Chapter Three

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     A dragon with scarlet scales swam in and out of focus, barely recognizable. But... Burn has never seen her before. She was tied to chains on the top of a tower, underneath came the dusty smell of many preserved objects. She smiled when she saw Burn, showing her white, glistening teeth. Flames came out of her nose and mouth, consuming Burn, the heat, the heat, it woke her up, and then she realized that Blaze's warm scales where pressed against hers.
     "What are you doing?!" Burn shouted, shoving Blaze as far as she could from her.
     "I had a nightmare!" Blaze complained. "And I needed some place to put my jewels, so they got my den. I had to share somebody's!"
     "Why did you chose me? Blister is smaller, and I'm sure she'd love someone to cuddle with." Burn said.
     "Not in the slightest." came Blister's muffled voice from where she was curled up in her den.
     "Well, it's not raining anymore anyway." Blaze said, walking across the wet grass to collect her pouch.

The group set off flying after Blister and Burn had gotten into a fight of who should lead the group. Even now, Blister would fly in front of Burn which caused Burn to flap her wings harder to fly in front of Blister. Maybe it was petty, for them to try to be superior from the other in this way, but any little victory counted with them. At least an hour later, they landed on a small pavilion with two SkyWing guards on either side of the platform. Behind the SkyWings, loomed the giant castle of the SkyWings. It was even bigger than the SandWing palace, although it did look less complex.
"Princesses?" a SkyWing asked, looking at the three SandWing sisters standing in front of the group. "I thought Queen Oasis was only sending us Burn."
"Well, our mother and I thought it would make more sense for three princesses to take the place of the queen." Blister immediately said.
"But they want me, and don't care for you." Burn growled, shoving Blister into Blaze as she stepped forward. Blister snarled and smoke came out of her nostrils behind her, but Burn ignored her. The two SkyWings walked away from the SandWings for a second to decide what to do. Burn could hear parts of their whispered conversation. Things like: "Uninvited" and "Not suspected" floated back to the sand dragons. Finally one of the guards shook her head and walked back to the group.
"Wren will inform the queen of your unexpected arrival. Meanwhile, I shall show you to your guest chambers," she looked up at the SandWing guards who had followed the three sisters up until that point. They were shuffling behind them, looking awkward. "Unfortunately, we do not have enough guest chambers at the moment to accommodate them. You will have to leave." The dragons looked shocked, and started to have their own conversation, until one of the larger guards stepped up and said:
"Apologies for the inconvenience, but Queen Oasis order us to guard her daughters until we got back to the SandWing palace."
"And I apologize as well, but there is simply not enough room for all of you. You must leave."
"Oh just go already." Burn snapped. She turned around to glare at her escorts. "Tell my mother that you have my permission to go and not to punish you."
"As you wish, Princess Burn." the guard said. Then they all stretched out their wings and left.

Burn was laying on a stone ledge protruding from the stone wall. Pillows and blankets were laying at her talons, but she did not use them. Ever since she could remember, she felt no need for comfort. In fact, she disliked it. So why, in this moment, she was displeased to not be comfortable. Was it because she was not in the SandWing kingdom? Or maybe she felt strange sleeping with a different tribe? Burn's thoughts were interrupted but a knock on her door.
"May I come in?" said a voice that Burn didn't recognize.
"Alright." Burn grunted, her back facing out towards the room. Talons clacked as the door opened and the dragon walked inside.
"How are you enjoying your stay at the SkyWing palace?" the dragon asked.
"I prefer the sand." Burn admitted.
"Yes, isn't it funny how princesses enjoy their own climates more? While you prefer the sand, I prefer the mountains." Burn turned around and was surprised to see the same dragon from her dreams. Although in reality, this dragon was much smaller then the one she saw. But she still had the same scarlet scales and wide yellow eyes. Burn tried to keep the shock in her face to a minimum. Perhaps she succeed because the scarlet dragon didn't question her.
"I take it you don't know who I am. Princess Blister told me you weren't the reader type." she said. Burn's expression immediately turned to anger.
"Did you have a nice cozy chat with my sister about me? How lovely it is be discussed!" Burn shouted. The dragon smiled and shook her head.
"She only told me in passing. 'Going to Burn? Don't expect her to keep up a conversation. She hasn't even touched a scroll before,'" Burn still was displeased to hear this news. Although, didn't she expect this? "Well, anyway, I'm Princess Scarlet. I just wanted to know if you wanted a tour around the castle."
"Alright Scarlet." Burn said. She hopped off her ledge, and nodded to Scarlet.
"Right then." Scarlet said, and she led Burn out of her room, around the castle, and continuously making comments like: "I don't recommend the roasted lamb. Unless you like, extra crispy." or, "the secret to perfect talons is not getting them dirty in the first place."

It wasn't until they reached the library Burn heard something interesting.
"The first thing she did when she came here was come straight to the library." Scarlet stated, and Burn whipped her head around to look into the gigantic room, jam packed with scrolls. Through the selves, Burn saw the image of her sister, sitting at a table with scrolls piled as high as the mountains around the palace. She was feverishly reading, as though she only had an hour to memorize the words. She looked up, saw Scarlet and says:
"Good evening, Princess Scarlet." she continues reading, completely ignoring Burn, who preferred it that way. They continued on.
"What scrolls to you think she's reading?" Scarlet asks as soon as they get out of earshot of Blister.
"Well, knowing her as I unfortunately do, probably scrolls about SkyWings." Burn said.
"Why do you think that is?" Scarlet questioned.
"Well, only tribes have scrolls about themselves don't they? For example, SeaWings only have scrolls about SeaWings."
"Unless Princess Coral is selling them off." Scarlet said.
"Unless that." Burn admitted. They walked in silence for sometime, and while they were passing another room full of canvases of paints and oils, Scarlet continued:
"But that still doesn't explain why she needs to know about SkyWings, of course our history is interesting but even so."
"I don't know," Burn said tiredly. "Maybe she's planning to take over the other tribes."

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