Chapter Two (Part Three)

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"I'll go with you!" Fireflight meowed. "I might as well get the experience. I'm being given an—"

Rosepaw turned to her. Fireflight flattened her ears. "Never mind. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone."

The medicine cat apprentice padded out of camp, and Fireflight quickly followed her.

"What is it, that you weren't supposed to tell anyone?" Rosepaw asked, sniffing the air. Fireflight hesitated. "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

"Darkstar is giving me an apprentice," the WindClan warrior shuffled her paws, almost tripping.

"Congratulations!" Rosepaw purred. Fireflight laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous," the warrior meowed.

"You'll do fine. I'm sure Rockydust was worried when he got me, but he's a great mentor!" the apprentice smiled. Fireflight tried to smile, but she didn't think it was very convincing.

Rosepaw suddenly looked up from the ground and ran off. Fireflight stared at her before running fast to catch up.

"Do you smell something?" Fireflight asked. Rosepaw nodded.

"I think there's something down there," the medicine cat apprentice flicked her tail down a burrow. "It smells like nothing I've ever known. I think Rockydust would be really excited if we made a new herb discovery!"

A) "We should go down there."

B) "We should just stick to what you were told to get."

C) "I'll go down, you stay up here until I say it's safe."

D) "You go down, I'll keep watch up here."

Another short chapter :/ soz this is late, but at least it's still Thursday!!
See ya soon uwu

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