Chapter 37 : Where Is The Fun In That?

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"Stellan, I really, really like you. But if you ruin this shirt, I am raiding your god damn wardrobe to have one more."

"Shocking how I am not allowed to ruin my own shirt."

Ophelia narrowed her eyes at my reply but continued the preparation.

The preparation for both of us to paint.

Rewind almost an hour back, we had completed the cake. And it tasted just as sweet as our kiss. Or maybe less. Lia was more than happy to simply flaunt her new handmade desert to all her acquaintances. I have never seen her this satisfied.

Veena joined us some time later and even she praised us for our work. Packing a few cookies and pastries from her shop since the lady definitely bakes heaven, we went back to the car. Well, not before taking a note of Veena's number. The next time I am ordering desert, it will be from this place. Veena's Bakery was not very known but it needed to be. I might actually just give Natalie her number. She can have all the pastries for the various functions that she organizes from here.

Bidding Veena good bye as she gave us a warm laugh, I almost thought our adventure was over.

Thought, because Lia had some more of them up her sleeves.

So now, we are at her apartment with a white blank canvas staring at me.

It's a well-known fact that I am no Picasso. My painting sucks. But Lia said that since she made the cake with me, her next stop was to make a painting with me.

I really didn't care though. As long as I get to be with her, I am content.

We arrived here and the moment we stepped foot inside, Lia rushed all around to get her paints and brushes and more paints.

She has a whole freaking art store in a small store room next to her room. I never noticed that. She quickly covered her clothes with a worn out, long shirt. It protected most of her body from getting any smudge of paint.

But she totally forgot what she would do for me.

Thank fully, she still had my shirt that she borrowed back and gave that to me with utmost warning.

When she was finally ready, she turned to me and gave me an evil smile.

"Are you ready to be destroyed Walker?"

I chuckled at her words.

"Painting has never been my feet. But I can always try. Since I am dating a professional, what better time than now?"

And very confidently, I stepped to the canvas with a lone pencil in my hands.

A few minutes passed but the blank canvas still stared back.

Yeah now I know how she felt when I told her something new while cooking!

I gave her a sheepish smile as she moved forward and held my hand in hers.

"Its alright. You are new to this. But hey, it will be fun."

And it sure was.

Because the moment we started to draw lines on the canvas, her hand holding and guiding my own over the screen, I knew just how much I was living in this.

Sure, I had no idea of what we were doing but when she was by my side, I need not search my way back. I could get lost in her and I was not complaining.

You aren't lost when you are already home. And she was, home.

And hours into it, the blank canvas wasn't blank anymore.

I stared at the night sky that now covered the once white canvas.

The was good. Not as good as her other creations because let's accept it, I started painting outside the moon without realizing. And rather than scolding me, my dear girlfriend started laughing, blabbering about how cute I looked when I knew I messed up.

The painting was of a clear, dark blue sky. We had not initially thought about it but Lia ended up deciding that we should be drawing our very first date. I couldn't agree more.

The canvas was splashed with all sorts of shades of blue with a tinge of black somewhere. The land depicted by its own silhouette clearly showed two people sitting together. It was us. The stars twinkled bright above the two figures and the painting wasn't something out of the world. It was its own sense. Though others might not get what this painting meant. For them, it could simply be another painting. Sure, the painting could still speak volumes if you admire it but a single glance won't spare the meaning it held. The meaning it held for us. For me.

But me and Ophelia both accepted that it held a special place for us. It was one of the nights that you remember forever and one of the nights I wish I have many more like in future.

"We did a good job!"

Ophelia gave me a slight smile as she continued to stare down the picture.

"For me, this is literally out of the world."

Chuckling at me exclaimed expression, she quickly got out of her worn out shirt to reveal her black shirt that she wore underneath.

She did not get even a smudge on her self.

While me...I had them, almost every where. Even when I was careful, the paint did not spare me.

Ophelia looked at the poor shirt I removed and sighed.

"I need shirts, man. They are so comfy."

I rolled my eyes.

"You can have as many as you want. Maybe we can go shopping like I suggested that day."

Her face scrunched up in grimace.

"Nah. No shopping. I want shirts but....I don't know. I don't wanna buy them."

And then there was that blush.

Suffice to say, whenever she blushed, all I wanted was to capture it in a picture, paste it in a scrap book and look at it whenever I want. Look at it and know that I can make her blush. Her blush made me proud. I don't know why. Could be a guy thing.

