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Physical by Dua Lipa

Chapter 20: Sunsets



WITH THE FIRST day coming to an end, the second day of internships comes just as quickly. However, Kasai curses the morning sun as she really feels the effects of her training. Well, more like her hours of being used as a punching bag, but no one besides her and Mirko need to know that. So, with a groan, the girl stretches her aching limbs, trying to relieve some of the pain. Oh well, like habit, she'll endure it.

Quickly getting up and making the hotel bed of the room she was generously given, and taking a much needed hot shower to relax her tense body, Kasai finishes her morning routine by dressing up in some work out clothes. The matching maroon leggings and sports bra is a relief, especially since the days are starting to get warmer, though it does mean that her arms are exposed. Her newly burned scars out for everyone to see. Thankfully, it's just her and the rabbit hero occupying the hotel - along with minimum of the staff. She's aware that she said that the scars didn't bother her, but to have strangers ogling her with their stares - that's something else.

Exiting her room, the young Todoroki maneuvers through the vast hotel and eventually reaches the kitchen like area. Upon arriving, the girl's icy blue gaze immediately catches sight of her mentor, who's eating a hefty sized salad with a side of pork buns. Nodding, Kasai walks towards the assortment of food and is quick to make her tray - picking two fair sized onigiri, one stick of yakitori, a small serving of soba noodles, and some tsukemono pickles, and a bottle of cold sakura tea. Turning around towards the tables, she sees Mirko waving her over while still chewing on her salad.

Kasai silently laughs at the sight, the similarities between her and a real rabbit are uncanny.

As she reaches the table, and before she could even set her tray down, Mirko is already speaking to her.

"Mornin' kit! I see you're up early! I was afraid you were gonna be the type to sleep in, but you're not which I'm glad. Makes my job easier! So, as I mentioned yesterday, we have a schedule to uphold. After we're done eating, we're gonna follow up with some morning training, got it," the rabbit hero informs before biting into one of her pork buns.

The white haired girl nods as she sits down, "Good morning. And yeah, I remember you saying that. That's why I dressed to exercise, I didn't want to keep using my costume and have the chances of ruining it," she answers, picking her up her chopsticks and curling into the soba.

Rumi nods her head. "Wise choice, haha. By the amount of times I throw you to the ground, your costume would've been nothing but ribbons by the end of the week," she laughs, poking fun at her student.

The Todoroki rolls her eyes, "ha ha, very funny," she deadpans.

"It's all fun, little bunny! To be honest, I'm impressed! Not many people can keep up with me," the older woman states, her ruby eyes narrowing with seriousness.

"Well, if it comes to speed, I'm there. However, everything else, I'm totally out of league when it compares to you. I mean, yesterday clearly show cased that," Kasai sighs, her blue eyes looking up at her mentor as she picks at her tsukemono pickles.

As Rumi looks down at her student, she could see the uncertainty in her posture. That's what perplexed the hero, Kasai showed obvious signs of insecurity and self doubt, but she never voiced them. By means, girls around her age - teenagers - usually voiced their lack of confidence, if not verbally then physically. Kasai didn't. If there was something she wasn't sure of, or an obstacle in her way, she found a way around it. Even if meant working twice as hard just so she could avoid being seen as weak. While Rumi found her skill to persevere admirable, she also found it worrying.

Just how much is she willing to push herself? How much until it's enough, the Usagiyama woman ponders. She shakes her head, it's not her place to butt in when it's not necessary. The girl is smart, she'll know when to stop herself if it gets out of hand.

Continuing the conversation, she replies. "Yes, that may be true. But you have to remember that I'm already a hero, and an adult, while you're just starting out. You have a long way to go and a lot of things to learn in the meantime. No rush," Mirko reassures the girl.

The white haired teen nods, swallowing her mouthful of onigiri. "Yeah, okay. So, on the topic of learning, what's on today's training?"

Mirko laughs, her lips stretching to a manic grin. "Since yesterday we worked on building your speed, today you'll endure my version of strength training! Savor your last chances to relax pain free, little bunny, because once we start, you'll be begging to die! Your body is gonna feel like it's being ripped open from the inside," the rabbit woman exclaims with sadistic glee.

