Chapter One (Part Two)

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Chapter One (Part Two)

"Let's do it!" the black and brown she-cat crouched down, excited. "But how do we get outside without anyone noticing us?"

Shellkit looked around camp. Many cats were standing around the entrance. There was no way to get out unnoticed.

"I know a secret way out. Lynxpaw told me about it," Lakekit puffed out his brown chest. Shellkit was skeptical.

"Really? Where would that be?" the black and brown she-cat meowed in disbelief.

"I'll prove it to you. Follow me," the kit bounded away, and Shellkit quickly followed after him.

The black and brown tom kit glanced around before heading into the dirtplace. Shellkit wrinkled her nose as she followed her littermate. Inside the dirtplace was a small hole, just small enough for a new apprentice.

"Do you think we can fit?" Shellkit asked.

"I can, but you're bigger than me," Lakekit shrugged.

"Alright, well I'll go first and then you can follow me," the black and brown she-kit nudged her way past her brother. After a moment of wiggling, she made it out of the dirtplace and into RiverClan territory.

"Wow..." she whispered as she heard her brother quietly follow her.

"Our territory is huge!" Lakekit mewed. Shellkit nodded.

"Which way should we go?" Shellkit asked.

"Let me lead," the tom meowed, then padded forward and sniffed the air. He turned away from camp, following a small stream. "This way."

The two padded along the creek for a moment, but Shellkit stopped when she smelled something she vaguely recognized.

"Lakekit! Don't move," she hissed, and her brother froze. Shellkit crouched down, and started moving shakily toward the scent.

Before Shellkit could get any closer, she lost her balance and fell over. The vole she had smelled darted past her and into some reeds. Lakekit burst out laughing.

"What are you, a ThunderClan cat?" he joked. Shellkit's fur bristled.

"I'd like to see you do any better!" she looked away from her brother, her amber eyes glowing with embarrassment.

"Oh, I will," the black and brown tom smiled and crouched down as Shellkit had, but he seemed more stable somehow. Shellkit watched him scent the air, but his fur spiked up. He turned to Shellkit, worry in his blue gaze.

"I smell Lightningfoot and his patrol!"

A) Hide in the reeds

B) Run away

C) Let them find you

So there is that part! It was pretty much a unanimous decision that you would leave camp. I'm glad you guys picked that one, I was hoping you would. I love Shellkit and Lakekit's dynamic, they are very cute. Good luck~!

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