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Blazion's  POV:

Blazion's POV:

I  was with my bros tell them about my date with Frostina.  Then a cold breeze filled the cottage. We all knew what came next. Can't we have a guy's talk without being interrupted by this women. My body start to freeze, but I didn't really care because I was more focus about me and Frostina then having to be froze by Blizzaria right now. As expected Blizzaria was now here making the house colder by the minute. But she seemed sad than her normal happy self. Its weird not seeing her without her go happy smile. And were those tears in her eyes.  Swelterrier, Sproink, and Swelton were to terrified by her being here to notice.

"Hey Blizzaria, what bugging you?" I roared

"My  little sister is missing and I can't find her" she sobbed

"That terrible" responded a very worried Swelton

So now they're not scare. But my main worry was Blizzaria's missing sister.

"We'll help you find her" reassured Swelterrier who try to calm her down

"Before, we start looking for her, what her name" asked Sproink

"Frostina" she stated though it was barely auible.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Frostina the girl I love is missing. I ran out the door and look everywhere in the Inifinte Inferno, I could think of. If she was hurt or kidnaped, or worse whoever did is going to be burned without any mercy. I see something on the ground and ran toward it. It was a beaten yo kai that looked like she had been cut, burned, stabbed and whipped into a near dead state. I look closer and I feel my heart ripped in half. the yo kai was my beloved Frostina. I gently pick her up and take her to the yo kai  Nurse Tongus for treatment. As I'm running I feel tears streaming down my face.

Please hang on, Frostina. I can't lose you, you're that special girl that I love. SO PLEASE HANG ON.

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