Chapter 1

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This book is a spin-off of my other story, Falling For You.

Read 'Falling For You' until Chapter 20 to understand this story.


Rajveer walks out of solitary confinement, still reeling in shock with the realization that he is in love with Naina.

As he is about to turn toward the corridor that leads to his quarter, he hears her voice.

'Oh, such a sweet voice she has.' A small smile forms on his face at that thought.

Turning to the side, he sees Naina walking toward him with a slight smile on her face.

"Sir, are you fine?" She asks, and his heart warms hearing her concerned voice.

"I am fine, Naina." He replies to her.

'What are you doing, Rajveer? Have you already forgotten about the decision that you made in solitary confinement? You decided to stay away from Naina. But what are you doing instead? You are standing here smiling like an idiot just because she asked if you are fine,' his mind quips.

'Shut it and do not listen to your mind, Rajveer. Because whatever decision you made a while back in solitary confinement is completely wrong. Will you just look at Naina? Look at her smiling at you. Her voice full of worry for you. What if she, too, has started falling for you? Will you snatch both your chance at love just because you are worried about some rules?' His heart counters.

He sighed, battling his feelings. He is unable to decide if he should maintain his distance from Naina or confess his feelings to her, not caring about KMA's rules and regulations at all.

"Sir, did you hear what I just said?" Naina's question jolts him out of his thoughts.

"Umm, sorry, Naina. I was thinking about something else. What were you saying?"

"Pooja's cousin, Mishika, is getting married after two weeks. She is having a destination wedding in Mussoorie, so she has invited us all to stay there for the whole duration of their marriage.

"Since we are going to have ten days of mid-term vacation after three days, we will be able to attend the wedding, and we all are so excited to go.

"Mishika and her would-be husband are also hosting a grand party before the start of their wedding ceremonies. The party is couple-themed, and we need to have a date to attend it.

"As Pooja is going with Ali, Aalekh with Neelu, Yudi with Shalini ma'am, and Huda with Nysha, I wanted to ask if--" Naina stops abruptly when Rajveer interrupts her.

"Naina, let's go to my quarter and talk there. I am a bit tired. I want to sit and relax for a while," he lies because he is not tired at all.

Shalini did his routine check-up before he left solitary confinement. While doing that, she told him about the rumors about him and Naina that were currently circulating in the academy.

He does not want to fire up those rumors by letting others see him and Naina in the academy corridor, talking with each other. And he also does not want to embarrass Naina by telling her the actual reason behind his wanting to go to his quarter to continue their conversation.

'I will have to do something about this soon. I need to find a way to shut these rumors,' Rajveer thought.

"Ok, Sir. Let's go to your quarter then," Naina says, and both start walking toward Rajveer's quarter.

Naina clenches and unclenches her hands, feeling nervous about what she wants to ask Rajveer.

She gathered courage and asked him the question a few minutes back, but he was so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear her.

And when she started telling it to him the second time, he interrupted her, saying he wanted to go to his quarter and continue this conversation there.

'Is this a sign? Should I not ask Rajveer Sir to be my date for Mishika's party?' Naina feels uncertainty cloud her mind.

'No, it is not a sign about anything, Naina. You have already thought about it for hours before coming to this decision. Now go through with it and ask him to be your date. You can do it,' her heart encourages.


Once inside his quarter, Rajveer invites Naina in and locks the door.

"Tell me, Naina. What were you saying earlier?" He asks her, curious to know what she wants to tell him.

"Umm, Sir, actually, the party.... Date.... No date.... No entry.... So, date," Naina blabbers, and Rajveer amusedly cocks his eyebrow.

"Thank you for your incoherently threaded word summary, Naina. I understood that you and your friends would be attending Cadet Pooja's cousin's wedding in Mussoorie and will also attend the party being thrown by her. And all your friends already have their dates for their party.

"Now, tell me what you wanted to say after that," he says to her, confused as to why she looks so flustered and nervous.

Naina is about to answer, but Rajveer speaks again before she can.

"And why is Cadet Huda going with Cadet Nysha? Didn't he ask you to be his date?"

Although Rajveer tries to keep jealousy aside, he cannot help but get irked even at the thought of Naina and Huda going together to that party.

'Well, it is good that Huda is going with someone else,' he thinks.

"After returning from the mentorship camp, Huda was angry with me. He asked me if you and I deliberately returned late from the camp so we could spend some time with each other," Naina says, and Rajveer clenches his fist.

He realized that Naina faced worse taunting from all the KMA cadets while he was in solitary confinement due to the mentorship camp mishap caused by Bhargav.

