Chapter 9 : You Are Gonna Join Him

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"You guys really don't need to come along.....We can easily pick him up! You guys are just over reacting." A very frustrated Allison told Ian and Stel .

We knew Alex was going to come and meet us but the fact that he was coming this weekend was kind of a surprise. He was coming just for the weekend because he is a busy guy himself, handling his own business and all. So, now at a Friday evening, instead of being cocooned in my blankets, I am here at the airport to pick my brother from another mother and my biggest partner in crime. Though we did pressure the guys to not follow us, it was already dark outside and I was sure Ian would not leave Alice like that. Why would he do that though? Because he liked her and was just not going to tell, maybe because of the 'I am a bad boy' image.....and Stel, well I was happy he was there.

Stel has actually become a really, really good friend to me, like Alex. Sure, I knew Ian before him but its just......while Ian was after Alice half of the time, Stel and I would laugh and talk and so we never let each other feel like the third wheelers even if the two almost couples were not together. And after the whole painting and revelation night, I guess it just got a lot more different. Stel went through a lot and he did not deserve any of it....not even a bit! Why is it that the most lovely people are hurt the most? The world is sure a strange place. Before I could dwell more in my thoughts, I heard someone singing a song in a horrible, familiar voice. Oh how much I missed this?

I could see Alex walking through the check doors towards us. Although he did not see us and was busy announcing to Brooke Falls that he was here, we could identify him from a mile behind.

"All the single ladies, All the single ladies! Oh come on....put your hands in the air! A tribute to Beyonce and all the single ladies!" He was singing at the top of his lungs.

While I tried not to fall off laughing, I could feel Allison going all red. Ian and Stel looked completely confused.

"Ophelia! Why does he have to do this every single time? Its so embarrassing!" A very annoyed Allison asked.

"Yeah! It's Alex babe, duh."

"He is doing that thing again...?" I knew she loved Alex but she could hate him too.

"Yeah....he is singing!" I bit my lip because I missed all this so much.

"And you are still gonna join him, aren't you?" She asked with a sigh.

And what could I say, he was my crime partner and we just loved singing at random places, be it an airport. I just laughed and started moving towards Alex who noticed me and then started singing out all loud with me joining him along.

"If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it.....oh oh oh.....woh oh ohhh..." And we sang and laughed doing those hand gestures and dancing in circles and finally when he was tired, he wrapped me in a hug.

" missed me! Didn't you Alexia..." I missed calling him Alexia because that's what his sick grandma called him who always thought he was a girl. The good ol' days.

"I am not Alexia.....and I did miss you and that angry brunette over there." He pointed to a very mad Allison stomping towards us. It was always this, me and him ganging up against her and teasing her. Often she would ignore but once she got really mad and we had to work our ass off to get her talk to us again. We fought a lot but had a lot of fun. That is how we were. The Trio as our parents called us and you mix me and Alex with a little Allison and you can get great pranks.

So back to the problem at hand, Allison walked to us and stood in front of us and Alex gave her the I-know-I-did-wrong-but-you-love-me-so-sorry-not-sorry smile and that ought to make her smile. She hugged him and I swear I saw a tear.

"I missed you big bro..."

"And I missed you pooky!" Alex can't stay all emotional for a long time.

As we started moving towards the exit, where I could spot the still very shocked Stel and Ian....their banter continued.

"So Allison....did you get a surgery for that face of yours?"

"Oh please shut up you fat ass!"

"I have a perfect ass, alright! It's a sight to behold. Ask my girlfriend....she knows it all!" Ok...that was too much information. Alex had a girlfriend. Of course he would.....he was like the star of the school so when he introduced us to Layla....though we were happy for him, we thought that Layla might be a bitch. But she wasn't! She is awesome....she is sweet, kind, goodhearted and a little crazy, just perfect enough for our Alex! They have been dating for long and everyone is waiting for him to just pop the question....because these two would make awesome kids! And I knew that day was near. They both loved each other very much and we loved them as a couple.

"Ewww Alex! Just....I don't know how Layla tolerates you. I pity her." Said the little sister.

"She loves me that's why.....and I am awesome. You have some problems with that then get a mental check up....right Lia?"

"Oh totally!" And Allison just glared but she was amused, maybe because we all missed this. Missed us.

So finally we reached the two boys and introductions were made.

"So Alex....this is Ian and this is Stel! Our friends though we might be working under them." And Alex looked at them with narrowed eyes.

Alpha Male mode on.

