Author's Note

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How about that for an ending chapter, huh?

Once again, I'm sure this is a bittersweet ending for all of us, I'm sure. I'm really happy that I starting this fic and really, truly finished. The ending may not have been what you wanted, or expected, but it's what I wanted so shhhh.

Thank you to all of those who have supported me through the book, especially my regular commentators (Bumblemus_Prime). Comments, more than anything, get me through writer's block in these books. Voting is great, and I know the importance of it, but the biggest impactor for me is the comments, so I highly encourage you guys to keep commenting (useful stuff, no random spam please; and yes, "funny" counts as useful).

I really am seriously considering a sequel for this work, however there are a few problems.

1.) I am now entering college as a sophomore. The work load is going to get rough (thanks, pre-medicine) and unforgiving at some times, and I don't know if I'll have time to effectively update. Additionally, this could potentially be my last fan fiction (the sequel, not this book) because of my future career. We can see.

2.) I have ideas for the sequel, but it is completely non-episodic (though I may throw in some RiD references for funsies) so, if I run out of ideas for how to keep the story going, I'm screwed.

3.) Would you guys even want a sequel?

Sorry for the bit of a Debby Downer.

Again, thank you guys so much for all of your support, and I really hope to get another book in the works soon. So far, no big ideas (save for the sequel) come to mind, so I may be taking a tad of a break (from writing, not Wattpad) after this.

Thank you, thank you, this is my second completed work, and I am so very happy.

Completed: 07/24/2017

Edit: Confession time: I low-key ship Dana and Ratchet. That is all.

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