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Blazion's POV:

"I....I...I love you!" I blurted out.

My heart is beating faster, waiting for her answer. I pray she says yes. I hate to lose her to anyone. I can feel myself getting colder by the seconds. I forced myself to look at her. I pause as I see her smile as well as her tears. Did I mess up? Am I going to fast. Darn why must I be so take actions before thinking. I feel tears welt up in my eyes.

"I love you too,Blaze" Frostina answers as she hugged my furry body.

I'm speechless because I now know we love each. It seems like I'm more fired up than usual after hearing that. I hug her back I feel warm and cold at the same time which is weird but who cares, she loves me. I pull out of the hug to see her beautiful angel face. I got a ice queen to protect now and I promise to stay with her till the day I ascend to heaven. I see she wants to be my lovely girl.

"I know we both know the answer. But Frostina will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with a toothy smile.

She smiles with tears in her eyes before saying

"Yes. A million times yes. I loved you since the day our eyes met"

We came closer to each other, then we kissed passionately till we hear Blizzaria ear splitting squeal. Way to kill our moment.

Blizzaria's Pov:

I was in the living room watching Blazion's confession through the window. It was like watching one of those TV stories with suspense moments. When they told each other "I love you" I nearly pass out in happiness. My little Tina now has a boyfriend and he someone I know will take care of her. I had to squeal when they kiss each other for the first time. I may have ruin the moment but at least their a cute couple. I see that Tina doesn't seem too happy. Blaze isn't either. I sheepishly smile as I head back to the living room. It was worth getting woken up at 6:30 in morning. I gotta tell Terry.

Swelterrier's Pov:

I was having a weird dream about me, Sproink, and Swelton being kidnapped and Blizzaria joining two evil yokai to save us. The crazy part was one of those yo kai look like Blazion.


My phone woke me up thankfully. I check to see that Blizzaria is calling me at 6:30 in the morning. It 6:30 am, this had better be go or I'll get her for wasting my time. I answer the phone and hear her cheerful voice. This better be good.

"Terry, guess what just happen?" she couldn't contain her excitement.

I was now curious. I could only be something really good. There is only one way to find out.

"What happen?" I asked back

"BLAZE and TINA are a couple and THEY KISS!!!" she squeal like a little girl at a Nyext Heart Meowary concert.

That is a really good reason to be up at 6:30 am. I grin at the fantastic news. Blazion you did it. I can't wait to tell Sproink and Swelton this. I do wonder why he went there this early, but now he has a cute girlfriend.

"That's great" I told her in a very tired but happy tone.

"I know right. My little sister is growing up" she cried

"How time flies" I said

"K,You can go back to sleep. I just wanted to let you know. See ya Terry" she says in a joyful cheer before ending the call.

I can't believe he final told her after four months of waiting. Blaze, I so proud of you little bro.

A/N: The sparks are flying for these two. But the next chapter is going to get ugly.

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