Chapter 12

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Harry, Dudley, and Luke were more used as props for the rescue practice than being trained themselves, but it was pretty easy and probably irrelevant to them anyway, and they were technically able to ask to train with 1-A, but Luke was the only one who was actually able to ask something like that, both Harry and Dudley not liking to bother people.

Harry sat in the corner of one of the buildings that was built to be broken, they had been assured they were more than safe to be in, however they might be deliberately damaged at pre-decided points to add the sense of danger, the points being areas the students didn't know of, but the teachers did. He didn't have much to do while he was waiting, but his legs were aching. The ache was rather dull at the moment, but when they had weight on now they hurt, so he had flown to where he was right now on his walking stick.

They had been told not to stick together which meant they couldn't talk, not that Harry had really gotten to the point where he was fully comfortable talking to Dudley yet, but it was clear Luke knew a lot more about the wizarding world than him, and Ron wasn't the best at knowing what he and Hermione did and didn't know. He and Hermione only found out in third year that the Wizarding World had Pride years, and Hermione had to explain Pride as a whole to him. Not having anyone around him, and not having anything to do other wan wait was rather boring.

Harry was supposed to play the part of a quirkless civilian who had been caught up in a villain attack, so he shouldn't cast magic that could alert anyone to his location, as an added point that wasn't what he was told to pretend to do, he definitely couldn't walk which might well make it more difficult for them.

He was thinking about his experiences at Hogwarts thanks to his conversation with Yaomomo, as she told him to call her, earlier. It was slightly amusing, Mr Aizawa and Professor Snape didn't look unalike, but they had a very different air around them. Aizawa was cold and distant, but somehow still approachable and clearly cared about his students, where Harry was sure anyone who wasn't Slytherin would rather face Voldemort than go to Snape for help. In his first lesson he was the only one quizzed, and Snape knew his parents, so surely he would know he was raised by muggles, meaning that he couldn't have known the answers to all those questions and when Hermione answered she was told off and he lost points for focusing on his own potion rather than looking after Neville. And why had they even been making a potion in their first lesson? Every other class took forever before they did anything practical.

And as much as he liked Quidditch and McGonagall (obviously in very different ways), it was rather irresponsible of her to immediately put him on the Gryffindor team after his first time on a broom. She knew his parents, of course, but Harry could have actually been terrible at flying and only had a first time fluke, but he guessed he had been sent out with Oliver. That being said she could have explained things to him when he was being taken there. That being said, the whole thing wouldn't have happened if Mme Hooch had actually helped Neville rather than just yelled at him when he clearly didn't know what was going on.

And Dumbledore can apparate or take the flu network, why on Earth was he gone for days when Voldemort was trying to steal the philosopher's stone? And why would he hire Lockhart given how obvious it was that he was a fake from the very beginning.

"Hello!? Anyone here need any help!?" Harry heard a call from a voice he recognised, but he hadn't remembered the voices of anyone in 1-A other than the teachers and Yaomomo.

Harry started coughing, as that was one of the things he was told he could do to alert people to his location, and also because he had inhaled some of the dust he had accidentally stirred up.

"There's someone in this floor!" They called out, running up the stairs, Harry losing breath as he heard the pounding footsteps of multiple people, his eyes starting to water from the lack of air. Unfortunately his movement from coughing and just dislodged more dust, that Harry kept inhaling.

"Over here!" Harry heard a call from above him, looking up as he tried to calm down his coughing to see it was Denki, with his yellow, rather than blond, hair with a black streak that looked like a lightning bolt. "You okay?"

Waving away most of the dust, Harry was finally able to breathe, and gave him a nod. "Kept inhaling the dust." Harry's voice was a little horse as he talked.

"Potter!" Izuku said after the area got lit up with a green lightning which dissipated as he stopped near Harry, making him turn his head away as the dust got stirred up again, holding what little breath he had. "Are you okay?"

"I can't walk, but otherwise I'm fine." Harry explained, as he was supposed to be an uninjured civilian who was just trying to stay out of the way, and there were no villains involved.

"Is it okay if I carry you?" Izuku asked, Harry noticing Shoto with his bicoloured hair coming into view.

"Yeah, that's fine." Harry said, feeling a little awkward at the idea of being carried by someone he didn't really know. Sure, he had been carried by Remus and Sirius before, and Ron had carried him too, but those were all people he knew really well, he barely knew Izuku, but it seemed like he was well liked, and he was nice, so it was unlikely he would be dropped. "If I'm too heavy then let me know."