I pulled her closer.

"And why wouldn't you want to buy shirts?"

She looked at me and gave me an obvious look.

"They don't smell good."

"Ophelia, new shirts don't smell. They shouldn't."

"Exactly. They don't smell."

I bit back a laughter at that.

"Why? You want a used one."

She sighed and then looked at me directly.

"Probably. Could definitely work if they were yours."

I gave her a smirk.

"You like to wear shirts laced with my sweat?"

She made a disgusted face and tried to get out of my hold.

"You monster! When you put it that way, no thanks!"

My chest rumbled with my own laughter as I closed her in an embrace.

"Oh my lyublyu! You can have as many shirts of mine as you want. I won't complain."

I could feel her smile through the thin layer of my shirt and the fact that she was so close to my heart wasn't helping.

The bastard started beating even faster.

I might even die of heart palpitation.

Before that could happen, she mumbled something that even I couldn't make out.

"What was that?"


Of course! This was the clear sign that she didn't wish for me to know what it was. I let it be that way.

Soon after, we ate some of the cookies we packed as Lia complained how she might get a sugar rush, but never pried her hands away from them at all. She had a sweet tooth. Well, except Oreos.

She hated Oreos which is kind of weird. Is it even possible? Personal opinions, I guess.

As we rested on the couch, she looked at me and then at the large window behind me.

It was almost evening. It would still take an hour for sunset.

I looked back her and found her biting her lips again.

She was planning.

"Which is the highest building in the city?"

I looked at her confused.

She randomly asked the question and started wearing her shoes.

"Excuse me?"

"Cara, which is the highest, tallest building in Brooke Falls? Well, other than Walker Tower."

Walker Tower was tall. Came among one of the tallest but excluding that, there were many.

"There are a lot. Walker Tower is one of them but even other than that...."

She gave me a determined look.

"Get up and put on your shoes."


"I will tell you on the way."

And sure enough, I found ourselves in her car once again.

She started the engine and soon we were one the road.

"Now tell me, the highest building?"

"Well, Romanov's office...then there is Richmond and then there is Hed-"

She snorted.

"Not the Richmond shit. I will probably punch that guy to just get his teeth straight. Don't you think his upper teeth are a little crooked? My fist could fix that. Let's see how much Beverly cries at that."

I couldn't hold my laughter at that.

People usually didn't mention about them in front of me. It's not like I would flinch back or kill you then and there but they were still not mentioned. And I was thankful for that. Their names did bring back memories. Of course I was over it but memories can't really be washed away.

But Lia never gave a thought to that. And I dare say I liked that. Because usually when she did that, I realized how grateful I am that I did not end up with Beverly.

Don't get me wrong. Beverly was a great girl. Maybe not for me. But for someone else. She did destroy months of my life but if it wasn't meant to happen, it wouldn't. It was in my fate to go through it and I did, even if it was by her hands.

But the brighter side is, I got Ophelia. If I ever did end up with Parker, I can't begin to realize how much I would miss up on. Ophelia was a beautiful escapade. She is a quest. A treasure that only a few get their hands on. And I am more than ecstatic that I am one of them.

"Where are we going?"

"Tell me Walker, do you hate Derek Romanov?"

I gave her an incredulous look.

"What? NO!"

He is my best friend for crying out loud.

"Oh you want to dislike him for a few minutes?"

"And why would I do that?"

She gave me a boring look.

"Well, for starters, he is screwing your sister. Even knocked h-"

I cut her off with an annoyed expression as she gave me a shrug.

"Can you...please...just not say that? I love my best friend and even my sister. But when you put it that way, which brother wouldn't be annoyed?"

She nodded.

"Yup! Just imagining how Alex would react if Ian ever did something with Allison! Oh, that would be gold."

Then she continued to baffle me with an evil laughter.

"You really baffle me sometimes, Ophelia. And then I wonder why I can't decipher you. Vam povezlo, chto ya lyublyu vas." I muttered low, a smile threatening to take over my face. (You are lucky I love you.)

She bumped her shoulders with mine and gave me a teasing smile.

"Oh come on! Don't sulk now. But yeah. You shouldn't hate Derek. He is your best friend, brother-in-law, the father of your future nieces and nephews and of course, a great guy. Even I don't dislike him. I like him too. I just wanted to know if you disliked him."

