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"I don't know why you don't dress up more." Taehyung grinned, adjusting the collar of the white t-shirt Jungkook donned. "I don't know about you, but I think that this suits you a lot more than sweatpants everyday."

Jungkook wasn't really sure how Taehyung had talked him into going to the party a few rooms down, but he was already regretting it and they hadn't even walked out of the from door yet. He could already hear the music through the walls, and he preferred it like that; with distance between him and the actual action.

That wasn't happening tonight.

His outfit was simple, but he couldn't say that he minded it. He donned a white t-shirt, black ripped jeans on his legs, and black boots on his feet. The pants worried him at first, for the rips were big enough in some places for his scars to show through. He decided through, that the lights wouldn't be bright enough for anyone to notice.

"Yeah, I look pretty good I guess." Jungkook nodded, Taehyung rolling his eyes and leaning back to take a better look at him.

"This'll complete the outfit I think." Taehyung sighed, lifting up a simple silver chain. What looked to be a feather shaped pendant hung from it, the metal glimmering in the light. The older of the two stepped forward, reaching around Jungkook's neck so that he could fasten the necklace.

Taehyung let his hands stay on Jungkook's shoulders as he met gazes with the younger. He smiled softly as he reached to brush a few strands of hair out of Jungkook's eyes. "You look great." He spoke softly. "Even if you feel out of place, you definitely won't look it, alright?"

Jungkook gulped as he stared into Taehyung's gaze, nodding softly and feeling Taehyung's touch linger on his shoulders as he leaned away. "You should let me put a bit of eyeliner on you." The older suddenly suggested. "It would make your eyes look amazing."

Jungkook immediately didn't like the idea as soon as it was spoken. He didn't need one more reason for people to look at him. Taehyung wore makeup, but he was able to do so because he was confident enough to. Jungkook just knew that he'd feel uncomfortable if it was on him.

"Hyung I don't think..." He trailed off, dropping his gaze to the ground. Taehyung smiled softly, resting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." He spoke, Jungkook looking back up to meet his gaze once more.

"I don't want to." He stated, Taehyung nodding and patting his shoulder before taking a few steps back.

"Then I won't." The older nodded. "You look stunning anyway, I won't be surprised if you have a date by the end of the night."

"Don't get your hopes up." Jungkook sighed, reluctantly following behind Taehyung as the older walked towards their front door. "Just because you might've made me look better doesn't mean I've suddenly developed social skills as well."

"That's what the alcohol's for." Taehyung chuckled, walking out the front door and grabbing Jungkook's wrist to pull him along. "Yoongi-Hyung told me that Jimin and him went out and bought double the amount they usually would today." He locked the door before sticking his keys in the zip up pocket of the leather jacket he wore.

"I'm not a heavy drinker." Jungkook sighed, steps feeling as if more and more effort was being required to move as they got closer to the location of the party.

He really didn't want to.

It was too late now though.

"You can do this Jungkook." Taehyung smiled, patting his back as they got the the front door of Yoongi and Jimin's room. "This is the first step to getting out of that shell of yours. Think of this as a milestone. Your first university party!"

Jungkook merely raised an eyebrow, lacking all of the enthusiasm that Taehyung harboured within him.

"If I hate this as much as I'm sure I'm going to, I'm not letting you drag me to one of these ever again." Jungkook's voice had a fairly strict undertone, causing Taehyung to merely nod in response as he turned the doorknob and walked in.

Jungkook hated the atmosphere the moment that he walked in. For one, it was too crowded. He felt like he was going to suffocate as Taehyung dragged him through the crowd of barely sober students. Second, it was too loud. If if wasn't the music that annoyed him, it would be the drunken yells and laughter emitted from many of the party goers.

Maybe it was fun to some, but it just wasn't Jungkook's type of scene. There was a reason he had avoided situations like this for such a long time.

"Hey Jungkook, I just saw one of my friends over in that corner over there." Taehyung yelled over the music. "I'll be right back, go get yourself a drink from the kitchen and I'll meet you there."

He wanted to yell at Taehyung not to leave him. That it wasn't fair for him to drag Jungkook out into an environment he hated and then suddenly abandon him. He knew he would feel stranded without Taehyung. The older knew his way around parties; Jungkook didn't.

But it wouldn't be fair to deprive Taehyung of his fun, would it?

"Yeah sure." Jungkook smiled. "I'll be by the counter when you get back."

Apparently that was all the confirmation Taehyung needed before he was disappearing into the crowd, Jungkook just barely catching a glimpse of him all but jump onto the back of a taller brunette.

And so he was alone.

Jungkook sighed softly, basically dragging his feet to the kitchen and opening the fridge once he got there. Taehyung wasn't kidding when he said that Yoongi must've bought double, the fridge was still stocked to the brim with soju and beer. He wondered if Jimin was somewhere in the crowd of people as he looked out at all of the people, opening a bottle of soju as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

Of course Jimin was here. It was his room after all, and Jungkook had learned that Jimin's love for the party atmosphere was just as evident as Yoongi's was. Maybe that was one of the reasons that they got on so well together.

The cold drink felt great going down his throat, contrasting perfectly to the humid, stuffy air around him. Jungkook couldn't remember the last time he had a drink, he never really bothered with alcohol; the idea of a hangover enough for him to decide that getting drunk just wasn't for him. But right now, as his fingers twitched and his skin seemed to tingle with his growing anxiety, a drink seemed like the next best option to the lighter that sat on his nightside table back in his own room.

He couldn't even see Taehyung anymore, and Jungkook sighed, frowning softly as he took another swig of his drink.

"Hey first year."

Jungkook visibly startled at the voice directed at him, eyes widened as he looked in the direction of it. And out of all of the possibilities that he had racing around in his mind, the actual outcome was something that he wouldn't've been able to predict.

Park Jimin was standing there, perfectly styled hair and all; staring Jungkook down with a smile on his face.


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