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Naina opens her eyes and turns to the other side of the bed to see her husband, her Rajveer, sleeping next to her.

A beautiful smile curves her lips as she remembers today is the one-year anniversary of their marriage.

It had been difficult for them both to keep their relationship private until she graduated from the KMA.

And after her graduation, they had waited for another six months to tell her parents about them.

Rajveer did not want to wait for that long.

He had insisted on going to her parents the very next day after her graduation to talk about their marriage, but she stopped him, asking him to think rationally about it.

Because if they had made their relationship public the very next day after her graduation, people would have still talked, and there would have been questions about their relationship in the academy when he was still her teacher and mentor, and she was still his student and protégé.

Thankfully he understood what she was trying to say and agreed to wait for the next six months before telling her parents.

Once those six months were over, they went to her parents and told them that they remained in touch even after her graduation, and the bond they had formed in the academy developed into love when they continued talking and meeting with each other.

They did feel bad about lying to her parents, but they consoled themselves, thinking that lying had been necessary in this situation for their career as well as their reputation.

Luckily, their parents had been happy after knowing about them, and had organized their engagement a week after that meeting.

And they were married a month after their engagement.

Naina smiles, remembering their wedding day.

It had been a perfect day.

Her parents were there along with her friends, and they all had been happy seeing them finally getting tied into the matrimonial bonding.

She blushes, recalling her wedding night.

All the sinful things they did that night. She had never known that kind of pleasure existed.

Still lost in her thoughts, a gasp escapes her lips when she suddenly feels his lips moving against hers.

She moans when he inserts his tongue inside her mouth and swipes it through her tongue, exploring her mouth, ending the kiss only after they both were breathless due to it.

"Why?" She asks him, still breathing heavily.

"When I woke up, I saw your blushing face, and you were biting your lips too. You very well know what that makes me do," he replies, sliding his hand around her waist to pull her closer to him.

"What were you thinking about that it made you blush?" Rajveer is curious to know.

Naina flusters, hearing his question.

How to tell him she was thinking about their wedding night and the way he made her feel such sweet pleasure that night?

"I was not thinking about anything," she says, hiding her face on the crook of his neck.

"You very well know that you can never lie to me. So, tell me, my wife, what were you thinking about?" He asks again, wanting to know.

"Iwasthinkingaboutourweddingnight," she tells him in the same breath, making him frown.

"Hmm, Naina, you will need to say it a bit slowly, enunciating the words properly so that I can understand what you are trying to say," Rajveer says to Naina, slightly leaning back to look at her blushing face.

He really wants to know what has made her so flustered this early in the morning.

"I was thinking about our wedding night, Rajveer. Happy now?" Naina answers and climbs down from the bed to get ready for the day.

But she gasps when he holds her wrist and pulls her to him, making her fall above him.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asks, a naughty glint in his eyes.

"Well, Major Rajveer Singh Shekhawat, you can have the liberty to go to the headquarter late, but I, being a Captain, need to report to my seniors on time," she replies to him.

Smiling at her, Rajveer flips their position, making her lie beneath him.

Feeling her squirming beneath him stirs his desire, and he bends down to peck her lips softly.

"You will still reach the headquarter on time, Naina. I just want to give you a little flashback of our wedding night about which you were thinking," he says, leaning down to kiss her neck.

"Also, I think this is the perfect way to start this day," he says between the kisses. "Happy anniversary, my love."

Naina closes her eyes, feeling goosebumps line her entire body when she feels his lips kissing and sucking her neck.

Forgetting everything else, she roams her hands on his back, pulling him closer to her, feeling heavenly pleasure mount inside her as she feels the hard planes of his body against her softness.

Not getting enough of him, she is about to remove his shirt when she hears her phone ring.

"Rajveer, my phone is ringing," she tells him, gasping when he suddenly moves his hand over her chest and presses her mounds.

"Let it ring, Naina," Rajveer says, lost in the haze of his passion for her.

He moves down from her neck, placing rough kisses on the contours of her breast through the nighty she is wearing.

Wanting to see those sinful peaks, he removes her nighty and takes in a sharp breath when he sees those bare peaks.

Sitting on the bed, he flicks her nipples alternately, hearing her moans, looking at her arching her body.

He is about to pull down her panties when her phone rings again.

"It could be important," she tells him, stretching her hand to get her phone from the bedside table.

Rajveer sighs when Naina takes the phone.

"Ok. You take the call then. I will go and freshen up."

Saying that, he places a soft kiss on her forehead and climbs down from the bed.

Still smiling due to his gentle kiss, Naina looks at her phone to see who called her so early in the morning.

Her smile falters when she sees who the caller is.

Feeling nervous about what the caller will tell her, she receives the call. "Hello? Has the report arrived? What does it say?"

Naina takes in a shaky breath when she hears the reply. "Are you sure?"

She closes her eyes when she hears the reply.

"Ok. Thank you for calling me and letting me know. I will come and meet you tomorrow."

She then hangs up the call, thinking about how to break this news to Rajveer.


Sitting on the dining table, Rajveer critically looks at the omelet Naina cooked for him.

"Are you sure this is eatable?" He asks her, remembering how she had put sugar instead of salt in the omelet last time.

"I have now learned how to make an omelet, Rajveer. Stop looking at it so suspiciously and eat it," Naina tells him, still thinking about how to tell him regarding the report.