I gave an exasperated sigh.

"Why would you need me to hate him?"

"I don't need you to. It would just be easier to convince you."

I did not like the sound of that. Ophelia need not try very hard to convince me for something but if she felt that she needed to, then she was planning something insane.

I carefully looked at her and chose my words.

"To convince me for what?"

The car came to halt next to an alley. A few cars took parking spots. Swirling the car in the same direction, Lia carefully parked the car.

I knew this area. I had been here numerous times. It was my sister's second office. Derek's second home. Or more preciously, his office.

We were a few steps away from the Romanov Tower.

Derek Romanov was a big name in the hotels and restaurants around the world. The guy was the owner of one of the leading chains of restaurants. Not only that, but he was connected to many other chains. Though his business was spread worldwide, his main office was based here in Brooke Falls.

And right now we were in the 'Romanov Territory' as Ace calls it. For his easy recognition, he divided Brooke Falls into two halves: into the 'Walker and Romanov Territory'. Moments like this and I miss that guy.

But I was still clueless as to why we were here. Why Lia wanted to know the tallest building? And why she wanted to convince me for.... something?

I turned to ask her the same questions but she was already out, heading my way quick enough and glanced a little around.

I looked at her stubbornly, an expectant look on my face. I was not moving out until she answers my last question.

Understanding dawned on her and she smirked.

"When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

Her menacing and mischievous eyes were up to no good.

"Ophelia, what are you up to?" Her smirk grew.

"Buckle up big boy. We are going to break into the the Romanov Tower."

You gotta be shitting me!

Just when I thought that she couldn't make my life any more interesting, she goes forward to give an even more insane idea.

I looked at her for a few seconds, expecting her to laugh and say she was bluffing.

She didn't and I sighed. I looked back in her eyes.

No, I don't stand a chance. She was hell bent on giving me a heart attack.

"I am going to say this is wrong. Immortal. Illegal. We will be caught. But I have a feeling I have no say in this?"

She nodded, very much amused.

"You shouldn't do this, Ophelia."

"I know. But when have I followed the conventional rules. Come on, get up! Or I can run on my own."

Like that is going to happen.

I knew that people would recognize me in his office but not Lia. Well, maybe not. But there was still a greater chance that if she went alone, there will be trouble. If I did go along, there will still trouble. We were breaking in to be precise. But I could maybe think rationally when adrenaline is pumped up her body.

Shoudn't have given her so many cookies! She is having a sugar rush.

Looking at her again as she continued to tap her foot on the floor waiting for me, I finally moved.

"Hale, if we end up in a cell, I will have the pleasure of saying that I told you so."

She chuckled.

"Oh come on! Have some faith in my skills." And then she was walking towards her destination.



If breaking in is one of her skills, I would like to know what all she does in her free time.

I walked along her, matching her pace. She was bubbling with excitement. I did not know what to do. Whether be worried or confused.

But one thing was for sure.

Ophelia never failed to fill my veins with excitement. I guess an adventure, a quest tends to do that to you.

We finally ended up in front of the office in a few minutes as we both craned our necks up to admire the building.

"Hot damn. This building is high. Just perfect." She muttered. Her eyes still very much enamoured by the office.

"I am still going to say this wrong."

She smiled, not even looking my way.

"And we are still gonna do this."

"Of course!"

She looked at the gate and then at me.

"Just....follow me. I am a professional."

She started moving and I obediently followed her. Not like I had a choice.

Why are the women in my life hell bent on making me go insane?

"How many building have you broken into exactly?"

"About 3-4."


Not shocking at all.

I have learned that when it comes to Lia, you better be prepared to be shocked. She is a package of surprises.

We turned around the corner and then took the the back of the building.

Yeah. We were breaking in. Can't take the front.

And she did not even hesitate for a second. Its like she knew every corner.

"Have you been here before because I don't remember you mentioning?"

She smiled and looked in front.

"In my recent week that I have been free, I have discovered a lot of Brooke Falls. Knowing well that I will be immersed in work in a few days, I roamed around. Even this part of the city. And since I knew that Derek is a friend, I thought of moving around here. I did not plan any of this then, but it helped nevertheless. But the downfall is that people are here even on a Saturday."

