can't hide stuff. Lia just continued to control her laughter as Nat continued to curse me on the call with her. Lillian simply shrugged. She said she already saw this coming, she was just shocked how it took me so long. Cole was not really interested in relationships. All he was interested in was that Ophelia came to his piano practice because she seemed to admire him way too much.

"Even I play piano....why don't you admire me as much as him?" I asked Lia, pointing a finger at Cole mockingly.

"He plays better than you," Lia answered, still talking to Cole. That was true. She need not know that.

"Hey! You haven't even heard me play properly." It was just twice when I showed her a piece the day she was at the mansion last time.

Ophelia and Cole looked at me.

"Stel, seriously? You are jealous of your 10-year-old brother. And it's true, I do play better than you." Everyone in the room erupted in laughter at Cole's words. I chased him around the house after.

But the game changer was Lia's dad. She talked to her mom, who as Alice said, might actually die of happiness. She talked for a few minutes in the other room for privacy, returning a few minutes later.

She gave me a sorry look.

"Stel, dad wants to talk to you. In private." She said giving me the phone.

I took it. I wasn't backing down. I loved her. I was man enough to accept that and I was man enough to fight for her with the world, even if that included her dad.

I walked out of the room into the garden. It was almost afternoon but not that hot, the Sun bright away.

Beverly did not have a good relationship with her father so I never went through this stage. But I remember Derek almost fainting away when he had to face my father, even though he knew my father. And here, all I know about her dad was that he was one hell of a father, ready to break any one's bones hurting his daughter and other threats and scenarios that Ian has been feeding me from the morning. He is having his fun.

But it wasn't unjustified. I was happy to know that Lia did have people to rely upon always, even in my absence, not like I would be leaving her. I took in a deep breath.

"Good afternoon Mr. Hale," I said in the phone, sweat breaking through my forehead.

"Son, I will be saying this once and for all." His voice was cold and calculating, like judging my every word. I think being a cop does that to you, or maybe all fathers are that way for their daughters. I will be too. I know that.

"Yes, sir." I nodded, completely forgetting that he couldn't see me.

"If you ever and I mean ever, hurt my daughter, the sole owner of half my heart, I will come after you. I might be old, young man, but I can still take anyone down when it comes to my sunshine. Even a tear from her eyes and I don't care who you are. And trust me, the only person who can save you from me will be my daughter. So you better be careful. Understood?" He was scary. No doubt.

"Yes, sir." I said honestly. I knew that I won't let any of the above happen. Not because I was scared of him, but I couldn't hurt Lia. It was kind of impossible for me to do.

"Well, you are dating a Hale. I told you it won't be easy. We are stubborn. So is Ophelia. Trust me, she softened the ground for your fall by talking to me first. She is stubborn and I have a habit of giving up to her demands. So I did, doesn't mean I won't have updates about you. I have my spies everywhere."

He had to be kidding me!

"With all due respect sir, you don't need spies to make sure that I won't hurt your daughter. I would die first rather than hurt your daughter." I said solemnly. He might catch the truth in my voice. He might not. But if he needed to have spies to know that his daughter was safe, I don't blame him. He was her father and he had every right to save her from all the blows, even if they wouldn't touch her as far as I was there.

"Do you really care about my daughter?" His voice had softened now. And this time, he wasn't a cop. He was just a father.

"I love her, sir. I won't let anyone hurt her. I would fight anyone to have her. I can fight the world. And if fighting with you proves my word, I will." He chuckled at that.

"I know son, I know. I knew that, the moment you picked up the call. I was just making sure that I had you know the consequences of not being on the line. And I trust Lia. She has always been a hard girl. We nurtured her that way, her destiny did. But she trusts you and that's enough for me. She has faith in you and I have faith in her. If she chose you, she has already gone to all her extends to push you away and has been as careful as she can be. If you still succeeded, I don't see a reason as to why she won't fight for you too. She did with me, softening your blow. But remember, my eyes are on you." I could hear the smile in his voice and so he could listen to mine.

"Yes, sir. I won't fail you." He audibly sighed.

"Stellan, you won't fail me. You will fail her if you ever did. She has a pride and she would die healing others before letting you count her own problems. And her heart is the best part. She would always calm down the storm for those who are afraid of a little rain. And she is one herself. A storm. A beautiful storm. Don't ever try to reign her. She would destroy you. She damn well knows how to bring any man to his knees and she will use it on anyone if she has to protect her people. Protecting herself has never been her priority and it won't ever be."

I smiled at his words. Everything he said just added up to be her. To Ophelia. And he couldn't put it any better.

"She is a woman of substance, a beauty with her own beasts. Only a true man can love her. And I held no chance against her. What hope I had other than to fall for everything she is? And she need not worry about protecting herself. I will be there to do that. All she has to do is say."

He groaned.

"I know her. I have loved my baby girl since the moment she accepted me. And that's the thing about her. She won't ask for much but all she needs is someone to rest her head on when she is tired, when she knows she can't take enough, and Rose and I have been doing that for her. We forever will. But if one day she chooses you over us, trust me Stellan, I will be happy that she found someone. I am a mortal and I won't be here forever. She needs people in her life that are not just me and Rose. I might be protective but her own shield is never too low. I don't blame her. She has gone through hell before. Just don't burn her again." He wasn't intimidating or ordering or interrogating. His voice was too soft for that and I knew that it would be difficult for anyone to care for Lia more than her dad cared for her.

