Chapter 6

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It was about another month Harry was kept in St Mungo's. Thankfully there were no more mishaps with the potion. The only problem was that his magic was taking much longer to recover than his body, evidently he was used to having to heal his own injuries and hide his insecurities, forcing his magic to work overtime to make him recover more quickly than a normal person.

"We're happy about his progress, so you can take him home now. You need to make sure that he has nutrient potions in order to keep him healthy. If he's not awake in another month bring him back. If anything seems wrong, bring him back." The healer who had been looking after Harry he had woken up early told Sirius and Remus.

"Thank you for helping him." Remus said, as Sirius picked up the sleeping boy, who even while asleep, moved closer to Sirius, a delicate smile on his lips.

"Moony, let's get home." Sirius said, Remus grabbing his shoulder for the small group of three to apparate to their little house.

When they got there Hedwig was sitting proudly on the back of the sofa with a letter grasped tightly in her beak. Sirius was pretty sure she didn't like him, not that he could tell why, but she was an extremely well behaved owl. She was rather protective of Harry, it seemed. Every time they mentioned him one would notice her beady eyes on them. It seemed Harry cared deeply for her too, having risked his safety for her.

"I'll put Harry in his room, you see what the letter is about. If it's another letter from the Daily Prophet then remind them that we can and will destroy them if they write anything about this story without written permission from Harry while we're there, or McGonagall is." Sirius was still fuming over the way they acted as though they were entitled to know what was going on in Harry's life, as though he wasn't a 13 year old whose life had already fallen apart multiple times.

"You don't need to remind me, Pads." Remus said softly, pressing a kiss on his fiancé's cheek as he fetched the letter. They were waiting for Harry to be well again before they got married, they hoped he could be involved, they were already down a best man, they hoped they would still be able to have their flower boy.

Remus sighed as he saw that the letter was addressed to Harry, they had started doing this recently. Hedwig would bite them if they tried to open a letter they weren't supposed to read, there was a small pile of them on the desk in Harry's room.

Dad got tickets to the Quidditch world cup!! We'll be coming to pick you up on Sunday at noon. Let us know if the muggles said no or yes. See you then!

Ron's letter was messy, and it was obvious it was written in a hurry with excitement. He was glad that there were people from the Ministry they trusted who were keeping an eye on the letters that reached the Dursleys in order to redirect everything for Harry back to them.

This isn't Harry, he's not available right now. I don't know if he'll be able to meet with you tomorrow, we can't tell. DO NOT go to the Dursleys' as Harry no longer lives there. The World Cup should be in about a week, so he should be able to attend then, we hope. He'll write to you when he's able to. Take care.
Remus Lupin.

Remus hurried to respond to Ron, it would be really bad if the Dursleys remembered their past with Harry, knowing how they treated and how Lily described Petunia, it would only cause more pain and suffering for Harry and the rest of the magical world.

Hedwig swept off with the letter, clipping Remus on the back of his head as she flew off. Why she didn't like either of the wizards they weren't really sure. It was possible it was because she wasn't allowed to see Harry while he was in St Mungo's, but they would have let her if they could.

"What did they want now? Demanding an interview with Harry to find out all the little details of the fire?" Sirius asked, annoyed as he came back into the room, Harry clearly well settled with the potions laid out for their easy access.

"It was from Ron, he was wanting Harry to go to the Burrow because they have tickets for the Quidditch World Cup. I already replied telling them to not go to the Dursleys' and that we'd contact them when Harry is available." Remus said, pulling Sirius into a hug. He always loved Sirius' long hair,, he knew it was grown out to annoy his parents, but it was well looked after and soft to the touch. It was impressive how well kept his hair was even though he had been in Azkaban for so long.

"I'm pretty sure it's too late for us to get tickets, but I doubt they would argue with Harry having a therapy dog. Do you mind if I join him if he decides to go?" Sirius asked, he missed Quidditch desperately.

"Of course not, but I will ask to join you all to the camp site. I have never really understood why you enjoy watching Quidditch." Remus said with a laugh, kissing Sirius on the head, then going to make them dinner. Enough for Harry even if he showed no signs of waking up soon.

The next few days were slightly easier than it was when Harry was in St Mungo's, there were fewer rules about when they could see him, and while he was now permanently scarred on his legs, they knew he wasn't in pain. They had been warned he may have a limp from now on, but that was a small price to pay to have him alive and well. There were a few days where they could almost feel his magic like static energy fill the room, but he had yet to open his eyes.