Kasai gulps, her stomach churning at the thought of the cruel torture that's heading her way. I definitely shouldn't have eaten such a big breakfast, she frowns, looking at her now empty tray.

Ugh, I'm certainly dying today... oh well, I had a good run.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

MAYBE BEGGING FOR death was the easier choice, now that Kasai looks at it. Her body - well, she couldn't even fathom how she was still standing. Could she even feel her body? Or were her nerves just being delusional? Honestly, she couldn't tell. Was she using her quirk because her whole body felt like it was on fire... and not the good kind either.

No, this fire felt like she was being consumed by hell flames. Like her nervous system was being stabbed with sharp needles made out of liquid fire. Every movement she made was like a stab, stab, stab! That, and simultaneously being bludgeoned by a sledgehammer. Gosh, is she even breathing right now? Her lungs felt like they were being squeezed of every inch of oxygen! She felt lightheaded and heavy at the same time, how is that even possible?!

She feels like throwing up!

So, yes, Kasai did think begging for death was the best option right now! Ugh, she feels like crying, if she could even manage that. Why did she even think of doubting Mirko?! That woman is a monster straight from hell! She's not a hero, no, she's a demon with the sole purpose of torturing her! The Todoroki whimpers, questioning her life and what she did to ever deserve this kind of punishment.

And the worst thing is, she's not even halfway finished with the training session. Her body is already slick with a sheer layer of sweat, practically drenched, and it's disgusting. Kasai throws a bitter side-eye towards Mirko whose casually lifting her set of weights. At this mere second, the girl is cursing her stupid self for choosing Mirko for her internship. Though, she knows in the long run, she'll be thankful, grateful for the pain she's currently enduring. But for now, she's dying on the inside.

Anyways, with aching and trembling arms, Kasai continues her workout as she does another overhead press. The weight isn't what pains her, but instead the repetitive motions of lifting a weighted bar up and down. She never would have imagined that it was strength training that did her in. Sure she's strong, but she usually opted to fight with speed, it's how her attacks got so much momentum. She was on the short side of height, her body's slender, so being fast allowed her to use them to her advantage. Unfortunately, all that work towards speed is now her downside seeing as she lacks any muscle.

"Come on, kit, don't slack off on me now! We still have another two hours left! You still need to work on your leg muscles," Mirko calls out to the teen as she does her own weighted split squats.

Kill me, the girl mentally snarks, gritting her teeth.

"Isn't doing too much bad for your body," Kasai questions, genuinely asking. "Like all the strain could actually harm it, ripping your muscles rather than building them?"

Rumi stills, raising her brows, and gives an impressed hum at her question. "Yes, that could be true, only if you were lifting weights that are too heavy for you. Sure, doing anything too much is bad, but if it's controlled and specifically fit to your needs, then it's all good. Plus, with enough rest and aftercare, your body should be fine. Trust me, I've done this enough times and my body hasn't given up on me yet," the woman honestly answers. "Why, are you getting tired already?"

Lowering the bar to the floor of the gym, Kasai groans before repeating the exercise. "Nope, just wondering. That's all. I mean, I wouldn't want to be a pain later if my body is too sore to move," she confesses, even if her thoughts say otherwise - yes, I'm tired!

Bending down, Kasai sighs in relief as she finishes her last set of overhead presses. Her biceps sing at the chance to relax, though her arms still tremble with exhaustion. However, as the hero said, she still has two more hours. Yes, two more hours where she can hope and wish for the sweet escape of death! Where she can long for the burning fires of hell to consume her!

Hmm, who knew working out brought out my will to die? Or is that dark humor, Kasai muses mockingly.

Even with morbid thoughts filling her mind, the youngest Todoroki still manages to get through the next two hours - full of exercises like weighted hip thrusts, squats, front squats, farmer walks, split squats, lunges, high box step ups, mountain climbers, and lateral leg lifts. Sure, her body is crying, practically begging, for a break when she meets the finish line. If she was in hell before, she's confident that she reached the lowest level of purgatory by now. Is it possible that even her mind is set on fire, she could practically hear the anguished screams of all those who're burning in hell. Even her teeth ache!

Hey, but at least she's going to get stronger from all this torture, right? Right?!