But I wasn't giving up anytime soon.

"I would burn down before I let a single flame touch her. I don't plan on failing either of you, sir. I was raised by my parents who taught me how to treat a lady, especially the one I love. She would be treated like my queen. The queen she is meant to be. And I won't hurt her. She would kill me if I did and I know I won't be able to stop her. I know I can't hurt her. The king only ever bows down to his queen. And what is a king without a queen?" I heard him give a satisfying sigh.

"Nothing. Without his queen, the king goes down before you can whisper checkmate."

"You have your answer, sir," I told him, happy that I had somehow mustered enough courage to say those words.

"I do. I know my daughter. Treat her like a queen and she will show you her kingdom and it's heart. Mess with her and she will mess with you with the sword she carries. Don't underestimate her."

"I never have, sir. It is hard to underestimate her when she is punching guys in the face and leaving people speechless with her insults." He laughed at the other end.

"I know. The rest....I know she can take care of herself when push comes to shove. But I am putting my trust in you, so you better hold to it."

"Yes, sir." I happily obliged.

"I think you can call me Paul. You earned that much respect and trust." He sighed, chuckling and soon I heard footsteps. I saw Lia march to me, snatching the phone from my hand.

"Wow, dad! You had a heart to heart chat with my boyfriend for 15 minutes. That's long.....and enough. It's goodbye time now." She said on the phone.

He must have said something as she looked at me and smiled.

"I know." She whispered before ending the call.

She turned to me.

" did it go? Did he threaten to kill you with his favorite knife or shoot you right through the skull?"

I almost had my throat choking.

"Considering he didn't threaten me with a gun or knife, I'd say it went well."

"That's good." And the next second she was in front of me and the next, her lips on mine. It was a small kiss but enough for me to ease down of all the tension.

"I am sorry. He is just....careful." I shook my head

"He is a father. Yours to be precise. I don't blame him." She smiled and we stood there until Ian horribly destroyed the moment with his horrible voice from inside.

"Come in, love birds. We ain't got all day. I want to win this game. You bet your cute, little ass, Alice, I am winning." Lia rolled her eyes at that before smirking at me, my arms still wrapped around her.

"How long do you think it will take for him to ask Al out?" I smirked at that.

"Considering the sexual tension as you can see, I give you two weeks max." She snorted.

"Considering how we are kissing in front of them, getting them all reeled up, I give you one week." I laughed with her as we went inside.

Suffice to say, the day was better than any other birthday gift I ever got.

I had something I never even wished for. Or maybe I did. It didn't really matter though. As long as it was real, it was enough.

It was beautiful.

But in all, it was, Ophelia Hale.

My Ophelia Hale.


Yope guys?

So I think, personally, this chapter sucks. 😪

I mean, I am a girl. Writing a guys POV, one who is so decent when all my guy frnds are so different (I mean no one is as decent as Stellan or I would already have had a bf), so thinking from his POV is so difficult. That is why the story usually has Lia's POV.

At times, I do think his POV is necessary. Like some parts and thoughts are there which will come out best from his POV. And I can only think of that part from his POV bcz it impacted me better and that I first ever considered that part from his POV, so I can't bring myself to write it in Lia's POV, when it was Stellan's brain that gave birth to it. So I shower you guys with a piece of his mind. But it's quite less as compared to Lia bcz Stellan, for me, will  be more intriguing than Lia. Not for you guys maybe but for me. Could be becz I know Lia like the back of my hand. But he still seems like a distant reality I can never make come alive. And I guess, I just can't help it. That's why I clearly stated in the first A/N that the book will have both POV's. Though his is always crappier. Can't help it. Sorry Stellan baby. I wish I did actually had someone like him so I could talk to him and make the chapters more....real? Better? Appreciable? Loving?

I think I don't do justice to him 😕

Sorry guys if I disappointed you here. But I tried my best and the chapters that I recently wrote in his POV are better I guess. I grew more comfortable with the concept of getting inside a guys mind and think like him and  what he goes through when he sees the love of of life. Or just how much Lia impacts him like he impacts her. Or just how he understands what Lia truly needs is her freedom. Nothing else tbh. And one way or the other, making myself feel more single.

Why do I do this to myself? 😫😫😫

But I love them and my readers so I guess I can do that. Even my editor saw the change so...I can only hope. And so can you.






Like that chapter is gonna come later but it is there and if you guys know HermyneKhaling , you would know what a genuine and nice and sweet soul she is.

That being said, she gave an opportunity to her readers and promoted our work through her work. Check her profile and go onto 'Make Friends and Get Readers'. The book is solely dedicated to her helping her budding readers. My book is there with a glimpse to one chapter because the rest have already been read by you if you stuck with me through this ;) The last one though, is not on wattpad, yet. *wink**wink**nudge**nudge*

Go on. Check it out. Shower that book with love. You might find some other great books too. Support all my friends on that book.


Thanks guys once again!

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