Sirius was walking past Harry's room, the door always cracked open so they could see or hear if something was happening in the room. He could have sworn he saw movement in the room, and rushed in quickly. He didn't know if Harry had woken up, or if someone was in the room, but either way, he should be in the room, either to keep Harry safe, or to keep his promise.

Sure enough, Harry was starting to come to. He wasn't moving too much, just enough to make his floppy hair slip to and fro, probably what Sirius had noticed.

"Remus, Harry's waking up!" Sirius called, Remus rushing into the room, his arrival accompanied by many crashes and bangs, a glass of water in his hands for Harry if he needed it.

"Sirius? Remus?" Harry asked, his throat dry and his voice hoarse as he came to.

"Here, drink this, it's just water." Remus said, handing Harry the glass of water that he sipped slowly.

"Where are we?" Harry asked, looking around at the green and red room. It was almost completely bare otherwise, except Sirius and Remus had made a collage of pictures of Lily and James. It wasn't all pictures of the two of them, and some from when they were kids. There were a number of still pictures of Lily as a child with her parents and sister. They mostly covered Petunia's face though.

"We were allowed to take you home about three days ago. This is your room in our house. We can decorate it after the Quidditch World Cup, Ron's family got tickets for you and the family, I'm assuming you want to go." Sirius said, his own eyes sparkling at the idea of Quidditch again.

"I love it, thank you. And I'm allowed to go to the World Cup, right?" Harry asked, his innocent smile bringing a sense of warmth to the room. His smile was so much like Lily's, it seemed like a lot of him was like Lily, even if he looed like James, and got in about the same amount of trouble as him, of not more.

"Of course, Sirius wants to join you as Padfoot, if you're okay with that. We don't have tickets, so I'll be staying at the camp site." Remus said, laughing. Harry had his parents' love for Quidditch. Admittedly, it was one of the first things he found he was naturally talented at that he was congratulated for, without it later being used against him.

"I would like that." Harry said. "I should write to Ron to let him know I want to come."

"Be careful walking, Harry. Your legs are still scarred and you might have to get used to walking again. If you need help you can ask for it and we'll help you." Sirius said, looking at Harry with worry.


The day after Harry had woken up, Remus and Sirius had told him about how the Daily Prophet asking repeatedly for permission to publish the story of the fire. They told him it was his choice and if he decided to never let the magical world know about they would make sure it remained a secret, and if he wanted to tell the whole story they would support that decision too.

Harry wrote a letter, proof read by Remus to make sure the writers for the Daily Prophet couldn't twist his words, to give them permission to publish the basics of the story, that there was a magical fire at number 4 Privet Drive, resulting in him getting badly burnt and Sirius, his godfather, coming back to England to help him and be given a fair trial and be found innocent. They also put in that Harry was now in the custody of his godfathers.

Sirius was the one who argued against giving them any information that could imply that it was the result of Harry's magic, even though it was self defence, the Daily Prophet, especially Rita Skeeta, would start suggesting that he was dangerous and violent. That wasn't something Harry needed looming over him.

It was the day after the paper released the bare bones story that the Weasleys came to rendezvous before going to the campsite for the World Cup. Molly immediately pulled Harry into a bone crushing hug, sobbing over how he already been so much, and to have an ordeal like the fire on top of that was too much.

Ron and Hermione hung behind Molly, but they both looked worried for their friend.

"You okay, mate?" Ron asked gingerly, he had been so excited about seeing Harry again, but he guessed Harry was probably having a tough time at the moment. Arthur worked at the Ministry, and while he wasn't high enough to find out what had happened, he had become rather a lot quieter about muggles since around the time Harry had stopped responding to their letters.

"I'm fine, Ron. I have a mind healer and other than the occasional bit of pain, the only thing wrong with my legs is a limp and that they're a little stiff." Harry reassured his friends and the other Weasleys with a smile that didn't fully calm them.

"Are you sure, nothing else happened, right?" Hermione asked, looking at Harry with guilt.

"I swear, I'm fine now." Harry said, his tone slightly brighter than it normally was, he was genuinely happier now.

"We should get going, if we want a good area, we can be the first to the stadium, Harry, if it would be easier we can get some magical help for you to get up to the top, where our seats are." Arthur said, he, too, was looking at Harry very worried.

"Yeah, let's go." Harry said brightly. He went to grab his suitcase which contained three days worth of clothes, as they were coming back as the day after the World Cup, that day being at the Weasleys for a little celebration, a belated birthday celebration for Harry as they hadn't been able to celebrate his birthday on time due to the accident at the Dursleys.