'But I am out now, and I will see to it that none of the taunts reach and affect Naina anymore.' He decides.

"What did you tell him, Naina?" He asks her, wanting to know how she handled the situation.

"Well, I slapped him and told him it was none of his business if we returned late from that camp intentionally or accidentally. I told him that although he has been pursuing me since joining this academy, I am not even 0.001% interested in him.

"I even warned him if he still tries to flirt with me or tries to show his right on me, I will file a harassment complaint against him and make sure that he gets thrown out of the academy.

"What the hell does he think of himself? So what if he likes me? I have told him 100 times that I see him only as a friend, and he will never be more than that for me.

"And the nerve of that boy. How dare he ask me if I intentionally stayed back at the camp with you?

"So what if I did? What is it to him? If he likes me, does that automatically make me his?

"That stupid, idiot, good for nothing, arrogant, selfish, big-headed, self-obsessed jerk." Naina is fuming by the time she finishes her rant.

'She looks cute when she is angry. Her nose getting red while she talks non-stop angrily makes her look adorable.' Rajveer smiles slightly at that thought.

But when he sees her still breathing heavily after the rant, he quickly walks to the kitchen and brings a glass of water for her.

"Naina, drink this water first and try to calm down," he tells her, handing her the glass.

She takes the glass from him and gulps the whole glass of water in one go. Recalling the confrontation with Huda had angered her, and she needed to calm down.

"Do you need more?" Rajveer asks her, and she shakes her head.

"I am sorry, Sir. I should not have ranted like that in front of you, but recalling that conversation with Huda made me angry," Naina apologizes, feeling slightly calm after drinking water and taking a few deep breaths.

"No, Naina. You do not need to apologize. I completely understand your anger toward Cadet Huda's behavior. And you did right by showing him his place. I hope he will not try to pursue you anymore," Rajveer tells her, already thinking about having a strict talk with Cadet Huda if he tries to flirt with Naina again.

Although it irked him whenever he saw Huda flirt with Naina, he did not interfere until now because he thought it better not to intervene between two friends and let them sort it out by themselves.

But now, seeing Naina affected this way, he decides to interfere if he ever sees Huda trying to flirt with Naina again. He will take strict official action on the cadet.

"Yes, Sir. Huda has learned his lesson well. Because a few hours after our confrontation, he came to me, asking for my forgiveness. He said he realized his mistake and promised not to pursue me anymore. He told me he will now only be a good friend to me and support me in any decision I make," Naina says to Rajveer.

She deliberately avoided telling him that Huda also told her about supporting her even if she and Rajveer Sir have indeed fallen for each other and decided to act on their feelings.

'Naina, you are so stupid. You should have told Rajveer Sir about that too. It could have been your opening line in asking him to be your date for the party. Also, it could have been an opening line for confessing your feelings to him,' Naina's mind stated.

'What feelings? I do not have any feelings to confess about,' Naina denied.

'Really, Naina? Why are you lying to yourself? You have been thinking and worrying about your Rajveer Sir since he was taken to the solitary confinement room. You have been rehearsing for hours about the question you will ask him about being your date for the party. And you are saying that you do not have any feelings for him? Please, girl, do not be that dumb. It is really insulting,' her heart countered, and Naina gasped lowly at the realization.

'Oh, God! I love Rajveer Sir.'

That is why she had felt restless when he went to solitary confinement.

That is why she could not concentrate on anything else after returning from the mentorship camp, just thinking about him all the time.

That is why she felt peace settle within her seeing him after twenty-four hours.

That is why her heart fluttered when he smiled at her after coming out of the confinement.

'I love Rajveer Sir. I love him. I love him,' Naina chants in her mind, unable to figure out what to do with this realization.

"Naina, what happened? Are you fine?" Rajveer's voice jolts her out of her thoughts. "You still have not told me about what you wanted to say to me in the corridor before coming to my room. I am waiting, Naina." He softly smiles at her.

Naina feels her heart skip a beat seeing his smile, and she almost groans out loud.

'Great time to realize your feelings for him, Naina. Couldn't you wait till you had asked him to be your date and had gone to your room? No, why would you wait? You just had to realize your love for him at the wrong time and make yourself more nervous than you already were.'

Looking at him, she tries to gather some courage. After all, he has been a pillar of strength for her, always guiding and encouraging her. But she quickly looks away because, this time, his handsome face and gorgeous smile are not helping at all. Instead, they are making her more shy and nervous.

'Think Naina, think. How will you ask your mentor, who, as you have just realized, is also someone you have fallen in love with, to be your date for the party?'

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