Perhaps I'll drown myself in my bath right now, maybe that's for the best, Kasai nods at her thoughts.

Though, the thought of a bath easily sends her mind to heaven. She could already feel the warm water on her sore body, the epsom salt soothing her aching nerves. Maybe she could ask for scented candles while she's at it. Pure bliss! Who cares if she was just tortured, her body is already dancing at the idea of a hot bath.

"Well, it looks like you survived three hours of my strength training! How do ya feel," Mirko asks, her own skin glistening with sweat - nothing compared to Kasai's disgusting drenched form.

The teenager laughs, "like I'm going to drop dead any second!"

Rumi laughs out, patting the girl's shoulder. "Yeah, that sounds about right! Ha, I'm surprised you're not crying," the woman says.

Kasai shrugs. "Oh, don't worry, I'm definitely crying on the inside," she admits with a grin. By means, why not joke about her pain?

The rabbit hero shakes her head, amused. "Alright, alright! Why don't you go on and take a break, you jokester. You've surely earned it," she says, pushing the young girl out of the gym, patting her back.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," she sighs out, relieved.

I'm finally free, the teenage girl mentally sings, joyously.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

AFTER AN HOUR long bath and a large bowl of ramen for carb refuel, Kasai was again dressed in her hero costume as she walks besides MIrko in their morning patrol. The Todoroki's blue eyes scan the bustling streets, noticing that they're more crowded and filled than their patrol during the night. Though, with more people, that means there's likely more chances of crimes happening. Yes, to commit a crime in broad daylight is bold. However, criminals are definitely the bold type, especially if they're desperate enough or motivated enough.

Sure, they're criminals, but everyone has a reason to break rules. Heck, by means, she broke rules for fun back in middle school because she wanted attention. If that doesn't say anything, then what does? Kasai could see their point. If people are at a low point in life, then they do what's necessary to survive. She knows it's wrong, but she doesn't blame them.

Not everyone lives a perfect life. Sometimes they can't, and sometimes even society doesn't allow them. Nobody has the same circumstances.

By means, life isn't just black and white, there's several shades of gray in between. Good evil, bad good.

She wonders, if she never pushed herself to become a hero and just gave up with her need to please, where would she stand if she were to continue to break rules? What type of person would she be? A criminal, just breaking the law for the hell of it? A villain, hating and despising the society she lived in?

If I weren't a hero, what would I be? Would there be any point in my life? Would my life even mean anything, Kasai thinks, her mind spiraling. Would I even have a will to live? Not really, I set out to be a hero to gain my father's approval, but if I stopped, I wouldn't really have had anything that I cared about. Nothing mattered to me then. I was alone in the dark and that's where my life would've ended too.

Kasai shakes her head, not wanting to agree with her thoughts that are true. That was then, in the past. She's in the present, where she finally made it as a hero. She needs to focus on that, nothing else. Clenching her fists, the girl uses the pressure in her hands to shake off the feeling of unease in her body. It's one thing to have dark humor, but she won't allow her thoughts to drag her back into the depths of depression - at least not any deeper than she already is.

Huffing out a breath, Kasai focuses on the sight before her instead. Her icy blue eyes taking in the buildings, the people, and the rushing traffic. By means, she's on the job right now, and that means there's no space for personal matters. No room for her anxieties to build up. No doubt. Just being a hero, nothing more and nothing less.

"Thief! Stop that lady!"

Snapping her attention to the left, Kasai finds a man - probably a store owner - shouting after a running woman. The woman herself has her body covered in a hood and a balaclava, and she has a fairly sized bag which is spilling money as she runs. Kasai shakes her head at the sight, but a smirk does paint her lips at the excitement of a chase.

"Another bet, Mirko? Loser buys our lunch," Solar Flare offers, inciting a challenge.

Mirko grins, "music to my ears, Solar! And I'm feeling like a big lunch today!"

"Yeah, well you'll have to pay for it since I don't feel like losing today," Solar Flare exclaims before rushing off after the running lady.

Kasai yells to the pedestrians to make way as she weaves through the crowd. Sure, she could have flown over like she did last night, but she felt like running today. Igniting her boots in flames, she adds to her speed as she zooms past people.