"Trust me that won't be a problem." Denki said as the three people Harry could see tried not to smile, Izuku scooping up Harry with ease, like he was as light as a feather.

"You're so light anyway. Seriously!" Izuku said, the green lightning illuminating their faces as Izuku rushed downstairs with Harry in his arms.

Harry was trying to keep his breathing regular as he got scared by how quickly they were moving. He was more than used to going even faster than this on his broom, but then he was on his broom, he had complete control of the movement and speed, but it was very different when he was being carried by another person and the only thing he had control over was holding onto Izuku as tightly as he could.

"You okay, Harry?" Izuku asked when they were outside, Harry's breathing still not back to normal as he started relaxing his grip on Izuku's clothes.

"Mhm... That was just not what I'm used to." Harry said, as he continued trying to regulate his breathing, eventually being able to let go of Izuku, finding himself not any less secure after doing so.

"Sorry, did I go too quickly? It's an area where explosions might go off and I wanted to get you out of there before any of them went off." Izuku said, looking slightly embarrassed as he looked around for a seat he could put Harry on.

"I've gone faster before on broom, but I'm just not used to being carried that quickly, or really being carried all that much. I prefer trying to get around on my own." Harry said, his cheeks a little warm, he should be fine now provided he could get his walking stick out to hover on.

"When do you usually go on your broom?" Izuku asked, ignoring an explosion that came from the building they just came out of. Harry had a feeling he was trying to keep Harry's attention away from what might be going on in the building, as this was hero training.

"Are the people inside okay?" Harry asked, looking at the building that he could have sworn was shaking more than it was supposed to.

"Don't worry, our class is able to handle explosions even larger than that thanks to Kacchan. His quirk is explosions, as you may have seen during sparring, and he likes to set them off all the time." Izuku said, finally finding a chair and putting Harry in it. "Sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. You can go back in there and continue to help out, it's fine." Harry said, feeling a little awkward. It's not like anything had happened, and the role he was playing wasn't one of anyone who needed any specific help. He had been through much worse on his own and then be sent back to the Dursleys with it only brought up to either get more house points or for people to say he was irresponsible.

"We have ear pieces so they can ask for me if they need me, otherwise I'll stay here with you." Izuku said with an almost blinding smile as he pointed at a black ear piece that seemed to match Izuku's dark green hair that was hidden in his ear. "By the way, you never told me about the whole broom thing."

"Oh, I'm on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I started in first year and I'm the youngest seeker in a long time. Basically it's my job to catch the golden snitch at the right time and stop the other team's seeker from getting it. Catching the snitch ends the game and earns the team that caught it a lot of points, but you can still catch it and lose. It's the chasers that score most of the points, the keeper that stops the other team earning points, and the beaters that keep the bludgers away from their team and aim them at the other team." Harry explained, his eyes lighting up a little. "I would say I'm pretty good as I win most games, but something always ends up happening in important games. Last years the dementors attacked during an important game so we lost. Cedric was pretty good about it, kept asking for a rematch because it wasn't fair, but it is what it is."

"Wait, the soul sucking things attacked a game and it wasn't immediately made invalid? I'm sure you wouldn't have been the only one affected." Izuku said, looking at Harry in concern.

"The game was almost finished anyway, and after that they weren't allowed within the grounds again. It wasn't the only thing that threw me off, I had recently started Divination and she chose me as the one who was going to die and I kept seeing a big black dog around which is a wizard symbol of death, but it turned out I was just being paranoid and it was Sirius wanting to see me." Harry said, still a little embarrassed about how scared he had been of seeing the dog form of his godfather.

"'Chose you as the one who was going to die'?" Izuku asked with raised eyebrows.

"Professor Trelawney is the Divination teacher, most of the lessons are rather useless and I don't know if she's actually a seer, she acts like she is, but the only things she says that come true are things that she kinda made happen. She told Neville he would break a cup and that made him nervous so he did. Professor McGonagall said she always predicts someone's death in the first lesson to make it interesting, this year it was me." Harry explained, now he was thinking about it, he had to agree with Hermione, it was completely fake, everyone was going to die sometime so it was the easiest prediction. If it hadn't been for finding out what the Grimm was supposed to mean and for Sirius having escaped and being told he was the target he wouldn't have thought much of it.

"So she predicts someone's death to make it interesting? Why is that allowed?" Izuku asked, concerned.

"Well, Snape can do whatever he wants, so I assume all the teachers can." Harry said with a shrug.

"Training Complete!" A voice said over the loud speaker.

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