Our dads had prepared Alex to always look after us two girls. Although I knew how to fight, he was there to shoo the boys away and then he would tease about why Alice didn't have a boyfriend yet. He looked at them with a piercing glare but the two boys stood with confidence. They hadn't done anything wrong. So someone had to break the tense moment and that had to be Alice.

"Stel, Ian....this is" And he cut her off.

"Alex Martin.....their older brother and the better looking sibling!" He had major ego problems. But with a face like that, it wasn't completely unjustified. And I didnot miss the way he told them he was my brother. He was. Its so true though.

Family isn't supposed to be restricted to just the connections of blood.

I would know that.

And so they shook hands and introduced themselves once again in the business tone. Ah! Men...

"So Ian you are the guy after my Allison and Stellan you are the guy trying to impress Lia!" And we all were wide eyed. I mean, how could he know all this.....why aren't the men in our house FBI agents....and the Stellan thing was stupid. Yeah! Definitely stupid because come and wasn't possible!

It might be but why would he go after me plus I am known for shooing boys away and I have succeeded so far.....

But you are failing now.....

My consciousness said. It has become quite active these days, making weird comments here and there. Alex was still in Alpha mode....I wish Layla was here because then he would be making out with her until she stopped him or we did.

"Oh Alex......its nothing! I mean I am not sure about Ian but Stellan is not trying to impress me!" I told smirking towards Ian who was either blushing or getting mad more by the minute.

"Who said I wasn't?" said Stel with a smirk on his face.

I smirked a lot, Ian did but he never did and let me tell you.....that smirk was the definition of sexy....ummm Sexy Stellan Smirk....Ok....snap out of it....naughty Ophelia!

He was playing with me, wasn't he? This was not a good time at all! I was a bit tired and not in the right state to give awesome comebacks because I was hungry. I WANT FOOD. And then we can discuss that sexy, yummy smirk!

"Well, who said you were Stellan Walker? And if you are, that smirk is doing an awesome job!" I could feel Alice giving off the 'you go girl' vibes because she knew I might flirt back but it would be with the snappy comebacks but when I did actually was a show worth watching. So I smirked as well! I could see everyone was amused. Because that's the most it could be....flirting! Nothing more, right....

So I dragged all them along ,whining that I was hungry and so was everyone else. I had a feeling that this was going to be an awesome weekend.

So over the next two days.....we had fun. We went to various places that you could visit in the city but again there weren't much. Then we tagged along, with the boys, and went to the coffee shop.

All this time, we two girls were surrounded by three male models. So wherever we went, the girls gave us jealous looks and the boys, well the 'I want to jump your bones' look. But we were accustomed to it and I remember we were just at this ice cream stall and the guy might have whistled at me or Alice. Now, I am very capable of handling this but the guys had to act as the knight in shining armor and protect the girls. Alex threatened really threatened him and Ian went all bad boy on him and Stel....well he like, the authority of a king, just said a few words.....which were damn effective. I was shocked that the guy did not pee his pants already.

The last day...well it was just us three so I went to the library with them. Allison and I came here often....but I came here more. While Alice liked going to the park, I simply sauntered here. And that is the reason why Bella had become very close to me. Over the and Allison have formed a very strong bond but with Bella, it had been just a few weeks and she was already my friend.

Bella never really had friends. She was too of the many reasons why she had almost no friends so she was happy that she had a companion in me. She was happy with her mother who did not live here but some other town. And she was ecstatic to have a companion like her husband, Nicholas.

Nicholas is a great guy. Like Alex. He gets all my jokes and I love spending time with these two people. Bella cooks awesome food and well, Nic is entertaining to say the least. Nic was an orphan and maybe that's why they could relate to each other so well. They looked so cute together and the fact that they reminded me of my family helped a lot. So when I told Nic about Alex and the fact that he is an awesome brother to me but I miss him, he said he was already a brother to me and I was elated. So now according to him, me and Bella are sister-in-law. Crazy, right? But a good crazy!

I have seen the way he looks at Bella and sometimes I just look away because it's their own personal moment but that doesn't mean I don't tease them. I tease them...A LOT!  I spent a lot of time with these two.....simply because I loved how they loved each other.

I yearned to have something have someone close to your heart, someone who could understand you in a second, someone you can share everything with, someone to have a family with.