Derek was a workaholic and required everyone to be the same. Though lately, he has been busy with his growing family, he still calls a few people to the office when required. Not everyone comes every week but some still do. It's kind of ruthless. But if you know my friend, he is one of the most ruthless businessmen.

I nodded.

"You are not even a bit...scared?"

Wrong question.

Like she could ever be scared.

She snorted.

"Not scared. Sure, I have to be careful but it's not like I am going to steal something. We are breaking in just for the fun of it. I wasn't breaking in the Richmonds because if I did, I would probably draw some awesome graffiti inside. The staff be damned. Your office wasn't a choice. People would easily recognize us. Plus Derek is a friend. So, here we are!"

And sure we ended up in front of the back of the building.

With a single door.

With a lock.

I wanted to facepalm myself.

Don't get me wrong. I praise my friend but he can be an idiot a few times.

The office probably held important information and what not but he still decided to leave a door with a simple lock.

Was he insane?

A lock wouldn't stop a thief.

Hell, a lock wouldn't stop Ophelia.

I turned towards her and found her looking at me smugly.

"I have a feeling that after this, you are contacting his security staff or better yet him."

I nodded.

"I will if he doesn't call me first."

"Well then, let's hope its you!"

Saying that, she walked towards the door and started inspecting it.

After a few minutes, she turned back as I stood rooted to my spot.

"Do you have an iron cutter?"

Right. I walk around with iron cutter.

I gave her a flat look.

She shrugged.

"It was worth a try."

I smiled a little.

"So we give up. You don't have iron cutter and we can't break the door down."

"It's the hard way then."

I need not ask further as her hands went into her hair and she started combing through them until she found a hair pin.

"You know, I really would like to talk to Derek. No security staff here and the only lock is mechanic. Jeez. Not even finger print or some technical connection to have a security lock."

She was right though.

"Yeah but then the fingerprint or voice command locks would hinder you adventure."

She looked at me amused.

"No, they won't! I could hack them."

"You deserved the internship."

"Damn right I did!"

Giving me a peck, she turned around and sat on one knee.

All I did was stand. I had no idea what was happening.

I was never rebellious.

Heck, the only rebellious thing I ever did was to go out late at a party in high school when dad disagreed! I wouldn't have even gone if Ace didn't drag me.

And here I was breaking in!

All thanks to a certain Hale. I wonder what my family has to say about this. They will probably laugh.

And thinking about that made me fidget at my spot.

We were doing something illegal. This was so wrong. Derek will probably kill me.

Not kill me but well, maybe shout my ear off.

"Ophelia, this is so wrong."

"I know. But it's exciting."

She picked up her pin, bent it ends and put it right in the socket. Keeping her ear close to the lock, she started moving the pin. Just how I imagined one could pick a lock.

"I never thought I would need to pick a lock." I said, as I sat down next to her too.

There was no use of standing. And there was no person in sight.

"It's actually pretty easy."

I observed just how carefully she was working, her breath even, signalling she very well knew what she was doing.

"How do you even know this stuff? Did Paul teach you this?"

I doubted he did. He was an officer and the last time I checked, picking a lock might just be wrong.

She snorted.

"Like dad would teach me how to pick a lock."

"Because it's wrong. And that's another reason why we shouldn't do this."

She smirked.

"He wouldn't teach me how to pick a lock not because it is wrong. Well it is if you are breaking in but...he didn't teach me because he knew what a fast learner I am. Once he did this, I would probably start asking how to break into The White House."

"Or rob the Queen of England." I couldn't help but add.

"Yeah, that too."

What more could this girl do?

"Then how did you learn it?"

"From a robber."

Just what I needed.

My eyes widened as I straightened in my spot and looked her dead in the eye.

"From a robber?"


"A criminal?"


"Great!" Exclaiming, I shook my head and led out a chuckle.

"I really don't want to know how you did that but I still wanna know."

"It's a long story, Stellan."

"We have time."

We did because that lock wasn't opening anytime soon. The annoyance on her face gave it away.

She continued but told me nevertheless.

"I had always been a curious girl and it just wasn't school knowledge or books. If I saw something, I wanted to know it too. That's how my brain is kinda wired. It just...wants to know everything. Wants to be perfect because my biological father always....said that I was a disgrace. So even when I was out of his clutches, my brain still kept that part to itself and continued to know everything fucking thing on this damn earth. My obsession, if you wanna call it, to know everything around scared mom sometimes but dad welcomed it with an open mind. He said that if I was gifted with curiosity, I better yet use it. So he never stopped me from knowing things. From trying to be prefect. And it was along all this that I realized I couldn't be perfect. You see, dad is one of the greatest influence of my life. Forever will be. And I owe him for that. He is a great role model."