Mirko lands to her right, also running. "Ha! Cheater! You never said start," she laughs, looking at her intern.

The Todoroki girl smirks, "well, I never said it was a race, so the rules don't apply here!" She taunts with a laugh.

The Rabbit hero narrows her red eyes at the revelation. "Oh, I see! Well, two can play that game," she states with a devious smirk.

Kasai thinks nothing of her mentor's words and just chooses to focus on her target. Her mistake. Because as she runs, she suddenly feels a pull on her arm and watches as Mirko zooms forward,

Did she just pull me back, she questions incredulously. And she calls me a cheater!

"Hey, no hands-on contact!" The teenager yells after the older hero.

"You said it yourself, no rules," Mirko mocks as she glances back.

Solar Flare grits her teeth at the truth and glares challengingly. Not one for losing, Kasai focuses on her running and grins as she feels for her flames. Urging her body to move faster, she uses a burst of flames, igniting her legs -knee down- in fire and shoots forward. It's like she's skating on the cement as her flames push her ahead, leaving a trail of white flare embers.

"Whoa, is that Mirko!?"

"It's Mirko, and look she has a student intern with her!"

"I bet that's a student from UA, they're doing their internships at this time!"

"It is! Look! Don't you remember!? She's the one with the fire quirk! The one who got second place in the sports festival!"

"Oh yeah! Well, that's Mirko for you! Only the best work with her!"

Catching up to Mirko, Kasai gives the older woman a smirk, silently telling her that her move back there didn't work in slowing her down. The rich honey toned woman answers back with her own smirk, silently impressed.

The fact that this girl can even match her in speed, especially after their straining workout. Rumi could see how the Todoroki girl is improving in her skills, but not just in the physical part but also in the mental part. Like how she integrates her flames with her actions, her strategies becoming more calculated, always looking for the best outcome to win. Sure, she witnessed it during the sports festival, but then it was more sporadic - like her actions relied heavily on her emotions. However, now, they're sharper and more focused.

Even now, as she witnesses Solar Flare knocking down the running thief, she can't help but feel in awe of the girl.

This kid, she'll definitely become a great hero, Mirko smiles, nodding.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

EVENTUALLY AS THEIR patrol comes to an end, along with them having lunch - courtesy of Mirko paying, and their afternoon training lesson finished, Kasai is in her hotel room relaxing. Well, as much as her body allows it. By means, core workouts make it impossible for her to actually move. But she manages.

Sitting criss-crossed on the wooden floor, Kasai looks out of the large window enjoying the sight of the burning sunset. The orange glow bringing her comfort. Sure, she was one who enjoyed the sun and fire, having a deep love for them, however, she also enjoyed the sight of the pale moon.

She often liked to compare herself to it. Like how it was always surrounded by darkness, but despite the pitch blackness of the night, the moon still found a way to glow with a luminescent light of breathtaking beauty. Or maybe because the sight of the moon always allowed her to feel her most forlorn thoughts, emotions. Either way, no matter how beautiful it was, there was always a certain sadness to it.

Shaking her head, Kasai sighs as she looks away from the sunset and towards her hands. Raising her palms, the girl carefully ignites her hands on fire, allowing her fingers to be enveloped in white embers. Furrowing her brows, and narrowing her turquoise gaze, she urges the white flares to burn stronger until they shine to their new bright sapphire glow. Kasai gives a gasp of marvel, her eyes flickering as they become transfixed, lost, with the sight.

Even with the small size, she could already feel the temperature uptake, the difference.

"How can I control this," she mumbles to herself, her mind whirling, searching for answers. "Flames eat the oxygen surrounding it, so maybe I can use that? But how? The only way I can feed the flames oxygen is if I manage them with my breath? Right? But I still need a way to manage the overheating. Well, if I'm breathing in oxygen for the flame, then I could do the same for the overheating, right? I can breathe out. But how? I can't simply breathe out my rising temperature...."

Though, as her mind continues to spiral, a loud beeping interrupts her. Darting her icy colored eyes to the left, where a coffee table sits, she sees that the water in the electric tea kettle is ready. Looking at the tea kettle, Kasai's eyes widen as her mind clicks. She watches as the steam rises out the spout.

