Burning Memories

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"The sky is turning from black to blue
But my heart is still breaking"


Rosie Dunbell did not sign up for this. When she applied for a job at the local pizza place to make some cash, that was all she wanted. A summer job, a way to be financially independent from her father. Her dad didn't need the stress of funding her hobbies, their funds were stretched tight as it was already.

Working as a pizza delivery girl, she's seen some weird things. She's been yelled at, cursed at, crossed at, the whole shebang. When it's only her between hungry people and their pizza, even the nicest folks can turn ugly.

When the infamous strawberry farm calls in for pizza, Rosie is the only one working who hasn't already been. No one was able to find it, leaving the driver driving aimlessly around Long Island. She doesn't want to get fired, so she gets in her car and drives, following her GPS instructions, and when those fail, her instincts.

What her instincts lead her to is definitely not a strawberry farm. She finds the mysterious address, and she also finds the guy who was on the news for being in a manhunt a few years prior. And he's now hot. Very, very hot.

With ten pineapple pizzas and a healthy dose of sarcasm, Rosie is dragged into a mess of gods and monsters. She's alone, she's not scared, and she's ready for what this new world is going to throw at her.


Sadie Sink as Rosie Dunbell

The Pizza Delivery Girl

Nathan Gamble as Percy Jackson

The Guy Who Was On TV

Katheryn Newton as Annabeth Chase

The Singular Braincell

Quincy Fouse as Grover Underwood

The Guide

Additional Cast To Be Added


Huge thanks to daniellawrites02 for helping me with finding a faceclaim for Rosie and helping me figure out her godly parent. Also for just being an all around amazing person.

The gals (I'm 99% sure that you all use she/her pronouns. If not please let me know and I apologize. I'm sorry for assuming!) in the PJO groupchat: capnbarnes hoIyhermes caroIinesforbes pseudonym-lux faithrewarded posingposeys odelles heavenlyhades

Others!: remuslupout jupitersastrals -damrestroom petrovaskath ghostchestcr killtracks STVRFLOWER wheelerblossom findtheforce bxckysbarnes joelsmiller viktorskrum and everyone who supports me!

And of course, Rick Riordan.


I hope that you like Burning Memories! This is totally in honor of Uncle Rick announcing the PJO series. I'm so excited! Thank you so much for reading! Also, at the time of me uploading this, Wattpad is being super weird with my gifs, so if the formatting is all messed up, that is why.

Unfortunately, I am not Rick Riordan. Therefore, I do not own Percy, Annabeth, or any existing PJO characters and plotlines. I only own Rosie and my OCs, and their plotlines.

Started: May 15, 2020
Completed: ?

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