Welcome Anxiety

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I wasn't much of anybody.

Just a nobody at my school.

It all changed when I found this old gaming system called "Virtual Life".

I wasn't expecting to be transferred into the game.

Now here I am.

Exposed in a virtual game that I may die in— not that I'm complaining since I was about to kill myself —but still, I would like to end my own life, thanks.

"Oh man... What if someone recognizes me!? I've got to hide my face!" I whine in a panic as I rush my walk into a run.

My slender, small figure helps me stride towards the town faster as I inhale deep breathes to keep me from panting. Once I got there, a huge digital sign appears with a map layout of the town laid out.

"Oh?" My eyes search it to notice a few stores nearby, kind of like in the real world back with my old friends..


A new voice is cast upon me forcefully making me jump and turn the direction it came from with a yip.

"H-hel-hello!" I stutter out in a high pitch tone and immediately turn red in the face.

It was a female; for sure, but she had her blue hair silked to the side and cut very short yet it was thick. She was dressed in punk steam clothing with goggles placed on her head.

She smiles sweetly and shakes my hand without any warning, eyeing me the whole time she talked with her bronze orbs. "Welcome! I see you are new here since your bio on your info tagis empty!" She says in a shout each time making me winch with a forceful, nervous smile.

'Aaaahh... Social interaction... Please, no.' I mentally scream in my head as the girl keeps on rambling on, but I suddenly recap what she said.

"Wait— my bio? Where is that?" I tilt my head like a little confused puppy with an eyebrow raised.

She coos and pinches my cheek causing me to slightly growl out in surprise. "Awe!! Aren't you a cutie!! It's right here!" He points at a little name tag pinned to my dress shirt over my heart that just says:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Name: Anxiety
Gender: ???
Age: ???
Relationship: ???
Species: ???
Bio: none
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Oh! How do I fix it?" I ask curiously.

"You just turn it over and click edit!" She smiles more.

'I feel if she smiles anymore she may break her face...' I awkwardly think as I whine, smiling nervously back, looking down to flip over the tag to see EDIT in bright red bolded words.

I press it with my index finger and a digital screen swooshes to appear in front of me. I could see the girl hollowly behind the screen.

"Good job! Here, this is for completing a life task! My name is Punk, by the way. Nice meeting you Anxiety!" She hands me a huge paper brown bag through the digital screen like it wasn't even there. I feel my lips curve into an upside down w as I take the bag, very confused.

She waves goodbye when she retracted her hand back to leave me with the screen with my information laid out.

'Wait... A life task? Pfsh. What?' I mentally nervous laugh at this and a hand draws up to grab my face as a few sweat droplets form on my cheek.

"This is so confusing... Okay..." I inhale sharply, rubbing my face out of stress and look at the screen to fill in my info.

After a good 30 minutes of creating myself I glance over everything I did to make sure I like it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Name: Anxiety
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Relationship: Single (duh)
Species: Human
Bio: I'm a nobody.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I smile happy with the results and click the check button on the corner of the screen as it vanishes back into the tag. I curiously glance down to see everything was there neatly put into the tag.

For some reason this made me really happy, but then I saw the huge crowds in the town and my heart dropped.

"O-oh no.... M-more social interaction.... W-what do I do?...." I feel my heart quickening inside my small ribcage as I clutch the bag, nearly forgetting I had it in my possession.

I look down at it startled a little.

"O-oh... I forgot I had this..." I stare at it sighing softly, "I wish I could just put this over my head... Wait a minute..." A sudden idea pops into my head as I flip the bag over to see two black marked circles for eyes and I gasp in shock.

"I-It's l-like they knew!" I quickly put on the bag out of nervousness as someone from behind me scared me with another "Hello!"

I jump once again and turn around whining, "Yes?" I groan.

"Welcome, Anxiety." It was a robot male that twitches. "This i-is bZz! Virtual Life where you can be anything you want! Fe—eel free to socialize anyway you like! I hope you enjoy our game! We do warn you, this is Life. So don't be surprised if someone tries killing you!"

The robot smiles a bit darkly at me,creeping me out as I nervously laugh and walk past him, not turning my back on him.

"Haha! S-sure, no problem! I'll keep an-an eye out!" I smile under the bag, forgetting I had it on. Somehow I could see through the bag, maybe the eyes were fabric or some sort, I'd have to check it out later.

After getting away from that creepy robot dude, I walk the sidewalk as I glance around to see weird buildings overlapping one another as neon signs flash OPEN every turn. I also examine the people to see they're all different. Wolf hybrids, dragons, vampires, Fornite players, etc. Any character you could name was here.

"Wow. What kind of game is this?.." I breathe out in amazement.

"It's a trap... Once you get sucked in... You never escape..." A deep, gloomy voice tells me.

I turn over to my side to see a guy in a black trench coat with a black masquerade mask on, tell me.

"A trap? I don't understand." I ask confused, but he just turns his head my direction and lifts his index finger over his mouth.

"Sshhh... They are watching... Be careful Anxiety on who you choose your friends to be... You only have five open spaces..." His eyes glance around nervously from under his mask as he nods.

When I blink in confusion— he vanished just like that, leaving me standing there in confusion while people walk by me giving me strange glances at to why I was just standing there.

'Five open spaces?... Does he mean I'm limited on who I choose to be my friend?...' I think silently to myself.

"I'm starting to regret liking this game. I should find that creepy robot to kill me and it be game over already." I whine.

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