I loved the idea of love but at the same time it scared me for it could hold so much power over you, to make you or break you....and that's what scared me the most. And maybe that's why I never gave any boy a chance. I just pushed them away but no one ever really tried to pull back. Of course, I should have shown signs but for a girl like me who has seen darkness way too often, my first instinct is to push away. It forever will be. And all I could do was Stel! I do understand why he wants a second chance....who wouldn't? If one has, for once, experienced love, anyone would want to savor it for a lifetime. For you wouldn't know you were starving until you taste it.

But if only we all could. But it wasn't time for my pity party, Alex was here so it was just party time.

And I did a great job of bringing him to Haven, Bella's library as she calls it. These two were so alike.....idiot like! They started laughing at random jokes and we three girls just looked....well confused! But we still had fun, teasing Bella and Alice and food.....Oh god! Food.....because Bella is a chef and the jokes made up for everything else. It was funny how we got comfortable. Me, Alice, Alex, Nic and was like a small reunion and we enjoyed a lot. So when we had to return, Allison literally had to drag Alex away while Bella took hold of Nic because they both faked tears, crying and accusing us of separating two brothers.....I have never laughed so much in my life.

But all great things come to an end and so Alex had to return. It was Sunday evening and we were now at the airport for his flight. The guys might have come but I guess Ian could not take more of Alex's glare. Suffice to say, whenever they were there....Alex was in full on glaring and interrogation mode. The boys might not be uncomfortable but a guy can take only so much. And it was good that they did not come because now the brother and sister were crying.

Alex loved us both equally but he was more protective of Alice because she was well, once bullied. It was when we were around 11 years and she kept it out of our eyes quite well for a few days. Me and Alex did suspect that something was going on but we thought that it was the stage of life when you hate everything...Puberty, my old enemy. But we were careful and I soon found out. She begged me to keep quiet because she was threatened but I couldn't. No one should. I swear if I knew what was happening, I would have killed those people myself. It was a group of senior girls and boys. They bullied many people, including Allison because she was not pretty enough! I mean, were they blind? She was the prettiest, inside out! So they were punished and Allison started to heal. Sure, it was slow but she was and we did all the things we could do. And now she was over it but I guess Alex still beats himself for it. I once found him crying when Allison refused to eat because she was still shook. He was 15 then, I guess. He cried and I cried too. He thought it was his mistake that he did not take care of her well...that it was his responsibility to look after us. So, I let him cry on my shoulders. It wasn't easy to see my two best friends crying up but then I had to. They were anything for them. It was this reason that he hardly let boys around us and made sure we were okay. Whenever we had many classes together, he would be the most happy person because then I could look after Allison.

So whenever we say goodbyes....these two almost start crying...Allison because she would miss him and Alex because not only he would miss her, but also he was scared for his little sister. He loved us just a little too much. So finally when the duo wiped off their tears and smiled, my horrible singer of a brother came to me and hugged me.

"Take care Lia.....of yourself and her! For me, take care of both yourselves." He whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

"I will Alex, don't worry....and you better give me the news of a wedding! I want to attend one!" And he just gave a sheepish smile. Oh la la! A wedding is on the horizon.

"So my dear sisters....enjoy but not too much! I am too young to be an uncle already and Lia tell Ian that if he lets one tear fall from Alice's eyes, I will kill him....boyfriend or not!" Oh, so he approved!

"He is not my boyfriend Alex....I don't think we will be together. " Oh....but her smile said otherwise.

"Oh really! I have looked how he looks at you Allison. That boy likes you and I doubt he would hurt you....but we always have Lia, don't we?" Of course they had and I totally agreed with him.

"They both are idiots! And you too take care of yourself and Layla and call more often! Or else I will attend your wedding as her sister because she clearly talks to us more!" And we laughed as his flight was announced.

"So girls.....remember the Ian stuff. And although you can take care of yourself Lia, I am still worried about you but I don't think Stel will hurt you, now would he?" He said with a wink and that sly bitch just laughed with him.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Alex?"

"Anything you want it to be....but I prefer the way in which I meant it. And we all know you completely understood what I said. So, bye my munchkins!!!" He waved us and was off, leaving behind a smug Alice and a confused but maybe a little flustered me.

Okay....If it meant what I think it meant, then I need to sort out my mind.

Time for books and coffee!

Hi guys!
Yeah....its me again. Ready to pester you with an update.
Did you like Alex....and god is he funny!?! And the protectiveness and all....aren't all big bros this way? Idk...I don't have guys tell me though if yours is any different. 😂

And Nic and Bella had a part too today. They won't appear much now but as the story proceeds, they will.

Thank you for reading, guys. 💖💖❤️💕😍😍💗Your views and votes are really encouraging.

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