A small smile grazed her lips, almost unknowingly. A simple sign that she loved her father very much. She never missed a chance to show that to the world.

"I used to be with him a lot. Even before the marriage. And after the marriage, it was no question. I was a daddy's girl. We spent all the time together. Not like mom got alone or something. She was happy to see us bonding. She feared I wouldn't accept him. She forgot that I had accepted him long before her. So after school, if I had no homework, I would visit him at the station and just talk with him. He would discuss some cases with me. Only the ones that my 11 year old could talk. Once he said about breaking in. I remember him breezing over how the guy picked the lock. Now that, caught my attention. I asked him to show me how to do that. He obviously denied. I begged him but he didn't."

I chuckled.

"Usually children of 11 beg for games or maybe phones. You begged for being taught how to pick a lock. You have forever been wild."

She shrugged her shoulders, very much proud of herself.

"So I forgot about it. But the next day, they caught the thief. The one who broke into the shop. He wasn't like a conventional big, burly intimidating guys. He was rather tall and lean and pretty simple. But he was a thief nevertheless. He broke in to just have some money. The guy could take away the whole shops earning but he only took a few dollars. In his defence, he said he needed to feed his little son. That broke my heart. It was wrong of him. But his intentions weren't evil. He just...fended for his son. And after everything I went through, I could only imagine what hunger does to you. But a crime is a crime. He was under arrested for a few days. His son was taken care of. Dad made sure of that. I remember that once mom made a small tiffin for his son and dad took it to him. I never really met Jay's son but I knew as much that whatever Jay said was true. He wasn't a bad guy. The circumstances were just hard on him. No one is born a criminal."

She suddenly stopped, a hopeful smile on her lips but then she frowned again. She pulled out her pin, bent it again and put it back in.

"So me being the curious self I am, I went and talked to him. I was a common appearance at the station. Everyone knew me. Hell, I often laughed with the officers. Dad was a good man so it was given people liked him. And whoever liked him, I liked them too. The whole station was like an extended family. And in a way it was god's blessing. I wasn't supposed to have a family. The one I once had was so fucked up that I forgot what family was. But this...this was my bliss. My happiness. A family. A family so big that I probably forgot the count of. But a family that I knew I would always love."

After that night, Ophelia has opened up to me. Sure, she was open before too. But now, she would mention about her past sometimes in a flow, without realizing that she was letting go of a part that hurt her so much. I guess it happened with Alice too. If you know about Lia's past and were still with her, she knew she could confide in you.

And what more could I ask for?

She continued on.

"So I met Jay. I remember his lanky self behind the bars. I took a seat outside his cell and started munching on a waffle. He did give me a confused look when I offered him one too. I knew he wouldn't accept it. Part of it could be because I was the Sheriff's daughter. I could have drugged his food for all he knew. Or it could have been the knowledge that his son was still not taken care of. I assured him about his son's safety but he still refused the waffle. I went straight to the point and asked him to teach me his skill. His skill to pick a lock. He looked confused would be an understatement. He denied. But he was not as hard as my dad. And of course he did not know how notorious I was. Truth be told, I did have a notorious reputation in Crystal Lake. Still do. A prank in the town and the first suspect is the Sheriff's daughter. What an irony! So I joined Jay next day too. He still denied. But on the third, he accepted a waffle. Now, that was a progress. And then the next day, we were playing cards. Just imagine my father's surprise when he found his daughter playing cards with a criminal? Not like he could stop me. He knew I was adamant. Grandma laughed all day when he told her about this. But dad knew Jay wouldn't harm me. Even outside the cell. The guy was too lanky. He knew his punches and mine pretty well. So finally and thankfully, Jay accepted to teach me how to pick a lock on the sixth day. He had been there for a week I guess. He had some other breaking in on his back. They weren't very serious because he didn't steal anything. I guess I will never understand Jay. I think I will never understand some people."

Amen to that. I never understand Ophelia too. She is a puzzle. My puzzle to be precise.

