Chapter 9

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Harry, Sirius, and Remus were all returning from the Burrow. Harry's belated birthday celebration had a fairly awkward atmosphere, but it was still fun to have been there with everyone, even if Percy did keep trying to making things about his job, trying to get them to ask what the big event coming up was. Harry didn't really care, as long as it didn't put him in danger again, anything was good.

What they hadn't been expecting, and wanted to not have happen to them, happened.

Outside their door, sat Dudley. Luke was standing beside him, somehow managing to look both intimidating and inviting at the same time, Remus guessed it was normal for queer people in muggle schools.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sirius asked, Harry having frozen before Sirius stepped in front of him in a protective stance.

"I- I'm sorry. I know you don't want me here, but my parents found out about Luke and kicked me out. I don't have anywhere to go." Dudley said, his voice shaking. He knew he also needed to apologise to Harry, but he wanted to explain why he was there first.

"Why don't you stay with Luke?" Remus suggested, putting his hand comfortingly on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm a runaway, I stay in empty muggle homes, the new building sites are the best, but it's not that safe, especially not for two people." Luke explained, his story was heartbreaking, but he talked as though it was an ordinary day for everyone.

"Um, Harry," Dudley said quietly, fiddling with his fingers, he knew he should be looking Harry in the eye, but he couldn't see him anyway due to Sirius. "I'm really sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have bullied you or stand by and let my parents treat you the way they did."

"I-..." Harry started. He knew what that house was like, and Dudley had stopped actually catching him since year 3, and he hadn't even pretended to want to hurt him since going to secondary school, other than stealing his food. "It's okay."

"Harry, are you okay with them staying here for a few days?" Remus whispered to Harry so Dudley and Luke couldn't hear. "We can keep them away from you while we try to find them a place to stay."

"That's fine." Harry said, his smile stiff and somewhat forced, making Remus worried.

"You can stay here for a few days, but you're not allowed anywhere near Harry's room, and you are expected to help out around the house. And no doing anything illegal." Remus said, his own eyes turning cold as he, too walked forward to face Dudley and Luke.

"Thank you." Dudley said, quietly.


True to his word, Dudley mostly avoided Harry during their stay, although Luke ended up talking to Harry quite a lot. In the end they customised Harry's walking stich so it could also be used in the same way as a beginner broom, meaning it couldn't be as fast as a normal broom, nor could it fly very high up. It was mostly for him to be able to get around Hogwarts without too much difficulty, but they hoped it would help when he couldn't walk.

Luke's style wasn't dissimilar to Sirius' when he was at Hogwarts, lots of leather, maybe it was a runaway/banished wizard thing.

It was one of the rare times that all the teens were in the same place. Luke was the only person talking between Harry and Dudley, the two still uncomfortable around each other, not that either could blame the other for their discomfort.

Luke was wearing a long coat with an open front, his old fashioned tunic loose at the top. He was wearing black trousers and long boots with fairly tall heels. He was already the tallest in the room, but he needed just a little more height to be the average height for 13 year old guys in the UK. He had a tear drop shaped pendant hanging loosely to his mid chest, where the magic he had learnt by hiding in the library at his family's home had removed the lumps of fat on his chest that had developed a while ago.

Harry was wearing one of Sirius' old, brown leather jacket over a very baggy T-shirt. He didn't have any of Dudley's old clothes he was given to wear while at the Dursleys' but he still felt more comfortable in baggy clothes than anything shaped. He had regular fitting jeans, with a belt that was made from a recycled bicycle tire.

Dudley was mostly only in loose work out clothes, no longer feeling embarrassed to work out to loose weight now he was in the Lupin household. He went for runs in the early morning, hoping it was before the other people living around there wouldn't see him, until he realised there were several small paths that weren't used regularly that he could use for his runs. He still did whatever gymnastic exercises he could. The best thing for him was that he no longer felt the hole inside, so was able to eat a comfortable amount.

"When are you two going to start talking to each other?" Luke asked, almost sounding annoyed.

"It's not that I want to not talk to him, it's just that I'm not as past everything as I thought I was." Harry said quietly, looking at his feet embarrassed.

"It's fine, I know I was terrible to you, and I'm fine even if you never talk to me or forgive me." Dudley said, trying to reassure Harry, and make Luke stop asking about it.

As Harry was looking at the floor he noticed a black and purple swirling mass starting to spread from the middle of the trio. Harry was confused, he'd never seen anything like it before, and his scar wasn't hurting, so it probably wasn't something coming from Voldemort, but it was making him feel uneasy.

"Uh, guys." Harry said, despite his most sincere efforts, he couldn't stop his voice from shaking. "What's that?"

"Hm? I don't know, you think it's magic?" Dudley asked, as he knew nothing about magic really, he wasn't too worried, not even caring to step back from it.

"I've never seen a spell that could look like this." Luke said, his voice a forced calm.

Before any of them could decide what to do about it, they had any option taken away from them. The dark mass had spread to completely cover the floor beneath them, causing them all to fall quickly through it, as though it opened a large hole beneath them. It was like passing through something cold and gooey before reaching somewhere that felt ordinary.

"Harry? We're going to- Harry!?" Sirius said, his joking voice turning to shock and fear as she yelled out seeing Harry and the others falling through he black mass. He tried to rush forward to grab Harry's wrist, but he was too late, by the time he reached the boy he had already slipped through whatever it was. Harry was gone.


"Where are we?" Dudley asked, the three of them slowly getting up as they nursed the parts of their bodies they landed on, and looking around.

"No idea." Luke said, looking at the two of them, Harry having managed to hurt his legs more than they already were, having cut himself falling, his knees red and probably bruised.

Before any of them could say anything else, a piece of cloth that was surprisingly strong wrapped around them and pulled them towards a group of people in very mismatched clothing, some unnecessarily bright, but the person on the other end of the cloth was wearing a range of shades of grey, their hair standing on end and a glint of red showing through the orange goggles.

"Anata wa nanimono de, koko de nani o shite iru nodesu ka?" They asked, glaring down at the three, who had tumbled when they were being pulled, Harry's legs getting a little more scratched.

"... Do you know what they said?" Dudley whispered to Luke, the three of their faces blank, none of them speaking Japanese.

"Nope, but I know it's not English, French, or Latin." Luke whispered back. All pure bloods knew at least 2 languages, Latin being the most common second language due to the advantage it can bring with spell casting and the development of new spells.

"It doesn't seem like they're Japanese." One of the blond people whispered, leaning in to whisper into the ear of the black haired one who was holding the cloth. Their blond hair was slipped back making it unusually tall. "I'll try talking to them in English"

"Fine." The black haired one said with a sigh.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The blond person who had talked about trying English asked.

"I'm Dudley, he's Harry, and he's Luke. And, uh, well the floor kinda got covered in this black and purple thing and we fell here and ended up here. Where is here?" Dudley answered, none of them were comfortable, but he found his voice first.

"UA." The black haired person said coldly. "I'm Eraser Head, I assume you don't need to be introduced to the others."

"... What is UA? And no, we don't know who everyone is." Luke said, an awkward white person smile on his face.

"You don't know what UA is?" Eraser Head, sounding and looking disbelieving.

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