"Hmm, if you say so, I will try this once. If this time it is not made properly, please stop doing your cooking skill experiments on me," Rajveer says, tentatively raising a forkful of the omelet to his mouth.

"I am pregnant, Rajveer," Naina drops the news, unable to keep it inside her anymore.

She looks at Rajveer to see his shocked face.

He seemed to have completely frozen. Even his hand with which he is holding the fork, raising it toward his mouth to eat the omelet, is frozen halfway.

When he remains still and does not speak for a while, she starts talking again.

"I know we have not discussed about having a child yet. I do not even know if we are ready for it yet.

"I had been taking pills, Rajveer, but when I did my pregnancy test after missing my periods, it was positive.

"I then went to the doctor too to get my blood test done because I still had doubt about it as we were taking the precautions. But she told me pills are not 100% effective, and sometimes women can get pregnant despite taking them.

"She had drawn my blood then to confirm the pregnancy, and it was her whose call I got a while ago. She told me that I indeed am pregnant.

"I know you are shocked right now. I do not know how we will-" She abruptly stops speaking because Rajveer presses his lips to hers, effectively silencing her.

"You talk too much, Naina. And you think too much," he says after ending the kiss, gently caressing her face.

"You are not angry or disappointed due to this pregnancy?" Naina asks him.

"We have made a child, Naina. Our child. The part of our flesh and blood. The sign of our love for each other. Why would I be angry or disappointed because of this?"

"But you looked shocked when I told you about it, and you did not speak for a while. So, I thought you were not happy about it," she tells him.

Standing up from his chair, Rajveer kneels in front of Naina, and putting his hands on hers over her lap, he starts speaking.

"You gave me the biggest news of my life, Naina. It took me a bit of time to let it sink," he tells her. "And now, after processing it, I am feeling nothing but joy and warmth due to this news. Thank you so much for giving me this wonderful news, Naina. I cannot tell you how happy I am right now."

"Are we ready for this, though, Rajveer?" She asks, making him frown.

"Why, Naina? Are you not happy with this pregnancy?"

Rajveer was so overwhelmed due to his happiness that he forgot to think about how young Naina was for all this.

She has just started her work as an army officer, and she might not want this pregnancy to cause any distraction in the early phase of her career.

"I am not sure if I am happy or not. I was too anxious thinking about your reaction that I forgot to think how I felt about the pregnancy," she tells him, and he gives her a slight smile.

"I am happy about this, Naina. I have always wanted to start a family with you," Rajveer says. "But it is not only about me.

"Yes, I will always be by your side to support you, but you are the one who will undergo many changes physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout this pregnancy.

"So, if you think you are not yet ready for this, we can talk with the doctor, and we can ab...abo..." He is unable to complete the sentence.

No matter how much he tries, he cannot bring himself to say that word.

Naina will always remain his priority. He will support her in any decision she will take.

If she thinks she is not ready for this pregnancy and their child, he will give her his full support, no matter how difficult and painful it will be for him.

He jolts out of his musings when he feels Naina's hand on his face.

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life?" She asks, her voice wobbly.

"This is the first time you have said this to me," he replies, leaning to her touch.

"I do not know if I am ready for this pregnancy or not. But I am certain of one thing, Rajveer. I cannot ever think of killing our child. Never," Naina says, feeling her breath stuck in her throat when she sees unbidden happiness spreading on Rajveer's face.

She has never seen him this happy before and feels immense joy with the realization that she has given him the reason to be this jovial.

"Really, Naina? We are going to have this child? We will be parents?" He asks her with such hope in his eyes that Naina feels herself getting teary due to the overwhelming rush of emotions she gets for her husband.

"Yes. We are, Rajveer," she answers him, giggling with joy when standing up from the floor, he picks her up and twirls her in the air.

He puts her down after a while, and keeping her standing, he again kneels in front of her and keeps his hand over her stomach, getting emotional as he caresses it softly.

"Thank you for coming into my life, Naina. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for marrying me. And thank you for making me a father.

"I never thought I would have my own family one day. I never even dared to dream of being happy in my life one day.

"But you changed everything when you came to my life, Naina. All the happiness that is in my life right now is because of you. Thank you so much," Rajveer says tearily, overcome with the emotions.

Naina keeps her hands on his shoulders and makes him stand up from the floor.

After placing a soft kiss on his forehead, she hugs him.

"You deserve everything, Rajveer. You deserve this happiness and much more. I love you so much," she tells him, snuggling closer to him.

Rajveer tightens the hug, feeling content being that way with her.

"I love you too so much, Naina," he replies, feeling his love for her resonating through every fiber of his being.

He had been lonely all his life, craving for any semblance of love and happiness.

But now, he has more love and joy in his life than he could ever wish for.

Each day with Naina and her love has been a blessing for him, and now with their child on the way, he knows their happiness will only increase.

This new journey will fill their life with more happiness, and he cannot wait to embark on this journey with his Naina.


With this epilogue, this story has now come to an end.

Thank you, everyone, for showering your love and support to this story.

As I had said in the beginning, this story is a spin-off of my other book, 'Falling For You.'

Do read 'Falling For You' if you want to know Rajveer and Naina's full story.

Take care, everyone.

Love you all!❤️

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