"I can gather all the heat in my body, and then expel it out like steam! Or I could use the flames itself! Using body heat to add more heat to my fire! Haha, I could breathe in to feed my flames, and then combine that to my building body heat to expel flames! Normal air in, hot air out. Sounds confusing, but I got a general idea," she exclaims, grinning, happy that she finally came up with an answer.

Dispelling the flames on her hands, she reaches over to the table and pours herself a cup of tea before shaking her head. She gives a small laugh, ruffling her short hair.

"How stupid that I got my answer due to a tea kettle. Ha, if anyone were to know they would laugh in my face," Kasai chuckles, blushing at her embarrassing revelation.

That stupid sparkler would definitely make fun of me, the Todoroki thinks, frowning as she imagines Bakugou's laughter in her ears.

"Though, it's just a theory, who knows if it actually works," she mutters as she looks out towards the vanishing sun as it gives its last burning glow across the tall buildings.

As she places a bag of peach tea in her cup, Kasai then turns towards her hands as she raises them at chest level. With a soft sigh, her slender fingers are instantly ignited in her pale embers and as she stretches out her arms, the flames crawl upwards. Her arms fully encased in white fire. Like she theorized, Kasai lets the flames increase her body heat. Closing her eyes, she draws a mental picture and imagines all her body heat growing hotter and hotter. Almost like a thermostat.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually Kasai is able to gather all her built-up body heat as if it were a solid thing sitting in the center of her stomach. So, as she witnessed earlier with the tea kettle, she physically takes a big breath before exhaling. Opening her eyes, Kasai is in awe as she urges all the heat in her body to expel, watching it rise out of her body like steam.

It's phenomenal, like her body is breathing.

All this time, she struggled because of her overheating draw back. But alas, here she is with a simple solution. How the answer never occurred to her before was a mystery. The answer was so easy, practically laughable. Heck, does her father even know of this revelation? Probably not, haha!

As Kasai feels her body cool with the expelling steam, she shakes her head, laughing in glee. The girl is ecstatic that she finally has a solution to her biggest problem.

Falling to the floor on her back like a starfish, the youngest Todoroki grins up at the ceiling, taking in the view of her room growing dark as the sunset finally dies into darkness, the moon giving her a pale glow.

Achieving this makes me unstoppable now, the girl smiles. No more running, no more hiding! It's my time to shine!


Whoo! There it is, chapter twenty!!! Sorry I took a bit longer, I kept getting distracted in watching One Piece and Bridgerton, and the new seasons of Glow Up and Love Is Blind haha!

But it is sooner than I usually update, so that's some improvement!

Anyways, what do you guys think?

I wanted you guys to see that Kasai is actually training and not just immediately getting stronger out of no where, haha! I don't want her to be a Mary-Sue, those are my least favored characters -ugh!

And oof, looks like muscle training is Kasai's weakness, lol. But that's to be expected since she's a cardio girlie, only speed and stamina for her haha!

Maybe she'll get some hot-girl abs! (If only I could do the same T^T)

Oof, looks like Kasai really thinks about her what-if life. I guess her need to get Endeavor's approval actually kept her alive long enough to make something out of herself - ouch.

Miss girlie really needs some therapy, burying her feelings can only do so much...

Mirko and Kasai are so alike and I love it! Her relationship with Rumi is going to be one of her healthier ones! So much, that Kasai will somewhat model herself after her haha!

And ooh! She finally solved her overheating problem!!! Of course via tea kettle, lol! Todorokis and their tea kettles - oof! But, yeah, I kinda wanted her to have a Midoriya and fish pastry moment, haha! It's also cute that she could imagine Bakugou making fun of her haha! I absolutely adore it!

Anyways, i know this chapter was more training-ish/filler-ish, and inner thoughts, but still important. And yeah there was some action with the patrol, but the real action is in the next chapter! Whoo! Who's ready for the Hosu attack!

I will say this, Kasai will definitely shine like a solar flare!!! I can't wait! Ahhh! I'm excited! She's such a bad ass I love her!

Anyways, don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN!!!

(( Remember to stay safe and to take care of yourselves ♡ ))


Word Count: 4,384

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