Before Harry could pick the suitcase up, though, Sirius had grabbed it, handing Harry his walking stich they had bought for when he was struggling more to walk. He didn't always need it, but it was better to have it while they're going to be somewhere crowded. The walking stich had a few spells on it, making it cause a stinging sensation in the hand of anyone who tried to steal the walking stick, a spell that prevented breakages, and a few making it easier to carry around, including one that allowed Harry to change the size.

"I'll carry it, we don't want you to push yourself too much." Sirius said, ruffling Harry's hair and trying to sound nonchalant, even though he was worried.

"Fine." Harry said, reluctantly, following Ron and Hermione outside, before all of the under 17s took a hold of either the hand or shoulder of one of the adult wizards to apparate to the campsite, Molly didn't like camping, nor was she interested in attending the World Cup, so she was apparating back to the Burrow.

Remus ended up being the one to sign them in for their booked area, talking with the muggle who ran the area amicably about the number of odd people who were staying at his campsite. Pretty much as soon as they had all been signed in a bunch of Ministry officials rushed over to obliviate the man, who had clearly started to figure out they were wizards.

Their spot was an excellent place to be some of the first to the stadium, but it unfortunately meant that there were a lot of ministry officials rushing back and forth along the path. Percy's thirst to move up in the Ministry meaning that he greeted each one, bowing especially low to Barty Crouch and Fudge, causing his glasses to break. Unfortunately, every time Percy caused them to stop, they would notice Harry, giving him sympathy that felt almost like they were trying to use their sympathy to get something from him.

"Potter, are you doing better? I see your out of St Mungo's now." The auror who had taken him to the Ministry after the fire came up to them before Percy had the chance to greet him. "I'm Chris Hogarth."

"I'm fine now, thank you." Harry said, Chris' concern sounding the most genuine he had received from anyone from the Ministry, especially Fudge's seemed forced.

"Good to hear, look after yourself, don't push yourself if you can help it." Chris said, their voice was cold, but their eyes showed that they cared. They gave Sirius a nod before getting back to their duties.

"They're a fairly new auror recruit, rather unpopular at the Ministry because they're always criticising the way things have always been done." Percy explained, not that anyone other than him really seemed to care.

Hermione and Ron went off to get water from the tap, Harry was told to stay behind so he wouldn't strain himself before having to climb up and down the stadium, given that their seats were at the very top. When they got back Hermione had to excuse herself to the girls' tent, laughing the whole time. Ron explained the conversation they had overheard, and the number of wizards and witches wearing muggle summer nightclothes that were refusing to change.

Fred and George put all their money on a bet with Bagman, something Arthur was more than a little unhappy about, but Sirius refused to let them have nothing from the trip, so he bought them a few souvenirs, including a pair of Spector Specs each.

Unconsciously, Harry had known the stadium would be massive, and that his legs would struggle to get him all the way up, but he had tried to convince himself and everyone around him that he would be fine. He knew they were probably annoyed with the number of times he had to stop, Sirius already in his dog form giving him support.

"Are you sure you're okay, Harry? I'm sure we could get some help." Hermione said, looking really worried at Harry as he had to stop for the fifth time after they had climbed up only 3 blocks of seats.

"Potter, are you really that desperate for attention? Or are you simply that unfit?" Draco sneered, his father looming over him from the stairs below them.

Sirius was supporting Harry as he gave his legs a break, he was glad they had brought his walking stick, but there was only so much it could help. He let out a deep growl at the father son pair, he would have attacked them if Harry didn't need him.

"Get that mangy mutt under control before something happens to him." Lucius said, his eyes cold and his tone threatening.

"Ah, Harry, how are you doing getting up to the top box? We do have systems in place if you need them, ah I see you have a helper dog, that's a good idea." Fudge said, managing to squeeze through the crowd to reach the Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, and Sirius, who was preening under the attention.

"I'm fine, it's just taking a while." Harry said with an awkward smile. "And the dog is Remus', I only have him for today."

"I see, well, I hope you enjoy the match, it should be good." Fudge said, rushing past as soon as he made eye contact with Sirius. While the man loved attention, he definitely didn't like Fudge.

It only took a few more minutes to reach the top box, Harry realised he was going to struggle a lot at Hogwarts, there were way more stairs there, he would have to walk much further and in much less time, seeing as they had arrived early.

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