"So I had the lock and the pins with me. I might or I might not have spied into his case files to search for everything he used for the heist. And it was easy to get those without mom's knowledge. Because lets accept it, my grandma was a goner whenever a hot guy came on TV. Like she was 60 and she would still admire models. It wasn't disgusting or maybe it was. My granny was one sharp woman. Mom sure got a lot from her, I swear. So in the mart, when a hot guy came flashing in the advertisement, I quickly added my staff and got the bill paid. Granny had no idea. I still chuckle at the nostalgia of those memories." And her voice became a little husky, probably in her memory. Her grandma was sure a character. I guess Lia's craziness is all her influence.

"So he taught me. I swear I was this close to bunking school to run to the station and learn from him. I was excited, okay! Thankfully, dad was busy in a case. I found my usual seat next to his cell and he taught me. He taught with that simple lock and then talked further about a few locks. I had brought about 3-4 different ones. He taught me all that. That night, I did my homework. Fuck school homework though. I busied myself in the locks and searched up the net. It's an awesome place by the way. Saw a few more videos and met Jay the next day. He told me a few more things and then soon enough, I knew what I was doing. He was released a few days after that. I met him the last day and he gave me a hug. Jay was a good guy. I did not hear from him after that. I wish I did. He could have told me more things."

"That did not stop you from learning more, did it?"

She smirked.

"Of course it didn't! I was capable enough to learn computing and hacking. But I never really got a chance to learn from a preofessional hacker. Not even any criminals, sadly."

"I don't know what should I be more scared of. The fact that my girlfriend holds tea parties with criminals or the fact that she is learning everything illegal."

She scoffed but before she could reply, she heard a small click. Her eyes widened a bit as she moved the pin a little more, her eyes closed and her ear very close to that damn thing. A few seconds later, I heard another click.

She opened her eyes, the hazel ones twinkling with satisfaction and mischief. Where else will I get a combination like this?

She gave me a smirk as she pulled the unlocked lock from the hook and it fell on the ground.

"What can I say? I passed with flying colours. And there is no such thing as 'learning something illegal'. I wasn't learning something illegal until I used it for doing illegal stuff. And right now, breaking into your best friends office to go up his terrace and see the sunset is not illegal."

She stood up and I followed.


All this for the sunset?

Sure, the sunset of Brooke Falls is beautiful. Largely because of the environment conscious people. Try bursting a cracker. You will probably have cops at your house.

And it was a good thing.

But I was not sure whether it deserved a break in!

"We could have gone to my office for the sunset. You don't have to commit a crime and break in to the highest tower!"

She looked in my eyes finally, her hazel eyes dancing in amusement.

"Where is the fun in that, now?"

And with that, she slowly opened the door.

Btw, this date part is pretty long. Consists of 3-4 chapters. So you will have 1 more chapter is Stellan's POV. I hope you are enjoying it.

And also. Plz don't be particular about all this break in and all. I don't know anything about picking lock and shit but a few things are quite general so you can make a rough picture of it. Which isn't precise. So if there is some, little, trivial, small deviation from reality, don't worry over it. Rather enjoy. Its fictional for saying out loud. Things can be a little unreal. I mean, world got no boy like Stel. So it's definitely fiction. So don't get worked up.

I have seen some people on other authors books freaking out about some small thing that doesn't make sense or is a loophole. People need to know that often stories on Wattpad are first drafts. They are supposed to HAVE loopholes and mistakes. That is why it's called trials and is beautiful. Some people need to calm their ass down and just read with the flow. 😂😂😂

I get pretty annoyed when people be like 'omg, how can she eat her food in 5 minutes?' or 'how can you have summer when it was winters 4 months ago?'

I mean all the while reading, were you busy counting days minutes?


I am like BRUH, you better chill. Sit the fuck down and let others read.

So yep. Ofc, if you find some mistakes, grammar or something like suggestion or advice. Now that, is ALWAYS appreciated. And I hope you know I am talking about constructive criticism. If you want an example, just check in some of Cody077 comments. She isn't rude and tbh, quite helpful. Thanks honey!

Second of all, I seriously can't get over this one. Like wow. I already knew it but man this still is an eye-opener.

Paranoia, Insanity and Schizophrenia (the disability to think of behave clearly)

Yeah you know, synonyms to love. Since Shakespearean era. Or even before that.

Anyways, over with the sudden rant...

How was the chapter? I hope you like it. Much more is to come!

Have a fun week.

Love, Vote, Comment and Share!

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