The battle between mind and love

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Blazion's POV:

Shadow says that my words can free her but will she still be herself afterwards? I see her once beautiful aqua foam eyes now are a dull blue color that make me sick to my stomach. I have to save her because I love her too much to lose her again. I see her glaring at me with such hatred like I was her worst enemy. Her ice is like a dagger to my fire heart and even though it misses I feel the full blast of the hit. How could those monsters turn my snow angel into a killer. Darknyan is going to know the feeling of pain from me and more as payback. Frostina..... I will rescue you. I go and walk to her as I pray that she will hear me.

Frostina's POV:

Blazion is my enemy and I must end him. My orders are to destroy him, the hot clan, and those traitors. I am Frostina of CHAOS, I work for them and I am Darknyan's daughter. I was adopted by him as a baby and growing up I was trained to kill as an assassin. I must've lose my memory because I'm in a cave and I'm with the enemy and with that lion, luckily I remember my true self. I will destroy them and especially that stupid lion. Why does he not run? I'm his enemy and I hate him. I hate him for taking me away from my father and why is he coming over to me?

"Tina" he says in a soft tone

I shoot my ice at his shoulder, he grunts in pain but he keeps walking over. I start to panic and keep attacking him but he doesn't stop. He isn't stopping, why?

"Frostina, please let me talk" he says as he walks closer

"I don't care what you have to say! I hate you! Why do you care about your enemy. I don't know anything about you!" I retorted as I used my ice to make spikes to injury his legs but he jumps and lands behind me.

He then grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug.

Blazion's POV:

I know it's not her talking but that still strike my heart and I feel like she was making my soul scatter and break at the venom of her words. I have to try and get through to her or else she'll be under those sickos control. No way, my sweet beloved ice princess is working with those creeps. I try to think of a way that my words will reach her and help her break free. Suddenly I remember the times we spent together like our dates, the hospital, and our talks. Well it worth a try, so please, please work.

"I know you're there so please listen to me. It's me, Blazion. I'm your boyfriend and I love you. We had so many good times together like our date to the beach where me and you saw the star shower, or the time we went to Gera Gera land when we went on the love boat. I always feel this warm feeling whenever I'm with you. When you were in the hospital, I was so scared that I was I had lose you because you're that precious to me. As well as hearing your sweet voice when we talk. So I won't ever give you up to those jerks of CHAOS. I love you" I confessed as I feel her easing up a bit.

Frostina's POV:

I shouldn't listen to him because he's the enemy but something about him makes me feel like I'm safe. I realized that I was under mind control but with this stupid hair pin in my hair I can't break free. The darkness is surrounding me and I feel lost within my own mind. I need to fight it because Blazion needs me.

"Please ...come back" he begs before kissing me

I feel his furry lips on mine and his body is laying against mine. His warmth is like a light that is washing away this darkness and helping me regain control. Blazion's love for me is stronger than anything that we'll ever have to face. Just him embracing me into his strong arms is enough to wake me up from this nightmare. I passed out in his arms as the hair clip sparks and falls to the ground. Thank Enma, I have him in my life.

Blazion's POV:

She fainted in my arms. Is she's alright ? Did my kiss burn her? Man, can't I do anything right for her. I hear her muttering something.

"Blazion" I hear her melodious voice again

My Frostina was back and I was overjoyed. I kissed her and it was like she lit a solar flare within my soul.

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